Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Brutal Torture Methods Used in Shandong Province Forced Labour Camps
2009-09-30In order to force Falun Gong practitioners into giving up their practice, guards at the Shandong Province First Women's Labour Camp and Men's Labour Camp use very cruel torture methods. The guards hang female practitioners in the form of a cross by their handcuffs, with their feet barely touching the floor. The practitioners are given very little food each day, just enough to barely sustain them from dying. The guards at the men's labour camp tie practitioners' private parts with ropes. This blocks the urine flow, causing the entire body to swell. It is extremely painful.
"Wooden Clamp" Torture Being Used on Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-09-30One torture method being used by the Chinese Communist Party to persecute practitioners is called the "wooden clamp." The clamp is about 50 to 80 cm (20-31 inches) long, 30 to 50 cm (12-20 inches) wide, and 10 to 15 cm (4-6 inches) thick and weighs about 20 to 60 kilograms (44-132 lb.). There are two holes in the middle of the clamp for the feet. The victim wearing the clamp has a difficult time moving around and has to crawl into bed, and usually has to sit or lie down, since standing can cause the feet to hurt and be injured. Without help, a person wearing the clamp can't even go to eat or to the toilet. When getting out of bed and going to the toilet, the clamp not only presses on the feet and heels, causing extreme pain, but the edge of it gets caught by the bed, preventing the person from getting back into bed. After wearing the clamp for a month, one practitioner lost all the hair on his feet, developed many rashes in that area, and lost 18 pounds.
The Inhuman Torture of Ms. Fang Zhihua in the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-09-29"Hit them!" was the order given by a camp leader of the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Several people brutally beat Ms. Fang Zhihua. Then they wrote insulting phrases, such as "labour camp inmate" with black pen all over her face. In November 2008, Ms. Fang Zhihua and other practitioners were forced to stand for 24 hours for refusing to do slave-type labour, such as packaging chopsticks. The camp used electric batons to force these practitioners to work. Ms. Fang was forced to stand in the hall for three days and nights without sleep. She lost consciousness due to exhaustion.
The Persecution of Mr. Gao Cai, 58, from Jingyuan County, Liaoning Province
2009-09-29Mr. Gao Cai, 58 years old, was arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labour at the Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp in Fushun City, because he practised the Falun Gong exercises in a park. In March 2005, Mr. Gao was arrested again and sentenced to four years in prison by the Jingyuan County Court. While in prison Mr. Gao was subjected to abuse and torture, including being brutally beaten, forced to sit on a small bench for long hours, deprived of sleep, subjected to brainwashing, and forced to do hard labour. After Mr. Gao was released in 2008, he did not receive any of his retirement pension from the Jingyuan Town Government.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in 2009
2009-09-29Over 20 Falun Gong practitioners are detained in the men's section of Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Jalaid Qi, Xinganmeng, Inner Mongolia. After it became known that the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp didn't allow practitioners to make phone calls home and forced them to work extra hours at night to weave carpets, and practitioners resistance of the persecution were exposed, the labour camp eased up a little, although they still did not allow practitioners to make phone calls home. They even checked the luggage of those inmates who were released in case any practitioners' letters were taken out.
A Village Doctor Is Tortured in Shandong Province
2009-09-29Ms. Liu Yanmei, 47, has been persecuted repeatedly and horrifically over the years since the start of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. In 2006, Ms. Liu was sentenced to three years of forced labour in Shandong Province No.1 Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was subjected to brainwashing and tortures such as "exhaust the eagle" and being tied on the "Dead Person's Bed" to force her to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.
Mr. Long Guande Sustained Severe Internal Organ Damage from Beatings During His Arrest--Now in Sihui City Prison with Medical Treatment Denied
2009-09-28On September 23rd, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Long Guande was arrested. He was savagely beaten by the arresting officers and critically injured. Since his arrest, prison authorities have refused to give him access to medical treatment. On May 20th, 2009, Tianhe District Court in Guangzhou City sentenced him to a term of seven years. On August 18th, he was transferred to Sihui City Prison. Since Mr. Long's arrest and imprisonment, his family members have on many occasions asked the prison authorities to allow them to visit him. They have been turned away each time.
Ms. Chen Chujun Dies While in Custody at a Mental Hospital
2009-09-28Ms. Chen Chujun was arrested before the Beijing Olympics, detained, and taken to a forced labour camp. It was recently discovered that she died in March 2009 at the Huaihua City Fourth People's Hospital, a mental hospital. In Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, according to witnesses, the staff injected glucose, along with a nerve-damaging drug called Thorazine, into Ms. Chen. After being injected with this drug, a person will gradually suffer memory loss and sleep all the time. The punitive measures resulted in serious afflictions for Ms. Chen, such as severe brain and cognitive dysfunction.
