Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Liu Gang and His Wife Ms. Zong Yinqin Suffering from Persecution
2009-03-07Mr. Liu Gang, 40, and his wife Ms. Zong Yinqin were arrested for practising Falun Gong, and have been detained in the Pingdingshan City First Detention Centre for more than 10 months. Mr. Liu and his wife have been detained and persecuted several times in the last ten years because they uphold Falun Gong. Before the Olympic Games, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intensified the persecution of Falun Gong. On May 18th, 2009, police broke into Mr. Liu's mother-in-law's home. They arrested Mr. Liu and his new wife, Ms. Zong Yinqin. Some witnesses claimed that the police officers beat him to the ground and stomped on his face.
Sisters Imprisoned, Money Extorted from Their Families
2009-03-07Sisters Ms. Cao Junfeng and Ms. Cao Junping were arrested before the Beijing Olympics in July 2008 by the Weifang County Domestic Security Section in Shandong Province. They have been detained at a detention centre ever since. The Domestic Security Section has denied all of their families' visitation requests, harassed and arrested their family and friends, and extorted 70,000 yuan from them. The latest news the family has received is that "there will be another sentence."
A Nearly Seventy-Year-Old Practitioner Is Secretly Imprisoned in Deyang City, Sichuan Province
2009-03-07The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Intermediate Court in Deyang City, Sichuan Province upheld the sentence handed down to Ms. Wang Zhongqiong, 69, during her initial trial. She was later secretly taken to the Sichuan Provincial Women's Prison on February 13th, 2009. On December 8th, 2008, the Shifang Municipal Court conducted a sham trial and sentenced Ms. Wang to a four-year prison term. During the trial, the judge refused to allow the two families to defend the practitioners, nor did he allow the families to hire a defence lawyer. The trial was carried out in a haphazard way and the final verdict was hastily announced.
Tangshan City No. 1 Detention Centre Prevents Ms. Jiao Xuemei from Seeing a Lawyer
2009-03-07Right before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Xishandao Police Station in Hebei Province, Tangshan City once again arrested Ms. Jiao Xuemei at work for no apparent reason. In September 2008, the Tangshan City Lubei Court held a hearing for Ms. Jiao. Only the prosecutor presented the case, at which time there was no physical evidence of any crime. It was stated that the evidence was destroyed by the police department. Without facts or evidence, the Lubei Court sentenced Ms. Jiao with the charge of "using a cult to destroy execution of the law." Ms. Jiao later appealed her case.
Two Families Severely Persecuted During the "Harmonious Olympics"
2009-03-06On May 24th, 2008, the Domestic Security Division of the Shenyang City Police Department arrested more than fifty Falun Gong practitioners overnight, claiming this was to ensure a "harmonious Olympic Games." Mr. Chen Xinye and his wife Ms. Chen Lihui were arrested at home at 7:00 a.m. on May 24th. Four or five police officers damaged their door and broke into their apartment. The police handcuffed Ms. Chen's hands behind her back. They yanked the sleeping Mr. Chen's hair and handcuffed his hands behind his back, too. At the police station, Xu Deyong interrogated Ms. Chen and forced her to sit on the ground. Xu grabbed her hair, hit her hard on the face, and shocked her legs with an electric baton.
High School Student Suffers Mental Collapse from Torture at Heizuizi Women's Prison in Changcun City, Jilin Province
2009-03-06Ms. Wang Pingrui, a high school student was arrested by the police around June 2008 and taken to the Heizuizi Women's Prison. Because she also persisted in her belief in Falun Gong, she was put in solitary confinement right after her admittance. The division captain and female guard beat her many times, prevented her from using the toilet, and used electric batons to shock her on the centre of her foot soles, causing bruises and burns. The guards tied her to a bed and directed inmates to whip her and beat her on her head and body with bottles of water, causing her to become bruised all over. This college-bound, smart young girl has now suffered a mental collapse, and the guards still are denying family visits.
Yi County Court in Liaoning Province Secretly Transferred Practitioner Zuo Lizhi
2009-03-06On February 14th, 2009, Ms. Zuo Lizhi's family received a notification that she had been secretly sentenced to five years in prison by the Yi County Court in Liaoning Province, and was to be transferred to the prison in ten days. When the family went to visit her, the jail personnel said, "We are closed on the 14th and 15th and there are no visitations on these two days. Why don't you come back on Monday the 16th?" On the 16th, the family members were able to meet with Ms. Zuo, but it was across a thick piece of glass. They could not hear each other very well, and only got to say a couple of words before the meeting was over. That was it, no more visitations were permitted.
