Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Crimes Committed Inside the Huhhot Women's Narcotic Rehabilitation Centre
2008-10-04Every practitioner is detained in one room, monitored by a drug addict inmate. One or several former practitioners who were "transformed" and had renounced Falun Gong would attempt to change the Falun Gong practitioner's mind. Police uses threats, criticisms, sarcastic greetings, and "chatting" to attempt to force practitioners to "transform". Former practitioners who were "transformed" and had renounced Falun Gong are in charge of slave labour production, which reduces their jail term. They choose the person who works most quickly as a standard to measure others. Practitioners who cannot finish the work are forced to work longer. Even the sixty or seventy year olds are not excluded from punishment. The intense workload has given them blisters and boils on their hands.
Exposing Police Crimes in the Persecution of Falun Gong in Jiaohe
2008-10-04On October 26th, 2004, police officers from Yong'an Police Station, broke into practitioner Ms. Ren Hongxia's house and took her to the police station. They kicked her legs violently in the process. That night, they sent her to Jiaohe Detention Centre. On afternoon of October 28th, policemen took Ms. Ren back to Yong'an Police Station. They tied her to a chair and tied her hands behind her back. One policeman held her neck, one blocked her mouth with a towel, and another policeman force-fed a mixture made up of hot pepper stems, which are many times more spicy than the hot pepper itself, through her nose. She was in excruciating pain, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.
Ms. Gao Guofeng in Critical Condition from Abuse, Authorities Deny Family's Requests to Take Her to a Hospital
2008-10-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Guofeng in Heilongjiang Province was tortured at the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. She was beaten black and blue, and also experienced symptoms of dizziness, high systolic blood pressure of 180, loss of consciousness and weakness. She also became unable to speak in clear sentences. The guards' severe beatings of her head affected her central nervous system. She felt numbness in her legs and was able to walk only with assistance. The relatives went to the camp and prepared to take Ms. Gao to a hospital for treatment, but the camp officials denied their request saying Ms. Gao could receive better care at the camp clinic.
Young Woman Tortured to the Verge of Death at Weifang City Detention Centre
2008-10-04Ms. Kong Xi, approximately 30 years old, is a practitioner from Weifang City, Shandong Province. After she was arrested on July 9th, 2008, she was detained at the Weifang City Detention Centre. She held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Once, the detention centre officials tied her to a cross constructed with metal poles for seven consecutive days and nights with her arms fixed by long rubber bands and feet shackled together, causing excruciating pain. After over two months of torture, Ms. Kong Xi is on the verge of death.
55-Year-Old Ms. Liu Yanyun Dies as a Result of the Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2008-10-03Ms. Liu Yanyun, 55, went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was repeatedly persecuted by the police. The police tortured Ms. Liu by various means, including a torture called"Riding an Airplane", being forced to stand for long periods of time, and sleep deprivation. Another time Ms. Zhang was sentenced to three years of forced labour and she became very weak. Ms. Liu's physical condition worsened and she died on September 13th, 2008.
60-Year-Old Mr. Li Yukun Dies as a Result of Persecution in Shandong Province
2008-10-03During the past nine years, Mr. Li Yukun, 60, endured unimaginably cruel torture. He was detained several times because he appealed against the persecution of Falun Gong. A police officer told Mr. Li, "I want to beat you to death," whilst brutally beating him. He kicked out Mr. Li's front teeth with one kick, then hit his head with a stool, shattering the stool in the process. Mr. Li refused to renounce Falun Gong. At home he was constantly harassed by police. It was difficult for him to bear this intensive persecution, and he died on September 17th, 2008.
Ms. Cao Xiuxia Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2008-10-03Ms. Cao Xiuxia died as a result of persecution on August 31st, 2008 when she was 47 years old. Whilst detained in a detention centre she had been shocked with electric batons, handcuffed to a heater, forced to sit outside on the ground in the freezing winter, and denied water and food. Ms. Cao was also sent to a forced labour camp for three years. She did slave labour and was often shocked with electric batons.
Disabled Man Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Has Been On Hunger Strike for Two Months
2008-10-03On September 12th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Li Ruifeng, who is deaf and lives in Jining City, Shandong Province, was arrested by policemen while at home. They ransacked his bedroom and took away personal belongings and a computer. On the same day, another twenty Falun Gong practitioners from Shizhong District, Jining City were arrested. On the morning of July 14th, 2008, Li Ruifeng was secretly tried by the Shizhong District Court with no prior notice, and without informing his family. On July 24th, he was sentenced to three years in prison. From July 20th, Li Ruifeng has been on a hunger strike, in order to protest the long-term detention.
