Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Former Professor Tortured to Insanity Still Imprisoned
2015-02-03Ms. Li Huiyun, former associate professor of electrical engineering at Hebei University of Science and Technology, was persecuted and tortured to the point of insanity by the communist regime. She was initially arrested and detained in 2004. Ms. Li was taken into custody again in 2011 and sentenced to prison in 2012. At present, she remains in the Hebei Women's Prison.
Former Doctor Severely Beaten in Detention Centre
2015-02-02Following his arrest in August 2014, Mr. Liu Shaopeng was beaten at the Jieyang Detention Centre in Guangdong Province because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Gong. He was beaten so severely that he vomited blood. Mr. Liu has been persecuted by Chinese Communist Party officials at his former workplace, Ciyun Hospital of the Jieyang Red Cross, since the persecution began in July 1999.
Husband and Wife Repeatedly Imprisoned, Their Young Son Traumatised
2015-02-02Li Duchen was only six years old when his father was forced to abandon their home to escape police arrest. Two years later, the boy was arrested along with his mother when the police raided their home in search of his father. Later, his mother was sentenced to two years of forced labour. Now his father is locked up in Shandong Provincial Prison with a five-year term.
Woman Beaten Unconscious by Police; Family Files Complaint
2015-02-02A Chongqing woman was arrested on January 17th of this year for practising Falun Gong. Agents at Luoqi Police Station twisted Ms. Zou Hualan's arms behind her back and cuffed her hands. Chen Yu rolled up some newspapers to strike her face, while another officer surnamed Yang punched her in the temples and at the top of her head. She was knocked unconscious by the assault.
Ms. Liu Fengmei Dies After Endless Torment and Harassment
2015-02-02Rushing back from Beijing, Mr. Cheng Hua arrived home at around 3:00 p.m. on December 18th, 2014. He cried, facing the body of his wife Ms. Liu Fengmei, who had suffered such terrible persecution by police, the forced labour camp, and the prisons of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She had passed away at 4:00 a.m. that day. Ms. Liu is a witness of this historical persecution. For more than ten years, her life epitomised the bloody persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Practitioner Exhibits Schizophrenia-Like Symptoms, Likely Due to Poisoning in Brainwashing Centre
2015-01-26Chenzhou City resident Mr. Wang Wulian was taken to a brainwashing centre in September 2014 and held for more than 10 days. After he was released, he showed signs of schizophrenia and could not take care of himself. There are many indications that officials at the brainwashing centre put poison Mr. Wang's food.
Mr. Li Jianguo Survives 12 Years of Imprisonment and Torture for His Belief in Falun Gong
2015-01-26Mr. Li Jianguo, 50, was released on November 20th, 2014 after 12 years in prison for distributing Falun Gong flyers. Mr. Li was first detained in Hulan Detention Centre, where he was subjected to the “flying the airplane” torture. He was also beaten, deprived of sleep, and malnourished. In addition, he was forced to perform 17 hours of labour each day, making matchboxes. Mr. Li was transferred to Hulan Prison in 2003 for the remaining 11 years of his term.
Another Possible Poisoning: Mr. Zhang Dies One Month After Release
2015-01-26Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Shixiang, 66, was swollen all over when he was released from Wumaping Prison on November 3rd, 2014. He had just finished his six-year prison term. After his release he was unable to take care of himself. His legs were so swollen that some areas ruptured and bled. He passed away in great pain on December 4th, one month after his release. His family and friends suspect that he was poisoned in prison. Another practitioner, Ms. Li Mengshu, who died in 2009, had very similar symptoms when she was released from the Chengdu City Women's Prison.
Mother and Daughter Persecuted to Death in Xinjiang
2015-01-26Ms. Niu Guifen passed away on November 21st, 2013, at the age of 65, one year after her release from Xinjiang Women's Prison. She had been repeatedly arrested and suffered a total of 14 years of persecution because she practised Falun Gong and informed others about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist regime. Her daughter Ms. Zhang Liyuan passed away on February 13th, 2006, four months after being released from Laizhou Detention Centre in Shandong Province. She was only 30 years old.
Devastated Father Dies the Day after His Son Is Again Arrested
2015-01-21Having spent six years in prison for refusing to give up his belief in Falun Gong, 51-year-old Mr. Cheng Yongyue was arrested again less than four years after his release. His father was so devastated that he passed away the very next day. Mr. Cheng's wife filed for divorce, leaving their school-age son in tears every day.
Tieling Detention Centre: Practitioners Chained to the Ground and Force-Fed
2015-01-21Falun Gong practitioners are brutally tortured in Tieling Detention Centre in Liaoning Province. One of the worst tortures involves fastening them to the ground with chains and force-feeding them. A metal ring secured to the ground with a three-inch lock is put around the practitioner's neck. The person's head is fastened to a metal hoop, and his or her limbs are stretched out and attached to the ground with thick, heavy chains. The practitioner is then unable to move in any way. Mr. Bai Yufu has been in Tieling Detention Centre since December 2014. He went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution, so he was chained to the ground, force-fed, and not allowed to speak.
Practitioner Loses Sight in Left Eye Due to Beatings in Prison
2015-01-21Mr. Zuo Fusheng was sentenced to six years in prison and taken to the Fuqing Prison on August 15th, 2012. Mr. Zuo was handcuffed and hung up by the handcuffs for six hours. He lost the sight in his left eye due to severe beatings. Mr. Zuo and three other practitioners are detained in the “Steadfast Belief Transformation Team,” which was specially established for torturing Falun Gong practitioners.
70-Year-Old Ms. Yu Zaorong Died Due to the Persecution
2015-01-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Zaorong, a 70-year-old farmer, was sentenced to three years in prison in 2012 and held at the Hubei Women's Prison. She developed severe heart problems and was released on medical parole. Despite her illness, Ms. Yu was harassed and monitored at home. The police ransacked her home during the first half of 2014 and confiscated her Falun Gong books. Because of the long term persecution Ms. Yu suffered physical and mental harm. She passed away on January 3rd, 2015.
36-Year-Old Ms. Lu Ling Dies after Years of Persecution
2015-01-19Ms. Lu Ling from Genhe City, Inner Mongolia, died in a hospital on October 16th, 2014. She was only 36 years old. She was incarcerated twice in forced labour camps and sentenced to five years of imprisonment. When she was on the brink of death, Ms. Lu was released from the Hohhot Prison in 2012. She had been subjected to years of torture and abuse because she practised Falun Gong.
Dark Secrets of China's “Ankang” Psychiatric Hospitals
2015-01-12Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liang Zhiqin was taken to Tangshan Ankang Hospital in autumn 2000, where she was injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Ms. Liang Zhiqin suffered heart failure and went into shock twice after receiving injections of psychiatric drugs. She could not take care of herself for three years and eventually passed away in 2009.