The Chinese Communist Party in Heilongjiang Province Used Winter Games as an Excuse to Arrest and Persecute Practitioners
2009-03-06The 2009 Winter Universiade was held February 12th-16th in Heilongjiang Province. Using "security" as a pretext, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dispatched a special team to Jiamusi City to direct the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In addition, the CCP claimed that area practitioners had broadcast messages exposing the persecution of Falun Gong through loudspeakers. Officers from every police station in the area went house-to-house to harass practitioners. Those with knowledge of electronics and broadcast technology were specifically targeted. Dozens of practitioners were harassed.
Mr. Wang Jiping Dies under Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2009-03-05After the persecution began in 1999, Mr. Wang Jiping was forced undergo brainwashing, detention, and a forced labour camp term because he refused to renounce Falun Gong. He endured huge physical, mental and financial hardships. Under the CCP's persecution, Mr. Wang Jiping was forced to roam around alone out of town without work or family contact. He died alone on February 4th, 2009 at age 39. His parents still do not know about his death.
Older Mr. Xu Jun Dies in Custody in Jilin Province
2009-03-05Mr. Xu Jun, 53, had been detained in the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp located in Jiutai City since June 2008. On February 6th, 2009, he suddenly fell into critical condition and was rushed to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital to be rescued. He died on February 17th. The Camp Administration stopped all visitation on February 18th, the regular visitation day, and told his family that he had suffered a stroke after showering. They pressured his family sign the paperwork to have his body cremated right away. In January 2009, the guards initiated another round of intensive brainwashing with cruel torture. Mr. Xu's sudden stroke may have been related to this brainwashing.
Ms. Zhu Yifang: The Relentless Torture I Have Suffered for Refusing to Renounce My Belief
2009-03-05Over two years ago, in November 2006, I was sent to the Sichuan Women's Prison because I continue to practise Falun Gong. Being detained, mistreated and brainwashed by three collaborators [former practitioners who have turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture.] for such a long time subjected me to huge mental pressures. It has been a long time since I was given any regular food. My diet has been without vegetables and fruit. Lacking sunshine, I developed all-over oedema. I requested many times to leave the cell to get hot water, but permission was never granted. Soon, my life was in danger and I was sent to the police hospital.
Products Produced in Handan Forced Labour Camp Using Forced Labour
2009-03-05Xiao Dong, who was forced to package chopsticks in the Handan Labour Camp, said, "I will never use the supposedly sterile chopsticks when I am released. During the hot summer when we work, we sweat all over. Some people intentionally scratch themselves with the chopsticks and then put the chopsticks covered with sweat into the bags. One time I caught a cold and had a runny nose. I know I dripped on the chopsticks, which were then packaged. Some inmates wear slippers and insert the chopsticks between their toes before packaging them into the bags."
Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Persecuted at Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province
2009-03-04When Mr. Zhang Guosheng first entered Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp on April 29th, 2008, he was subjected to various forms of torture including electric shock, being hung up by the handcuffs, and severe beatings by multiple people for long periods of time. One evening, chief Zhao Yunfu of the "Strictly Disciplined Team" asked several inmates to help force steadfast practitioners to give up their beliefs, starting with Mr. Shao. Two inmates brutally attacked Mr. Shao for more than six hours, using their knees, elbows, and fists to strike him repeatedly.
Diary of a Falun Gong Practitioner from Panjin Prison
2009-03-04A Falun Gong practitioner who was once held in Panjin Prison wrote a diary about the extremely difficult circumstances, exposing how prison guards brutally beat and tortured practitioners, and forced them into slave labour. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Diary entry: August 18th, 2006: Guards and Director He tied practitioners Mr. Chen Binli, Mr. Song Zhendong, Mr. Tian Yunhai, Mr. Zhang Zhenxue, Mr. Liu Deqing to iron chairs, and several guards shocked them with electric batons and beat them. The smell of burned flesh filled the hallways.
Ms. Fan Xiaoli Taken to Women's Prison in Inner Mongolia
2009-03-04In late January, 2009, Ms. Fan Xiaoli, Ms. Liu Xiurong, Ms. Tian Fang, and Ms. Xiao Yonghua were taken to the Hohhot City Women's Prison in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region after receiving sentences from a local court. Ms. Fan was injected with unknown drugs. Guards Shan Jun and Bao Wuyun testified against Ms. Tian Fang and she was sentenced based on fabricated charges. Ms. Tang Liwen, 68, arrested in January 2008, was also detained in the Hexi Detention Centre. She was tied to the death bed. She was also injected with unknown drugs, and as a result, she became mentally ill and could no longer take care of herself.