Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officials Ignore Disease Outbreaks, Concentrate Instead on Persecuting Falun Gong
2008-10-16Recently serious epidemics have spread in Qian'an City, Hebei Province. Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) is one of them. At least one child in a village has died. As of now, neither the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government officials nor the schoolteachers are taking any action of prevention or filing any reports about the epidemic. In the face of such serious epidemic situations, the CCP officials ignore people's lives while continuing to spare no effort in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, who are kind people. On September 24th, police broke through the steel security door of practitioner Ms. Liang Xiulan's home and intruded inside. Four policemen arrested her and forcefully took her away to a detention centre.
A 35-year-old Woman in Precarious Health After Only Five Days in Detention
2008-10-16On July 19th, 2008 police arrested practitioner Ms. Cui Junfang, her daughter, and her mother because they practise Falun Gong. During the five days Ms. Cui was in detention, she lost a tremendous amount of weight. Only after her family paid the police 5000 yuan was she released and allowed to return home on July 24th -- looking gaunt and skeletal after suffering so much abuse.
Details of the Persecution of Mr. Zhao Shifeng and Mr. Huang Tiebo in Heilongjiang Province
2008-10-15Mr. Zhao Shifeng, 36, was sentenced to five years of imprisonment and is currently being held in Daqing Prison. In detention police inhumanly tortured Mr. Zhao. Four or five of them punched and kicked him and then used electric batons to shock him. Several officers held Mr. Zhao to the floor and forcibly pulled his legs in opposite directions, injuring him to the point where he is now unable to stand up. After the repeated torture, Mr. Zhao had difficulty moving, had a dull look in his eyes, his mouth watered, his nose kept running, and his clothes were soaked in sweat. They didn't stop torturing him until he no longer reacted when they shocked his face and burned his eyes with cigarette butts. They then carried him to a sofa and handcuffed him to a radiator.
A 68-Year-Old Woman Is Detained, Tortured, and Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2008-10-15Ms. Tang Liwen, a 68-year old practitioner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was arrested by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel nine months ago. Her health and mental state have been devastated. A few days ago, she was sentenced to seven years in prison and taken to the Hohhot City Women's Prison on September 26th, 2008. Ms. Tang was brutally tortured during the nine months she was in jail. The guards used various torture methods to try to obtain the password to her computer. They made her carry a large board on her back and handcuffed her to a steel pipe so that she couldn't stand or sit. She had to keep her back bent for many days. She was denied food. The guards force-fed her with a concentrated salt water solution and unknown substances.
Ms. Ding Zhenfang Tortured; Prison Authorities Keep Her Family from Seeing Her
2008-10-15Ms. Ding Zhenfang was transferred from the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, on July 9th, 2008, but her family was not informed of her whereabouts. They made phone calls to ask where she is, but the authorities in the detention centre replied that they did not know. Ms. Ding's older and younger sisters took a train to Shenyang Women's Prison on September 24th. Guards Li and Zhang met with Ms. Ding's sisters and said that she had not cooperated with them and had never registered her family members' names. Therefore, even though Ms. Ding's sisters showed their IDs, they could not prove that they were her family members and were therefore not allowed to see her.
I Witnessed the Abuse of Fellow Practitioners in Sichuan Women's Prison
2008-10-15In July 2002, over a hundred practitioners were transferred to ward seven to conduct a "law class." In actuality, this was a brainwashing class, pressuring them to give up Falun Gong. Each practitioner was monitored by one or two criminals. The criminals strictly confined practitioners' freedom, reporting what they said and did to the guards. Eating, washing clothes, showering, going to the toilet, and other everyday activities had time limits. The guards did not allow the inmates to talk about Falun Gong with practitioners. If they did and were discovered, they were punished. The guards spread malicious lies to stir up hatred towards practitioners. They induced teaching assistants and inmates with credits and penalty reductions to persecute practitioners.
Practitioners Tortured to Death in Guan County, Shandong Province
2008-10-14Ms. Xu Jiling had been the director of both the Guan County Women's Federation and the Guan County Environmental Protection Bureau. In October 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong but was detained and later sentenced to three years of forced labour. When her work unit heard of her arrest, they immediately stopped paying her salary. Due to the mental and physical stress she endured in prison, Ms. Xu developed high blood pressure and was released on bail for medical treatment. She was arrested again in March 2004. Later Ms. Xu went into a deep coma, due in part to the barbaric way the police took her into custody. She was later taken to the county hospital and closely monitored until she passed away in June 2004.
