Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Ms. Liu Yuhua Severely Beaten Over 50 Times in Detention

    Since 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yuhua has been imprisoned in a brainwashing centre for a total of two years, and was beaten on at least 50 occasions. Previously, in September 2001, police broke into Liu Yuhua's house. They arrested her and confiscated her possessions and home. After she was taken to the security bureau, Ha Fulong slapped her. After his hands started to hurt, he used books and even shoes to strike her. Liu Yuhua's mouth was full of blood. Ha Fulong then used a rope to whip her face. Then Wang Shiwu used electric batons to shock her all over her body. After being tortured for over 4 hours, she was imprisoned in the detention centre of Qianan City for over a year.
  • Relentless Persecution of Ms. Ma Yan by Li Jianbin, Head of the 610 Office in Changyi, Shandong Province

    On September 4th, 2009 when Ms. Ma Yan was not at home, Li Jianbin, Head of the 610 Office, combed through her house and took 1,800 yuan, the only money she had to support herself and pay her bills. In September 2007, Ms. Ma was arrested by Li Jianbin and his cohorts when she was at home. They hit her in the face, used a towel to muffle her mouth, and handcuffed her behind her back. In this robbery alone, the police took money and property belonging to Ms. Ma worth about 100,000 yuan in total. Ma Yan was then held in Changyi Detention Centre for eleven days. She was tortured until she could not eat or drink, and threw up blood. Although she had already been brutally treated, Li Jianbin sent her to Shandong Province Zibo No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp for further torture.
  • Mr. Gao Cai from Jingyuan County, Liaoning Province, Persecuted Since 2005

    Because Mr. Gao Cai, 58, practised the Falun Gong exercises in a park, he was arrested many times and subjected to two years of forced labour in Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp in Fushun City. In March 2005, he was arrested again and sentenced to four years imprisonment by the Jingyuan County Court. He suffered from all kinds of tortures while in prison, such as being brutally beaten, forced to sit on a small bench for long hours, deprived of sleep, brainwashing, and forced to do slave labour.
  • Ms. Bai Xueshuang Disabled from Nerve-Damaging Drug Injections Eight Years Ago and Still Being Persecuted

    During the past several years of persecution, Ms. Bai Xueshuang's family has had over 60,000 yuan extorted from them. Her physical and mental suffering cannot be measured. In 2001, an animal syringe was used to inject her with unknown nerve-damaging drugs. She subsequently lost her eyesight, and her muscles atrophied. She became disabled and has still not recovered. In June 2009, the police took Ms. Bai away in a police car. She was left in the middle of nowhere several miles away from home even though she had difficulty walking. She had to walk all the way home by herself. It took her nearly six hours.
  • Mr. Wang Naishen from Tianjin City Died in 2002 at a Brainwashing Centre

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Naishen went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000, and was arrested by police. He was later sent to a Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. In 2002, after being tortured mentally and physically, including long-term sleep deprivation, Mr. Wang was on the verge of a mental collapse. According to an informed source, one day Mr. Wang suddenly ran out of the Tianjin Port Police Department with people yelling and chasing after him. He ran to a crane at the port and climbed up while police officers stood below shouting threats. It is probable that Mr. Wang lost his balance and fell from the crane to his death due to his weakened physical condition and severe emotional distress.
  • Practitioner in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia Arrested by National Security Bureau

    On September 8th, 2009, the National Security Police arrested practitioner Mr. Cao Feng while he was working in Shanghai and took him back to Duolun County. He is now imprisoned in the Duolun County Jail. In past years, he and his family were continuously persecuted by the police. In 2003, a warden shocked him with electric batons. His neck and face swelled up with large blisters. He was subsequently extorted out of 4,500 yuan before his release.
  • Ms. Miao Qing Persecuted for Ten Years

    After July 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong, practitioner Ms. Miao Qing had been detained in a forced labour camp for three years and 19 days. She was dismissed from work, her home was ransacked, she was harassed numerous times, and her family members suffered serious mental trauma. At the Qinghai Province's Women's Forced Labour Camp, she was forced to endure extremely hard labour. Guards shocked her with electric batons and slapped her face.
  • My Mother Hu Qili's Story

