Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of a Kindergarten Teacher and a Cashier
2008-11-30Ms. Qi Xiaoping, a teacher, and Ms. Wang Xiaomei, a cashier, in Deyang City, Sichuan Province, were repeatedly harassed, threatened, and detained for their belief in Falun Gong. In detention they suffered inhumane torture. They were beaten and hung up with handcuffs to a window frame. While being taken to a forced labour camp, they escaped from the police. On August 13th, 2008, the police again arrested them and have since detained them in a detention centre.
Twin Brothers Are Persecuted for Being Good People;Their Mother Dies While They Are Imprisoned
2008-11-30Because twin brothers Mr. Cong Ming and Mr. Cong Liang practise Falun Gong, they have been subjected to persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the past nine years. Mr. Cong Ming was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment in 2001, and he is still in prison. His brother Mr. Cong Liang was arrested and imprisoned on August 10th, 2008. Their mother was left alone with no one to look after her. She died in early November 2008.
The Persecution of Li Tongzhi in Hantan City, Hebei Province
2008-11-29Mr. Li Tongzhi, has been arrested and imprisoned five times because of speaking out against the persecution of Falun Gong. From July 1999 to July 2008, for nine years, the local police searched Li Tongzhi's home and harassed his family countless times. The fifth arrest, in July 2008, was related to the Olympic Games. On July 14th police came to search his home for Falun Gong-related materials. His family members tried in vain to stop them. The police found DVDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Li Tongzhi tried to explain the facts of Falun Gong to them, but they forcefully took him to the Guangmingqiao Police Station. The same afternoon, they sent him to the No. 1 Detention Centre. A week later, he was sentenced to one year and three months of forced labour. Li Tongzhi is still detained in the labour camp.
Ms. Zhang Xiaoning Persecuted by the 610 Office
2008-11-29In mid-June 2008, Ms. Zhang Xiaoning, a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested and taken to the Yanqing County Brainwashing Centre in Beijing. She was detained for four months. During that time, she was forced to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong for hours. The only food she was given was a small steamed bun for each meal. She persevered in following the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and refused to be "transformed." [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] During the Beijing Olympics Ms. Zhang only slept for four hours per day during that time (from approximately 1:00 to 4:00 a.m.). Whenever she started to doze off, an officer would splash her with cold water.
Mr. Guo Jian and His Wife Arrested in Shenyang, Their Nine-Year-Old Daughter Misses Her Parents
2008-11-29The nine-year-old daughter of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Jian and his wife is a second grade student at the Zhenxing Second School in Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Every day, she grasps the hands of her elderly grandparents and begs them to bring her parents back. On August 19th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Jian, 35, was arrested outside his home by police officers from the Xinxing Police Station. Mr. Guo is currently detained at the Heping Police Station. His wife, Gu Xhunying, 32, was also arrested on September 16th. Ms. Gu is a very kind person. She is currently detained at the Shenyang City Detention Centre.
Thirty-one Practitioners Detained in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region No. 5 Prison
2008-11-29Since July 1999, all male Falun Gong practitioners with prison sentences have been detained in the Region No. 5 Prison. Currently there are 31 practitioners still imprisoned there. Guards have tried to brainwash practitioners by limiting their personal freedom, depriving them of sleep, forcing them to stand for a long time, closely monitoring them, and force-feeding them. The prison's 610 Office head, Zhang Yongjun, has actively participated in the persecution and has received awards from the regional 610 Office multiple times.
Older Practitioner Mr. Wang Shouren Dies Two Months after Release from Henan Province Forced Labour Camp
2008-11-28In May 2007, Mr. Wang Shouren, 64 was arrested again by police and sentenced to 18 months of forced labour. He was taken to the Baimiao Forced Labour Camp again. Before the 2008 New Year, all of the prisoners were forced to do slave labour for 18 hours each day, which was later reduced to 15 hours. Under such severe conditions, Mr. Wang was too weak to eat, emaciated, and could not take care of himself when the Camp Administration released him. He died two months after returning home on September 14th, 2008.
Children Need Care After Mother Died and Father Arrested in Liaoning Province
2008-11-28On the night of April 23rd, 2008, the Benxi City police conducted a large-scale arrest of more than forty Falun Gong practitioners, including elderly practitioners in their seventies, and young mothers. That was part of their "Safe Olympics" plan. Police stormed into Mr. Xiong Anming's home, beat on the door, and tried to break it open. Mr. Xiong and his wife Zhang Yulan tried to escape arrest by jumping from their third-floor apartment. Ms. Zhang's lower spine was fractured, and she was taken to hospital. The police ransacked their home and arrested Mr. Xiong. Ms. Zhang was released from the hospital before she had fully recovered, due to not being able to pay the medical expenses. She fled home with her two sons. She died in the extreme pain of her injury on November 15th, 2008.
