Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Deng Xiaomei from Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province, Sentenced
2009-01-03Ms. Deng Xiaomei, a Falun Gong practitioner and a kindergarten teacher was arrested by police at home on November 11th, 2008. She has been sentenced to forced labour for two years. Ms. Deng who is 30 years of age, has been detained twice before. In 2000, she was detained for over three weeks just because she participated in a Falun Gong group exercises. In 2002, she was sentenced to forced labour for two years.
Mr. Kang Hong Suffers a Mental Collapse at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp
2009-01-02Mr. Kang Hong, 38, is from Chongqing City, Sichuan Province and has spent seven of the past nine years since the persecution of Falun Gong started in prison, due to his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Mr. Kang suffered a mental collapse in November 2008 while being brutally tortured at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. Because of the guards' torture Mr. Kang, he is now in critical condition. On November 30th, a fellow practitioner passed by Mr. Kang's cell and noticed that he looked extremely weak. In addition, Mr. Kang's face and lips were red and swollen and his body was covered in bruises.
Ms. Wu Chuanying from Linli County, Hunan Province Sentenced to Eight Years in Jail
2009-01-02Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Wu Chuanying has been arrested and detained six times for practising Falun Gong. From November 2004 to November 2005, Ms. Wu Chuanying was arrested four times. She was brainwashed and sentenced to three years in jail for not giving up her belief. She went on a hunger strike to protest. In April 2006, she was subjected to forced intravenous drug injection in a hospital, though she managed to walk out free. In 2008, the police detained her in the Changsha Women's Prison again.
Wreaths and Banners Condemn Jinzhou Prison for Killing Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhang Litian
2009-01-02Mr. Zhang Litian was a 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. After Mr. Zhang was detained in Jinzhou Prison for over a month, Cheng Jun, the head of Division 20, and Zhang Baozhi, the assistant head of Division 20, instigated four inmates to beat Zhang Litian to death on November 17th, 2008. Recently, some goodhearted people hung wreaths and banners near Jinzhou Prison to commemorate Mr. Zhang and publicize the fact that he was tortured to death. We hope conscience and justice will prevail, and the persecution will end.
Seven Practitioners Held in the Shenyang City Detention Centre
2009-01-02The top officials of the detention centreboften instigated the criminal inmates to torture practitioners. The torture methods included beatings, forced-feedings of concentrated salt water, forcing practitioners to sit on the tiger bench, injecting them with drugs, and extorting money from them. In August 2006, practitioner Ms. Wen Yingxin, 34, was tortured to death after nine days in the detention centre
Many Practitioners Arrested and Fined Recently by Police in Weifang City, Shandong Province
2009-01-01On October 29th, 2008, police officers barged into the residence of Ms. Li Shuqin. They took her Falun Gong books and other items. They took Ms. Li to the Yuhe Police Station and incarcerated her. They tried to extort at least twenty thousand yuan from her family. The family did not cooperate, so the police did a blood test on Li Shuqin against her will in the afternoon. They took her to Yuhe Hospital to check her blood pressure and her heart rate. When they were checking her, she had a heart attack. When she was lying on the bed, her whole body was shaking and bouncing around on the bed. Despite her being in this condition, the police still took her to the Weifang City Detention Centre.
Shayang Forced Labour Camp Authorities Abuse Practitioners with Isolation
2009-01-01Under the intense abuse, practitioners in Shayang Forced Labour Camp were forcefully instilled with the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) fallacies and absurdities, made to watch video tapes with slanderous content towards Falun Gong, talk with the guards in charge of brainwashing and collaborators, copy articles containing CCP propaganda at night, deprived of sleep, and forced to squat on one leg for a long time. Also, they were prohibited from seeing their family members, mailing letters and making phone calls. They had to ask for permission even when they needed to use the toilet. They were monitored by the controlling inmates all day long.
Ms. Wang Zhongqiong and Ms. Chen Ru from Deyang City, Sichuan Province Sentenced to Prison
2009-01-01On December 8th, 2008, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) court sentenced Falun Gong practitioners 69-year-old Ms. Wang Zhongqiong and 47-year-old Ms. Chen Ru to four years and three years in prison respectively. During the trial, the judge did not allow either their relatives to defend them or the assignment of a defender. The trial was conducted in a hurried and careless manner. Many policemen from the National Security Groups of Deyang City and Shifang City showed up in the courtroom. After the trial, an unidentified person was video-recording all the people walking out of the court.