70-Year-Old Retired Teacher Detained Again, Previous Imprisonment Severely Damaged Her Health
2008-10-14On May 30th, 2008, nearly 20 police officers and government employees ransacked the home of 70-year-old Ms. Hou Qiaozhen and arrested her. They barged into her house unannounced and turned everything upside down before walking away with over 10,000 yuan in cash, and valuables worth nearly 30,000 yuan. They transported her to the Heping Police Station and transferred her that same day to the First Detention Centre. Back in 2000, Ms. Hou served one year of forced labour at the Shijiazhuang Labour Camp. The hard labour and torture severely harmed her health. She has been underweight and in poor health ever since.
Mr. Ma Zhixin Dies as Result of Persecution in Shandong Province
2008-10-14Mr. Ma Zhixin, 48, went to Beijing twice to appeal after the persecution started in 1999. He was detained several times, and authorities extorted 5,000 yuan from him. In June 2001, he was tortured until he had a stroke, and he could not move his limbs. His wife, Ms. Zhang Zhenfang (also a practitioner), was serving a five-year term in prison for upholding her faith. Mr. Ma was cared for by his other family members. Mr. Ma could not recover from so many hardships in his home, his condition worsened, and he became incoherent. He died on August 21st, 2008.
Mr. Liu Zhansheng Subjected to Three and a Half Years of Persecution in Zhejiang Province Fourth Prison
2008-10-14Mr. Liu Zhansheng, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, was arrested in December 2004. He was sentenced to three years and six months, and taken to Zhejiang Province Fourth Prison on July 28th, 2005. He has since suffered more than three years of abuse. He has been beaten, brutally force-fed, had pepper sprayed into his eyes and mouth, subjected to brainwashing, forbidden to have fluids for a long time, and subjected to other outrages.
Ms. Liu Shuhua Tortured to Mental Disability and in Critical Condition at Shandong Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-10-13Guards at the Shandong Province No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp (also known as Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City) instigated criminal inmates who were drug addicts to torture Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Shuhua. She was tortured so badly that she became mentally disordered. She kept shaking and weeping. She would mumble nonsense and could not sleep or even eat. She is in critical condition. Instead of sending her for treatment, the guards continued to find ways to persecute her.
After Ms. Gao Rongrong's Death, Her Family Members Continue to Suffer Persecution
2008-10-13After Ms. Gao Rongrong was tortured to death on June 16th, 2005, Ms. Gao Rongrong's family went to government departments to ask for an investigation into Rongrong's death; however, they did not receive any response. Ms. Gao Rongrong 's father became seriously ill because he could not endure the stress of all that had happened. Police prevented Gao Rongrong's mother from travelling because of the Beijing Olympic Games.
A Family of Cultivators Endures the Persecution
2008-10-13On September 19th, 2008, while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong at the Hongqi Mine, Wang Peijin, 57, was abducted by the police. That night, Wang Yuanfu from the Jidong Mine Protection Section, He Wenming and Han Hengchang from the Jidong National Protection Team, forced Wang Peijin's son to take them to his father's residence. They took Mr. Wang's keys which they found on him to ransack the place. The Wang family had been suffering under the persecution and was left in a situation more dire than before.
Graduate Student at Zhejiang University Persecuted for Her Belief in Falun Gong
2008-10-13One day in May, I was shopping and started a conversation with a security guard about Falun Gong and the persecution. They reported me and I was detained at Cuiyuan Police Station. Policeman Deng Jiming interrogated me the whole evening without giving me any food, and the questioning didn't finish until midnight. The chief of the state security brigade searched the school lab and took away the computer I bought last March. He also confiscated my notes with phrases exposing the persecution of Falun Gong written on them. After midnight, police took me to Hangzhou Detention Facility. Following 38 gruelling days in detention, I was released on bail.
Mr. Xu Zhi Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison for Possessing Falun Gong Brochures
2008-10-12Mr. Xu Zhi is a Falun Gong practitioner from Baiquan County, Heilongjiang Province. In 2000, because he firmly believed in Falun Gong and did not give up his faith, he was sent to a forced labour camp for one year by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 2007, because Mr. Xu was carrying brochures that explained the truth about Falun Gong, the CCP sentenced him to seven years in prison.