Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Wang Hongxia Dies as a Result of Torture in Labour Camp
2009-09-22On July 9th, 2008, before the Olympics in Beijing, 30-40 police officers broke the windows to Ms. Wang Hongxia's home, entered and arrested her and her husband. On August 8th, 2008, Ms. Wang was taken to the Shandong Province Second Women's Forced Labour Camp. Within six months, the torture she endured in the camp caused Ms. Wang to develop tumours of various sizes in her armpit and on her breasts. On January 15th, 2009, her family took her to the Weifang City People's Hospital to have an examination, and it was found that along with the left side of her body, the tumours had also appeared on her right side. Ms. Wang Hongxia suffered for eight more months and died on September 15th.
Ms. Zhang Lianfen Tortured Many Times and Her Relatives Extorted out of Huge Amount of Money
2009-09-22During the past ten years, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have brutally tortured Ms. Zhang Lianfen because of her firm belief in Falun Gong. They arrested her four times, tortured her, beat her brutally and extorted 83,000 yuan from her family. Her husband had to borrow the money to pay the CCP officials. In 2001, Ms. Zhang was taken to a secluded, tiny cell in police custody. Three guards beat her brutally. They pulled her hair, slapped her face and kicked her violently. From time to time Ms. Zhang fell to the ground. They pulled her up and continued beating her. When they were tired, they handcuffed her to the arm of the sofa. After a while, they started another round of violent beatings. Ms. Zhang fell to the ground, but the police held her hair, stepped on her neck and tortured her until far into the night.
Mr. Liu Zhongquan Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment; His Wife Sentenced to Forced Labour
2009-09-22On August 12th, 2008, Mr. Liu Zhongquan and his wife Ms. Liu Zhenxian went to visit Mr. Wang Jinglun. As they were reading the Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun at Mr. Wang's home, they were arrested by police. That night, Mr. Wang's home was ransacked. Mr. Liu was detained and held in the First Detention Centre of Bin County. Ms. Liu Zhenxian was sentenced to 18 months of forced labour and is being held in the Qianjin Labour Camp of Harbin City. Their son, now in secondary school, has been left home alone to fend for himself. On December 1st, 2008, the Bin County Court brought Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Liu Zhongquan to trial. Despite the defence, judges sentenced Mr. Liu to four years of imprisonment.
Falun Gong Practitioner Wu Yueju Tortured in Brainwashing Centre
2009-09-22Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Wu Yueju, 57, has been placed in detention centres and forced labour camps many times, and inhumanly tortured. In Dalian Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Wu was tortured with electric shocks, and she was beaten with a police club and locked up in the intensive discipline unit and a small cell. She was also tortured on the Dead Bed, tied to four boards, and left to freeze by open windows. They also poured cold water all over her in the winter, sexually abused her, hung her up, and so on. She was detained for over three years, and released on December 3rd, 2003.
Recalling the Unimaginable Abuse I Survived Along with Fellow Practitioners in a Detention Centre
2009-09-21In July 2000, I was 22. I was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and put in a detention centre for going to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. You can hardly imagine how evil the environment is unless you are in it and experience it yourself. What you heard every day were the guards beating and cursing the inmates, the sound of the electronic batons, and the cry of pain from the victims. A male practitioner insisted on doing the exercises and was shocked with electric batons, beaten by inmates, burned with cigarettes, and his fingernails were stabbed with needles. I was also tortured with a torture device called the "iron chair. When I was released I could not walk.
57-Year-Old Ms. Zhang Shufen's Account of the Mistreatment She Endured in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2009-09-21Ms. Zhang Shufen was sentenced to imprisonment in 2002 for refusing to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. She was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison and suffered five years and eight months of torture. In prison, police incited the criminals to brutally torture Ms. Zhang. In July 2004, thirty of us were hung up. Three hours passed, but we were still hung up. I passed out due to the pain. When I became conscious, I was still hanging. Another time my hands were handcuffed together in this painful position called "carrying a sword on the back." Inmates were incited to kick and punch me.
Older Practitioner Mr. Chen Baihe in Serious Condition in Prison, Authorities Prohibit Outside Medical Treatment
2009-09-21Mr. Chen Baihe was sentenced to a four-year jail term in January 2007 in Jidong Prison. Mr. Chen now is now blind in one eye and has very high blood pressure. His family members believe that he should see a doctor independent from the prison medical system but they have been refused by the Jidong Prison. Seeking help for Mr. Chen, a family member called the prison department heads He Lizhi and Xu Zhiqiu and requested that he be allowed to see a doctor outside the prison. They replied they would need to verify his health status to see if he is qualified to see outside doctors. Two days later they said that Chen was not qualified and that they should not make this kind of request in the future.