Recent Situations of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province
2009-01-01Mr. Qu Dehong is in his forties. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, Qu Dehong took part in a press conference attended by Western journalists in October 1999. Shortly afterwards, he was arrested and sentenced to three years and six months in jail, and was detained in the Harbin City Third Prison. In 2004, Qu Dehong was reported to police when he was distributing materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. He was arrested and severely tortured many times by police and force-fed large quantities of drugs that damage the central nervous system. He was sentenced to six years in jail. He is currently detained in Jiamusi Prison.
Ms. Zhang Xiuqin Dies One Month after Being Arrested
2008-12-31On November 13th, 2008, someone reported Ms. Zhang Xiuqin, around 48 years old, while she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Police arrested her and detained her in the Xining City Detention Centre. According to guards, on December 7th, Ms. Zhang suddenly passed out. The centre doctor tried to resuscitate her in vain, then took her to hospital. The hospital forbade anyone from getting close to Ms. Zhang, including her husband. She died on December 13th, only one month after she was arrested. It has not been discovered how the officers and guards mistreated her in custody, but based on the fact that she fell into a coma during detention, all responsible parties will not escape justice.
The Terror of Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City During the Olympic Games
2008-12-31During the Olympic Games, there was a atmosphere of terror in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials held a variety of conferences, enforcing rules and regulations to restrict people's freedom. The Seventh Division specialized in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Lei Kejin was the captain of the division for many years before he was transferred to a different division. Lei had been actively participating in the violent "transformation" of Falun Gong practitioners since the persecution began. His hands were stained with the blood of Falun Gong practitioners. Because of his active involvement in the persecution of Falun Gong, Lei became the torch bearer for the Olympic Games.
Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court Abuses the Law in the Cases Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-12-31Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court in Hebei Province thwarts the regular legal process by dictating verdicts to the Lower Court and depriving defendants of the right to appeal. Employees of the court are accused of holding detainees beyond their terms, preventing defence lawyers from meeting with defendants, restricting defence lawyers from doing their jobs, arresting Falun Gong practitioners who attend court hearings of other practitioners, and denying defendants' right to medical parole. They are accused of having framed practitioners for crimes and of having been actively involved in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Mr. Jiang Minghui Has Been Tortured for Two Years in Lanzhou Prison
2008-12-31Two years ago, Mr. Jiang Minghui, a Falun Gong practitioner from Lanzhou city, Gansu province, was sentenced to seven years in Lanzhou prison. In 2008, Mr. Jiang Minghui, Jiang Chunbing and Li Fubing were sent to solitary confinement for two to three months. They were forced to wear handcuffs and shackles. Some had their handcuffs and shackles tied together, which meant they were constantly bent over 90 degrees, unable to walk. Mr Jiang Minghui's mother often visited him in prison over the years, and each time she counted the days remaining until she could next see him. Most times she was not allowed to see her son, and this caused her great worry, as it usually meant that he was being tortured.
Ms. Sun Sumei Dies after Extended Persecution in Hengshui City, Hebei Province
2008-12-30Ms. Sun Sumei, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hengshui City, Hebei Province, was arrested and sent to the Hengshui City Detention Centre by police officers from the Hengshui City Development Area on June 30th, 2008. The perpetrators extorted 15,000 yuan from her family members before releasing Ms. Sun in mid September. On October 23rd, the Public Security Bureau in Hengshui City Development Area began harassing her again. In the past several years, Ms. Sun Sumei has been imprisoned, harassed and threatened by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She passed away on November 6th, 2008.
Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in the Shenyang City Detention Centre
2008-12-30On May 24th, 2008, Zhao Zhanbo was in his mother-in-law's neighbourhood. About a dozen officers beat him until he fell to the ground. They then handcuffed him, and pushed him into a police vehicle. Many local residents witnessed this outrage. Three policemen took his keys and later searched and ransacked his home. Police beat him for three days and nights in a detention centre. Mr. Zhao was not allowed to sleep. Mr. Zhao is emaciated.