Beijing Regime Ringleaders Reward Police Crimes
2009-09-28Beijing's Communist Party Committee and the Municipal Government have rewarded police officers who participated in persecuting Falun Gong. On top of huge expenditures to build forced labour camps and prisons, the ringleaders have provided all-expense-paid tours, and subsidies for housing, as well as pay rises, to reward police officers employed in labour camps and prisons. The material rewards are considered enticements to continue committing crimes against Falun Gong. Many police officers and government employees, lured by the regime's monetary rewards and urgings, have contributed to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners against their conscience, although they know that Falun Gong practitioners are good people
Older Couple Died in 2006 Under Stress of Persecution
2009-09-28An older couple in Jilin Province, Ms. Sun Yuxiang and her husband Mr. Qu Changxing, were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because they practised Falun Gong. They each passed away under difficult circumstances brought about by the persecution. Ms. Sun was sent to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a two-year term. Guards tortured her with sleep deprivation for 72 hours. Mr. Qu died from a heart attack in 2005 brought about from living in harsh conditions. Ms. Sun could not bear the sudden death of her husband, she became sick and died in February 2006, without any family around her.
Mr. Ai Lihua and His Family Brutally Beaten and Sentenced to Forced Labour
2009-09-27Mr. Ai Lihua, his wife Ms. Gu Junqing, and daughter Ms. Ai Xuelian, were arrested on July 30th, 2009. At the police station, the police began roughly taping Mr. Ai's ankles together, then used his belt to tie his hands behind his back. After that, they taped his arms close to his body then brutally beat Mr. Ai, while they tied him to the "tiger bench". While Ms. Ai was being interrogated, she was slapped on the face over ten times then dragged by her hair and slammed into a wall. An Chunfa slapped her face an additional ten-plus times then kicked her and hit her with a water bottle. Later, Mr. Ai Lihua was sentenced to 15 months of forced labour, and Ms. Ai was sentenced to one year of forced labour.
Qu Mingzhu Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labour, Her Family Broken Up
2009-09-27On July 3rd, 2008, police raided the workplace of Ms. Qu Mingzhu, found Falun Gong materials and arrested her. During her detention at the labour camp, Ms. Qu and other practitioners were forced to do hard labour every day for 12 to 13 hours. One time the work involved hand selecting toothpicks. If the workload was not finished at the end of the day, captain Huo Shuping ordered everyone to bring their work back to their cells and continue to work on it until midnight. During Ms. Qu's detention her husband could not stand the pressure from various authorities and left home with their child to live in another city.
"Stop the Persecution and Restore My Freedom of Belief"--The Account of a Senior Practitioner
2009-09-27On April 30th, 2001, when I went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong, the Beijing police arrested me. After a body search, they held me in Dongcheng Detention Centre for 15 days. Those in charge used violence to force me to wear the prison uniform. One of them hit my neck with a high voltage baton so hard that I dropped to the floor instantly. In a Beijing police station, police tortured me. Two men lifted my arms upward until my shoulder joints were almost dislocated. One used a barbed stick to hit my back, buttocks, legs, and feet. He also kicked my lower back. He swore at me while he tortured me, saying "It's no big deal if you guys die--you'll die for nothing."
Blind Senior Woman Brainwashed, Tortured, and Forced to Scrub Floors in a Forced Labour Camp
2009-09-27On March 16th, 2005, Ms. Wang Chunhua was arrested for distributing information about Falun Gong. In the labour camp, prison guards Yan Yan, Wang, and others tried to force her to give up Falun Gong. Because she did not co-operate, she was tortured, deprived of sleep, and prohibited from going to the toilet. She was forced to sit straight on a low bench all day long, which caused pain in her legs. After nearly 20 days of this abuse, the guards asked her why she practised Falun Gong. She replied, "I practise Falun Gong because I want to be a good person. I am in very good health and don't need medication." The guards refused to listen to her and continued to abuse her.
Hou Shaohua Dies in Fall from Building During Arrest; Family Seeks Answers from Police
2009-09-26Falun Gong practitioner Hou Shaohua died as a result of falling from an apartment building on September 15th, 2009, during an attempted police arrest. The family is very angry, and they insist on finding out the cause of Hou's death. They have refused to allow the police to cremate the body. The local police have tried to cover up the event, saying that Hou Shaohua gambled and that that is why they were trying to arrest Hou. The people who knew Hou Shaohua in the Sixtieth Factory of Dongfeng Company all commented, "Everyone knows that Hou Shaohua never gambled!"