Mr. Xia Yuanbo Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2008-11-28Mr. Xia Yuanbo, 27, was arrested, detained and tortured many times for practising Falun Gong. In November 2001 he was locked up in the notorious Changlinzi Men's Forced Labour Camp. He was cruelly tortured, and became emaciated. He never recovered after his release, and he had no permanent home. He developed symptoms of late stage tuberculosis. He could not breathe, felt congested, and vomited out rotten flesh. Mr. Xia Yuanbo's family took him to be treated at the hospital. His family used up all the 5000 yuan of borrowed money, and had to take him home. Mr. Xia became emaciated, and died in pain on September 21st, 2008.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Hu Xianying of Anshan City Suffers Mental Collapse as Result of Persecution
2008-11-28Ms. Hu Xianying is a resident of Anshan City, Liaoning Province. Because she persisted in practising Falun Gong she was frequently harassed by the local police. They repeatedly threatened her and arrested her. She has suffered a mental collapse as a result of the persecution. After she was arrested, her husband developed a serious illness and died. Her daughter has developed heart problems as a result of the constant police harassment.
Mr. Yang Jiaye Dies at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Men's Forced Labour Camp
2008-11-27Mr. Yang Jiaye had poliomyelitis (commonly known as polio), but he benefited both physically and spiritually after beginning to practise Falun Gong. On June 30th, 2008, police arrested him at his home because they found him playing Falun Gong music on the street. They had him sentenced to two years of forced labour the next day and took him to Nanning City First Labour Camp. He died at age 30 on November 18th, 2008, while detained in the Fourth Ward. On the day of his death, Mr. Yang's older brother and younger sister both rushed to the labour camp to find out the cause. The camp administration pressured his family to try to force them to sign the papers necessary to allow immediate cremation of the body without inspection.
Mr. Zhang Litian Dies in Jinzhou City Prison, Liaoning Province
2008-11-27In April 2008, using the excuse of preparing for the Olympics, Jinzhou City police located every Falun Gong practitioner on their list. They locked Mr. Zhang Litian, 36, up in the Jinzhou City First Detention Centre. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. In August, the court sentenced him to five years in Jinzhou City Prison. He died on November 17th, 2008. The Prison Administration told his family that he died of a heart attack, but his family knows that Mr. Zhang was very healthy and never had any heart problems
Report on a Trial Held in Mudanjiang City Agriculture and Reclamation Administrative Bureau Court
2008-11-27The Mudanjiang City Agriculture and Reclamation Administrative Bureau Court was called into session on November 6th, 2008, to try Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Yang Dianjun, his wife Ms. Ba Fenglian, and Ms. Zhang Chengyu and her husband (a non-practitioner). The practitioners defended themselves by stating that personal beliefs are protected by the Chinese Constitution and that it is not a crime to practise Falun Gong. In addition, five lawyers presented arguments and entered innocent pleas. Ms. Zhang Chengyu's husband had a defence lawyer, and four colleagues testified on his behalf. The debates were intense and heated on both sides.
Three Women Arrested in Front of the Court in Jilin City, Jilin Province
2008-11-27At approximately 10:00 a.m. on November 11th, 2008, in front of the Chuanying District Court, three women in their fifties and sixties were arrested for shouting "Falun Gong is good." That morning, inside the building, the trial of three practitioners, Mr. Liu Chengda, Mr. Wang Ying, and Mr. Li Hailong, was held, ending at about 10:30 a.m. At 10:45 a.m., the police van with the three practitioners who were on trial was leaving the courtyard, while the crowd at the gate shouted, "Falun Gong is good! Falun Gong is good!"
Practitioners Subjected to Brainwashing During the Olympic Games in Shanxian County, Shandong Province
2008-11-26At the end of 2007, police used extremely brutal and barbaric means to torture practitioners. Some practitioners were put on the "Tiger Bench" for six days in a row, and they were deprived of sleep. They were also tied up on bed frames and they could neither squat nor stand up. In the meantime, their hands were tied behind their backs and they were hung up. Sometimes they were hung up with their hands cuffed behind their backs until they passed out. Then the thugs would pour cold water on them to revive them (in the winter). After long-term brutal torture, the guards then secretly put some anti-psychotic drugs into their water or food, leaving the practitioners mentally disoriented. When that happened, with this despicable means, the thugs were able to force "confessions" from them.