Practitioners Shackled to a Cross and Tortured at Weifang City Detention Centre, Shandong Province
2008-10-02Ms. Kong Qian is being held at the Weifang City Detention Centre. To protest her arrest and detainment, Ms. Kong went on several hunger strikes. The guards dragged her to be force-fed and she was given intravenous infusions. She was restrained on a metal cross and IV-ed. After several days had passed, she couldn't move due to the torture. Her spine and lower back were injured from being pressed against the metal bars, causing extreme pain. She can no longer walk or take care of herself. The longest period that she was on the cross was seven days and nights. Before being detained, she was attractive and healthy, but now she is skin and bones, and she is in critical condition.
55-Year-Old Ms. Yang Dongzhi Dies as a Result of Persecution
2008-10-02Ms. Yang Dongzhi, 55, went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong after the persecution started in July 1999. She was held in a detention centre for six months and to Majialong Forced Labour Camp. The drug criminals and guards abused and harassed her every day in attempts to force her into giving up her faith. On September 12th, 2001, guards hung her up with her arms crossed, which caused her to faint until she was on the verge of death. But the guards didn't care. Ms. Yang was repeatedly persecuted. In 2008 the chief of Saicheng Lake Police Station and a gang of officers arrested six practitioners. They were sent to forced labour camps in Nanchang and Jiujiang cities. Sadly, Ms. Yang Dongzhi passed away.
Mr. Ma Kaihua in Renqiu City, Hebei Province, Inhumanly Persecuted During the Olympics
2008-10-02On August 7th, 2008, a plain-clothes police officer went to practitioner Ma Kaihua's home claiming that he wanted Mr. Ma to decorate his house. When he confirmed that it was Mr. Ma's home, police arrived and searched the premises without presenting any legal papers. Of August 8th, about 50 police surrounded Ma Kaihua's house. They climbed up to the top of the house and surrounded Mr. Ma, who was sleeping on the roof. A gang of policemen attacked him. They violently beat him with sticks and rubber batons and shocked him with high voltage electric batons. They continued to beat him until he fell off the roof, which was seven metres high. The ground was cement and Mr. Ma was unconscious after the fall. They arrested him and took him to hospital. Mr. Ma was in a critical condition.
Crimes against Practitioners Committed in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
2008-10-02Ms. Xu Chunlong was handcuffed in the introspection room at the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for 48 hours, with her body and face black and blue from having been beaten. Her eyes, beaten to purple, were so swollen she couldn't open them. They also tortured her by injecting water into her nose. Ms. Ji Huili was beaten so brutally that she was unable to stand up even two months later, and couldn't walk unless someone supported her. At Suining Brainwashing Centre, Mr. Zhu Xianghe died as a result of gross abuse within five days, and his eyes and organs were removed. Ms. Shi Zhongling was abused for one year and two months, and subjected to tortures causing two broken ribs.
Mr. Ren Yuzhong Arrested, His Wife Becomes Homeless, His Mother-In-Law Passes Away in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
2008-10-01During the Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ren Yuzhong and detained him in the Xuanhua Brainwashing Centre. They also intended to arrest his wife, Liu Yongli, so she had to leave home to avoid being persecuted. After Mr. Ren was arrested, his mother-in-law became ill from the stress. She passed away in August 2008. She wanted to see her daughter and son-in-law before she passed away, but it was not to be.
Intensified Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp During the Olympics
2008-10-01During the Beijing Olympics in July and August of 2008, Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, escalated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Guards tortured steadfast practitioners with electric batons, placed them on the "Stretching Bed," This method of torture involves placing a practitioner in the middle of two beds with his or her arms and legs tied to the beds. The beds are then pulled apart. Practitioners have screamed out in unbearable pain from this torture. Guards also forced them to stand in the hot sun for long periods of time, slapped their faces, and beat them.
One Year After Her Arrest, Ms. Zhou Mozhen's Whereabouts Are Unknown
2008-10-01In August 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Mozhen from Gulin County, Sichuan Province was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp. However, her whereabouts have since been unknown. Her term is supposed to have been over, but she has not returned home. When her family went to inquire of the 610 Office and police department, the officials would not answer them. Her family members are very worried about her.