Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Jin Junjie Dies as Result of Persecution in Jilin Province
2008-12-26On October 14th, 1999, Mr. Jin Junjie went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, was arrested and sentenced to one year of forced labour. He was tortured with "Riding on a wooden horse", causing his buttocks to fester. In 2001 he was sentenced again to two years of forced labour. Guards enforced brainwashing and torture. By 2007, Mr. Jin was diagnosed him with tuberculosis. He died on December 13th, 2008.
Disabled Person in Hebei Province Severely Persecuted for Aiding Practitioners
2008-12-26On May 7th, 2008, disabled Mr. Niu Jiming took Ms. Chen Liguan, and Ms. Jin Shuxia to Biguyou Village by tricycle. Ms. Chen and Ms. Jin went to do their business, while Niu waited by the roadside for their return. A villager found that Ms. Jin was distributing Falun Gong materials and summoned the police. The police took all three to the police station. Later, Mr. Niu and the practitioner, Ms. Jin, were sentenced to three and a half years in prison. Niu's offence was "obstructing justice through an organization" on account of the DVD and fliers belonging to Ms. Jin and Ms. Chen that were found on Niu's tricycle on May 7th.
Prominent Law Professor from Jilin University, Ms. Wang Weidong, Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
2008-12-26Ms. Wang Weidong was a law professor employed by the Law Department of Jilin University. After practising Falun Gong she changed from being aggressive to being kind. After the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, the police closely monitored all of her activities. They followed her, tapped her phone, and videotaped her. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials tried to force her to write articles that slandered Falun Gong. She absolutely refused, but they continued high pressure harassment. After dealing with the intense pressure of the persecution for a long time, Ms. Wang's doctor diagnosed her with breast cancer in July 2006. She died on November 5th, 2006, at the age of 66.
650,000 Yuan in Cash Taken after Mrs. Zhang Yueqin and Four Members of her Family Detained in Lubei Police Department in Tangshan City
2008-12-25On July 10th, 2008, police officer Chen Hong from the Lubei Police Department and other officers broke into Mrs. Zhang Yueqin's home. They damaged the lock but still couldn't open the door. They then mobilized two fire engines and used an auto-lift ladder to climb to the sixth floor and break in through two windows. They entered through those windows and arrested Mrs. Zhang and her husband. The police searched the house without showing a warrant and confiscated valuables. They also stole over 650,000 yuan (USD$95,000) that Mrs. Zhang's eldest daughter had borrowed to invest in a business with partners.
Many Practitioners in Shangqiu, Henan Province, Have Been Sentenced
2008-12-25On April 6th, 2008, Mr. Ba Wei and Ms. He Yinghua from Shangqiu, Henan Province, were arrested by police from the national security team in the Mudan District, Heze, Shandong Province, when they were trying to rescue other practitioners from Dan County, Shandong Province. This was believed to have been a premeditated arrest, since family members of the arrested practitioners were persecuted and then cooperated with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents. That night, Ms. He escaped. Mr. Ba, Mr. Lao Zhou, and other practitioners were sent to the No. 2 Forced Labour Camp of Shandong Province on May 5th. Mr. Ba was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years.
Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners in Hulan Prison's "Training Team"
2008-12-25Falun Gong practitioners in the training team are ordered to sign the three statements. If a practitioner refuses to sign, the guards and prisoners will fake a practitioner's signature to get their rewards. The practitioners that refuse to sign are made to stand for long periods of time, beaten and cursed at, deprived of sleep, and supervised 24 hours a day. They are also forced to watch videos that slander Falun Gong. Practitioner Huang refused to sign the three statements. He was not allowed to sleep for several days and was threatened. He has been kept in the training team for nine months. (Usually people only stay there for three months).
Mr. Zhang Chuanchao and Other Practitioners Arrested by Licheng District Police in Jinan, Shandong Province
2008-12-25On November 12th, 2008, the 610 Office collaborated with the police to arrest 48-year-old Mr. Zhang Chuanchao his wife, Ms. Zhang Yuying, 47, along with other practitioners that were there. At Guodian Police Station, a plain clothes officer hit Mr. Zhang twice with his hand, pushed him down on the sofa, and then hit him again. Another plain clothes agent also hit Mr. Zhang. At present, Ms. Zhang Yuying and the other practitioners are being held in the Jinan Detention Centre.
