Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Zhongyuan District Court in Zhengzhou City Puts Ten Practitioners on Trial
2009-05-03On March 26th, 2009, Zhongyuan District Court in Zhengzhou City convened a session to try ten practitioners, including. The proceedings were a travesty of justice. Facing the lawyer's questions, members of the court were left speechless. Although the trial was supposedly public, only a few practitioners' family members were allowed to sit in the visitors' seats. The ten practitioners were brought to court in handcuffs and shackles. During the trial, Mr. Liu Wei claimed several times that his so-called "confession" was extorted by torture: he had been suspended on his back, his arms and legs stretched out and his wrists and ankles affixed to three places. He was hung like that for four to five hours. His arms and feet were visibly covered with many scars and injuries.
Li Qinghuan, 50, of Benxi City, Liaoning Province Dies as a Result of Gross Abuse under the Persecution
2009-05-02Mr. Li Qinghuan was a Falun Gong practitioner from Benxi City, Liaoning Province. After the onset of the persecution in 1999, he was harassed on numerous occasions. Police arrested him on September 18th, 2004 and sent him to the Weiningxing Forced Labour Camp in Benxi, where he was subjected to the "stretch torture" for seven days in a row. His health deteriorated afterwards and never got better. Following his release in 2006, he was under constant surveillance. He died on April 5th, 2009 at the age of 50.
Mr. Ji Xinhai Persecuted to Disability in Hebei Province
2009-05-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ji Xinhai was arrested before the 2008 Beijing Olympics while working on a farm and sentenced to four years in prison. As a result of the persecution, he is no longer able to care for himself. Mr. Ji has a wife, a nine-year-old child, and a seventy-year-old mother. With the arrest of Mr. Li, his family lost their main source of income and fell into financial hardship. Mr. Ji was transferred to a different prison on March 5th. On March 20th, the family received a call from Mr. Ji, saying that he was in the surgical department of the Central Hospital of the Jidong Prison.
Female Teacher from Xintai City, Shandong Province Arrested and Mistreated by Police
2009-05-02Ms. An Yan is a teacher. On July 19th, 2008, she was arrested by the chief of the National Security Group and the headmaster of her school. She was sent to the second group of the criminal police team. Her 8-year-old son, Li Duchen, was arrested with her. The frightened boy caught a fever and was hospitalized for over ten days. Police interrogated Ms. An Yan about the whereabouts of her husband, Mr. Li Yunzhao. Ordered by Ma Yan, the officers pulled her hair, repeatedly slapped her face , pushed her to the ground and stepped on her chest. After many rounds of beatings, Ms. An Yan fell into a coma and dropped to the ground. The perpetrators then poured cold water on her face until she become conscious.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Huangmei County, Hubei Province
2009-05-02For many years, the Chinese Communist Party's policy for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners has been: "Ruin their reputations, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically." Many practitioners have been harassed, arrested, detained, and brutally tortured. In July 1999, police invaded and ransacked Mr. Wang's home without showing any legal documents. Even though they didn't find what they wanted, they still arrested Mr. Wang and took him to Konglong Police Station for a brutal interrogation. When Mr. Wang confirmed that he still practised Falun Gong, the police pulled out his leather belt and whipped him with the metal buckle, not only shredding what he was wearing but also hurting him very badly--blood was everywhere.
Ms. Yan Xuebi, 52, from Suining City, Sichuan Province, Dies As a Result of Persecution
2009-05-01In March 2007, Ms. Yan Xuebi, 52, was arrested by police while she was explaining the facts about Falun Gong to the public. Later on, she was detained in the notorious Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp for 15 months. She was forced to do hard labour for a long time and also forced to take unknown drugs. Due to extended torture, her health deteriorated badly. On May 19th, 2008, Ms. Yan's family took her home. At that time, she was already very weak. She was still harassed and threatened by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel, causing her health to get even worse. On March 9th, 2009, she passed away as a result of persecution.
Ms. Zhai Ruie from Xiong County, Hebei Province, Remains Imprisoned
2009-05-01On March 20th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhai Ruie was arrested by police. She was taken to the Xiong County Detention Centre and is still held at that location. Her family members have made several requests to visit her but have been turned down by detention centre personnel. Practising Falun Gong saved Ms. Zhai's mother-in-law's life, cured Ms. Zhai's illnesses, and made their whole family peaceful and healthy. When Falun Gong was attacked and slandered, Mr. Liu's entire family explained the facts about Falun Gong to people who were deceived by the lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and told them how healthy and harmonious they became after becoming practitioners.