Older Female Falun Gong Practitioner Sexually Assaulted in Police Custody in Taiyuan City
2009-09-21In June, 2008, at around 3 a.m., 56-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Xiuyun was distributing informational materials about the persecution of Falun Gong and was arrested by policemen from the Xiaodian District Police Station. During her detention, policemen incited a group of derelicts to attempt to rape her. She struggled to defend herself and shouted loudly, attracting the attention of nearby people. This caused her assailants to back off. Ms. Zhao reported this attempted rape to the Xiaodian District Police Station. Ms. Zhao's elder brother also complained about the detestable treatment she had received when he visited her in detention.
My Experience at the Shandong Province First Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-09-20I was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour in 2008, and imprisoned at the Shandong Province First Women's Forced Labour Camp. The labour camp was overcrowded. The younger ones had to sleep on the floor. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imprisoned many people in the labour camp in order to make money through free labour. The labour camp had many orders to fulfil. Some were for toys, some were for mobile phone cases. Inmates had to work more than ten hours a day, seven days a week. Some inmates' wrists and fingers were injured by the repetitive labour. Some had friction burns on their hands, some had swollen legs. Inmates had to ask for permission before using the toilet.
Ms. Song Yanjin from Heilongjiang Province Sentenced to Three Years in Prison, Previously in a Forced Labour Camp for Two Years
2009-09-20Ms. Song Yanjin was sentenced to three years in prison for her belief in Falun Gong. She was imprisoned in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison on April 8th, 2009. This is her second imprisonment due to her belief. When she was arrested in May 2008 she was detained in the Longjiang County Forth Detention Centre. Police interrogated her with violence. They slapped her face so hard that her teeth loosened, her mouth and face were swollen and she could not eat for some time. Forty days later, on June 18th, officers handcuffed and shackled Ms. Song dumped her in the boot of a police car, and took them to the Dafangli Police Station in Harbin City.
Elderly practitioners in Guangzhou City Held at the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre for Persecution
2009-09-20Currently, at least three practitioners have been detained in the Chejiaji Brainwashing Centre, and are undergoing brainwashing and physical torture. Practitioners being held include Ms. Wang Youming, who is nearly 70 years old, and Ms. Song Wenxiu, a retired teacher and elder practitioner. After Wang Youming was subjected to the brainwashing torture, the brainwashing centre still refused to release her, and forced her to divulge the names and home addresses of other practitioners. Ms. Song Wenxiu, nearly 70, was force-fed, and as a result, lost some teeth.
Shandong Province Men's Second Forced Labour Camp Uses Unknown Drugs to Harm Practitioners
2009-09-20During 2008 and 2009, approximately 300 male Falun Gong practitioners were detained in the Shandong Province Men's Second Forced Labour Camp. The camp guards instructed other inmates to mix unknown drugs into food that was fed to practitioners. The unknown drugs caused symptoms that included headache, dizziness, body numbness, and nosebleed, along with swelling of the face, feet and legs. The prison guards' motives were to destroy the will and spirit of the practitioners and force them to renounce Falun Gong.
Mr. Sun Changjun Dying in Jilin Prison
2009-09-19Mr. Sun Changjun is one of the eight Falun Gong practitioners that took part in tapping into the Changchun City cable TV network in March 2002 to broadcast videos exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Of those eight practitioners, only two are still alive. Mr. Sun is currently confined to the Aged and Crippled Ward in the Jilin City Prison. The long-term brutal mistreatment has left him with a severe case of tuberculosis, and he is as thin as a skeleton and dying.
Mr. Li Zhigang Tortured During Interrogation and Detained for Over Six Months
2009-09-19Falun Gong practitioner Li Zhigang from Harbin was arrested, together with seven other friends, by the police at his home. He was severely tortured and is now showing symptoms of serious tuberculosis. His genitals are badly infected from the torture and he is being given unknown drugs. The Nangang District Court once notified Mr. Li's family members and his lawyers in Beijing that Li Zhigang would be brought to trial on June 22nd, 2009. However, after the lawyers travelled thousands of miles to get to the court in Harbin, they were told by case officer Song Chengzhang that the authorities (the 610 Office and the Political and Judiciary Committee) had given a last-minute notice saying this was a special case, and the trial was cancelled that day. Mr. Li Zhigang is still detained at the Nangang District Detention Centre.
City Pays Fifty Vicious Thugs 300,000 Yuan to Torture Six Practitioners for a Month
2009-09-19Between September 6th and October 4th, 2005, six practitioners were detained at the Petrochemical Sanatorium, which is located at Wenquan in Xianning City, Hubei Province. The funds provided for carrying out this persecution was over 300,000 yuan during one month's time. This money came directly from the city financial department. Over fifty people were involved in this persecution.