    My mother's name is Hu Qili. She is 48 years old. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 21st, 1999, and was fired by the hospital director and Communist Party Secretary two days later. During the last ten years, my mother has been detained three times and sent to a labour camp twice. She is again facing sentencing. I cannot fully describe my mother's suffering. The type of physical and mental torture can only be understood by those who have personally experienced it.
  • Ms. Wei Xiuying Had to Be Carried Into Court as a Result of Being Brutally Tortured

    Ms. Wei Xiuying was severely tortured while in police custody, and as a result, had to be carried into the local courthouse when she was to stand trial in July 2009. The presiding judge ended the trial in a rush when they realised that Ms. Wei could not stand nor speak as a result of being tortured. The judge later sentenced her to seven years in prison. Ms. Wang now requires around-the-clock oxygen support just to stay alive. The family is expected to file an appeal with the Jinzhou City Middle Court.
  • Mr. Lin Zehua Lost the Ability to Walk in Jiamusi City Prison

    Mr. Lin Zehua is imprisoned for his faith in Falun Gong. He has suffered abuse and lost the ability to walk. Mr. Lin was transferred from the Qitaihe Prison to Jiamusi City Prison on July 10th, 2008. As soon as he arrived, the guards began to try to coerce Mr. Lin to write the Three Statements. Mr. Lin refused. The guards placed Mr. Lin under strict monitoring - no phone calls to family members nor family visits. Then after September 7th, 2008, they no longer allowed him to buy daily consumables.
  • Police from Cangzhou City and Huanghua City Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners

    On the evening of September 7th, 2009, the Cangzhou City and Huanghua City Police Departments in Hebei Province arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners. On September 7th, more than a dozen police officers broke into the home of Ms. Pu Shuhui, 62. They ransacked the home, and confiscated all of Ms. Pu's Falun Gong books and materials, as well as a personal computer. The police also threatened Ms. Pu's children. Eventually Ms. Pu was released on bail awaiting trial.
  • Mr. Zou Guoyan from Heilongjiang Province Brutally Tortured and Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison

    In February 2000, Mr. Zou was arrested in Beijing for appealing for the right to practise Falun Gong. Police took him to the Shuangcheng City Detention Centre. Guards tied him on a Tiger Bench for seven days and nights. They shocked him with electric batons and kicked him in the head with their heavy shoes. The heels of their shoes broke off they kicked him so hard. They tied up his genitals and pounded bamboo spikes into his fingertips. In 2001, Mr. Zou and over 30 practitioners gathered in Handian Town for an experience sharing. The police arrested them. Four years later, the family and friends of Mr. Zou finally discovered where he was. He had been sentenced to nine years in Daqing City Prison.
  • Recent Facts about the Persecution in Anqiu City in the Weifang Area in Shandong Province

    In October 2008, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intensified the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Anqiu City in the Weifang area of Shandong Province. More than 50 police and officials are directly involved in persecuting practitioners. They have arrested, jailed, sentenced, harassed, monitored, and stalked local practitioners. They've ransacked practitioners' homes and extorted money from their families. Since 2007, more than 80 Falun Gong practitioners in Anqiu City have been sentenced to forced labour camps.
  • Call to Rescue My Mother Ms. Chen Zhenping

    My mother, Ms. Chen Zhenping, was sent to the Zhengzhou City Detention Centre. The practitioners there were forced to do 15 hours of forced labour daily, and they were forbidden from talking or using the toilet during that period. They usually held one position for more than ten hours, and were forced to make 2,000 to 3,000 lighters per capita every day. Many people's hands peeled layer by layer, which brought them burning pain at night. Some criminal offenders couldn't tolerate the hard labour, and committed suicide. Although my mother was already in her later fifties, she had to finish 3,000 lighters every day, the same quota as the younger detainees. Moreover, she suffered abuse and was severely beaten at any whim there.
  • I Was Arrested and My Husband Died From Shock - First-Hand Report of How I Was Persecuted

    I was not even in my 50's and yet I had to retire and stay at home due to illness. In March 1995, my husband started the practice with me. We both experienced tremendous improvements in health and fitness. In December 2000, police deceived me to leave my house. They dragged me into a car and took me to the Shizui Brainwashing Centre to be incarcerated for more than two months. During my incarceration, my husband was under extreme mental pressure and he cried every day. He used to be very healthy but suddenly his health deteriorated. When I was arrested again my husband had a stroke. On September 30th, 2004, my husband passed away due to shock and fear.