Ms. Cao Huiqin, in her 60s, Dies As a Result of Torture after Six Days in Custody in Gansu Province
2008-12-24On December 2nd, 2008, police officers ransacked older practitioner, Ms. Cao Huiqin's home, and arrested her. On December 5th, the police took her to ta detention centre. On December 8th, the police said they checked on her at 9:45 p.m. and she was fine, but by 10 p.m., she had apparently hanged herself. The autopsy revealed her calm expression, rope marks on her neck, a needle puncture, and bruises on her back. Ms. Cao's family insists that it was impossible that she committed suicide, because her expression showed no signs of a struggle and her tongue was not sticking out as would be expected in a hanging. Her family believes she was killed and the then authorities fabricated a suicide to deceive them.
A Practitioner Recounts the Torture of "Desensitization" at Beijing Women's Prison
2008-12-24On March 11th, 2004, I was taken to the Beijing Women's Prison. Since I refused to give up my belief, I suffered the most brutal tortures, both mentally and physically. Mentally, they forced me to watch video programmes and read books that slandered Falun Gong. They wanted me to write "confessions." Physically, they tortured me with sleep deprivation, forcing me to stand still all night in military postures. They would punch and kick me whenever they were not happy with me. Sometimes I was only allowed to use the toilet once a day. Verbal abuse, humiliation, kicks and punches, and slaps in the face were common practice. They attempted to use force to press me into giving up my belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.
Practitioner's Son Dies Attempting to Rescue His Mother
2008-12-24On May 5, 2003, a group of police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuzhen's home. The police took her to the Nanjing Detention Centre. Two days later, Ms. Zhang's son, Mr. Cao Gancheng, who is not a Falun Gong practitioner, went to the police station and asked to see his mother. After being refused, he became distraught and anxious. He couldn't understand how his mother could be arrested simply because she practised Falun Gong. Unexpectedly, after his mother had been detained for one week, Mr. Cao Gancheng climbed to the roof of the seven story building and shouted, "Falun Gong is good." After that, he jumped off the building. The family rushed him to hospital, but it was too late. He died at 43 years old.
A Brief Account of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Qinghai Province
2008-12-24Ms. Tan Yingchun was a biology teacher. On December 29th, 2002, she was tortured to death at Qinghai Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. She was only 46 years old. Before she died, one practitioner who was detained with her saw alarming and disturbing wounds on her legs. Another practitioner witnessed guards putting a rope round Ms. Tan's neck, then dragging her backwards. She almost died of suffocation. In order to destroy the evidence and cover up their crime, the Labour Camp did not release the notice of Ms. Tan's death until three days later. The authorities at the camp claimed that she had "hanged herself." However, when some practitioners pointed out that if she had hanged herself, there would have been physical evidence on her neck.
Mr. Jin Junjie Dies as a Result of Persecution in Jilin Province
2008-12-23Mr. Jin Junjie, 35, was arrested and detained several times for appealing for justice for Falun Gong. In 2001, Mr. Jin was once again arrested from his home, and was sentenced to two years of forced labour. He was inhumanly tortured by the method of being locked in a small cell for a long time. He went on a hunger strike to protest, and was then tortured with force-feeding. After his release he was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. He died on December 13th, 2008.
Mr. Kang Hong from Chongqing City Is Suffering Severe Persecution
2008-12-23Xishanping Forced Labour Camp authorities have stepped up their persecution of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Kang Hong, putting his life in jeopardy. We urgently appeal to people from around the world to help rescue this kind-hearted person. Mr. Kang was arrested and taken to the Labour Camp around August 31st, 2008. He had to be carried into the camp, as both of his shins were fractured, making it difficult for him to stand, let alone walk. In mid-November, Mr. Kang screamed in pain all day long, flailing his arms around wildly. Knowing the dubious history of the hospital, it seems likely that the doctors injected powerful psychotropic drugs into Mr. Kang in an effort to damage his nervous system.
Many Practitioners Arrested Recently in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province
2008-12-23Around the first of November in 2008, the Zhucheng City party secretary, Zou Qingzhong, received a phone call from a Falun Gong practitioner who was telling him the facts about Falun Gong and that Falun Gong teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. He became very upset and ordered the police in his jurisdiction to severely persecute Falun Gong practitioners through 2008. Many practitioners have since been arrested and subjected to brainwashing.
Guards in Labour Camps and Prisons Receive Hefty Bonuses for Participating in the Persecution
2008-12-23In Beijing, the centre of the persecution of Falun Gong, the Communist Party has used large sums of money to build new prisons and labour camps to hold practitioners. It has also maintained the persecution by paying huge bonuses to guards in order to reward and encourage their continued participation. During the 2008 Chinese New Year, the Beijing Women's Prison spent more than 100,000 yuan on fireworks. This huge sum came not only from central government funding, but also from practitioners' slave labour. It is quite possible that it included profit from live organ harvesting.