Supplemental Information Regarding Ms. He Zhiwei's Arrest in Zhuhai City
2009-05-01Ms. He Zhiwei, 46, was arrested in her home by personnel from the 610 Office who broke in and carried her out of her house on April 9th, 2009. They took her to the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre in Guangdong Province. Ms. He's elderly and sick mother, who is an invalid and cannot care for herself, is now on her own. The 610 Office confiscated personal belongings and didn't provide any receipts. Later, they called and told her mother that the reason for Ms. He's arrest was because she had distributed Falun Gong information materials. In actuality, Ms. He had never left her home that morning.
University Professor Ms. Liu Yitao Sentenced to Thirteen Years in Prison
2009-05-01Practitioner Ms. Liu Yitao, in her thirties, is a professor at Radio and Television University in Guangxi Province. Before the Beijing Olympics in May of 2008, police from Nanchang City arrested her and ransacked her home. In February of 2009, after having been detained for nine months, the Chinese Communist Party's Qingyunpu Court in Nanchang City sentenced her to 13 years in prison. The Qingyunpu Court has sentenced many practitioners. On October 20th, 2006, the court sentenced Chen Xiangyang to 11 years' imprisonment and Zhang Shujun to 10 years.
A 28-Month Nightmare - The Ruthless Abuse of Mr. Wang Wei
2009-04-30Mr. Wang Wei is a 46-year-old practitioner. He was arrested and detained since December 1999, and languished for 28 months in prisons and forced labour camps. During this time, officials beat him with wooden sticks, burned him with cigarettes; tied him with a rope that tore his tendons, tied him onto the "Death Bed" for 50 hours; tied him to a "metal chair" for 80 hours, and forced him to sit still on a wooden stool for 1,800 hours over four months. They also force-fed him with a salt solution through a nasal/stomach tube, shoved a filthy towel into his mouth, forced him to stand for days, and forbade him from sleeping.
Torture and Slavery in the Gansu Province No.2 Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-04-30To force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief the labour camp assigned heavier labour to practitioners than other inmates, and they were deprived of sleep if they were unable to finish their assigned work. After an entire day of heavy labour, some practitioners were forced to stand until 4:00 a.m. Practitioners were brutally force-fed when they went on a hunger strike to protest their harsh treatment. Several inmates would hold a practitioner down on a bed and use a shoe brush to pry her mouth open. The camp doctor would then insert a tube down the practitioner's throat and pump a concentrated salt solution into her stomach. Sometimes the doctor would twist the tube to further torture the practitioner.
Authorities in Mengyin County, Shandong Province Harass and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-04-30From March 17th to 19th, 2009, police from the Mengyin 610 Office and local police station harassed and arrested several local, blacklisted, Falun Gong practitioners and their homes were ransacked. Ms. Liu Guimei, a practitioner in Tiecheng village, Mengyin county, was arrested that same day while she was in the Jushan market. It was said that when Ms. Liu was arrested, she shouted, "Falun Gong is Good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." On March 18th, when Liu's husband, Wang Mingji, went to the Jushan police station to ask for her release he was also arrested. Only their child, Yangyang, was left at home. This couple has been arrested several times.
Ms. Zhang Liqin and Ms. Zhang Huiqing Inhumanely Tortured by Qianan Police in Hebei Province
2009-04-30Ms. Zhang Liqin, 45 years old, a teacher, had gone to Shangzhuang Town in the evening of May 22nd, 2008 to distribute Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Someone reported her to the police who arrested and tortured her for three days. They used electric batons to shock her, leaving her with blisters all over her body. She is still held at the Qianan City Detention Centre, although her term has expired. Her co-workers said of Ms. Zhang, "She is a trustworthy person. She arrived early each day to clean the room and lit the stove, which is tedious and dirty. She never complained about anything. Her husband divorced her for practising Falun Gong. She has not received any pay for nearly 10 years and lost her freedom."
Ms. Wei Yalan Died As a Result of Abuse in Yang'ai Prison
2009-04-29Ms. Wei Yalan was sentenced to a five-years prison term for her belief in Falun Gong and the wish to live by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Her physical condition had deteriorated dramatically and she was in poor health when released after years in Yang'ai Prison. Ms. Wei was forced to work on gemstones and make cotton tapes. The working conditions were inhuman. She was forced to work more than 12 hours daily. The workshops had no windows and were full of production dust. On September 14th, 2007, Ms. Wei passed away, shortly after her release. She was only 50 years old.
The Persecution of Ms. Meng Fanli from Jiamusi City
2009-04-29In November 2000, Ms. Meng Fanli went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. She was taken to the Xicheng District Detention Centre in Beijing. She refused to tell police her name or address. The police handcuffed her to a radiator in a position where she was unable to stand straight or sit. She had to remain bent over for a whole day and night. Police used a torture method termed "stew the eagle." If the practitioners did not tell their names, they were forced to stand still. As soon as the practitioner closed his or her eyes, the police began talking or yelling at them. The police were divided into a few groups to torture the practitioners around the clock. After a few days, the practitioners were very exhausted. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour.