Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Mr. Zeng Zhaokuan's Entire Family Persecuted in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for Many Years

    Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zeng Zhaokuan and his family experienced extortion, detention and labour camp imprisonment. In March 2002, the local police went to Mr. Zeng's home and coerced him, his second daughter, son-in-law, third daughter and fifth daughter into going into the city for a meeting. However, the police took them to the Songshan District Detention Centre. The next day, they were taken to the Wuyuan City Forced Labour Camp and the Huhhot City Women's Forced Labour Camp. The oldest daughter was sentenced to three years of forced labour, and the rest were sentenced to one year. Six people in the family were put into labour camps. Only Mr. Zeng's wife and the three-year-old child of the second daughter were left at home.
  • Additional Information Regarding Ms. Wang Yanfeng's Death in Guangshui City Detention Centre; Fellow Practitioner Ms. Sheng Cuilian in Critical Condition in Detention, Family Visits Denied

    Ms. Wang Yanfeng and Ms. Sheng Cuilian were arrested and detained in April for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Then in September they were arrested again. Guangshui City Domestic Security agent Fang Hong brutally beat Ms. Wang during the arrest process. The two women were detained in the Guangshui City Detention Centre, where they again held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. They were cruelly beaten repeatedly each time they refused to eat. They both became extremely weak, and Ms. Wang Yanfeng died on September 24th, 2008. The Guangshui City Detention Centre notified Ms. Sheng Cuilian's family of her weak condition but would not allow them to visit her.
  • Wuhou District Court in Chengdu City Holds Trial of Nine Falun Gong Practitioners and Two of Their Relatives

    On September 27th, 2008, Wuhou District Court in Chengdu City convened a session against nine practitioners. The initial notice to lawyers indicated a public session. However, the court did not allow any of the practitioners' relatives to attend the hearing. The excuse was that they did not have hearing certificates, but the court did not issue hearing certificates in advance at all, and in any case did not notify the relatives. Between August and September 2007, more than 30 Chengdu practitioners were arrested from their homes and offices. Almost all of them were brutally tortured. On March 13th, 2008, Ms. Zhou Huimin was tortured to death at the Qingyang District People's Hospital, which is the hospital used by the Chengdu City Detention Centre.
  • The Persecution of Mr. Zhang Yumin's Family in Guangdong Province

    In 2000 Mr. Zhang Yumin and his wife were both detained and persecuted for practising Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang was sentenced to three years in the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp. As a result, his family business was shut down and sold way below market value. Not only was Mr. Zhang forced to do hard labour at the camp, he was also subjected to around-the-clock compulsory brainwashing, causing him to become seriously ill. After his release was finding it increasingly difficult to take care of himself and his wife had also been imprisoned. Due to the mental and physical stress Mr. Zhang was under, his condition rapidly deteriorated and he died on February 5th, 2007, leaving his wife to care for the three children he left behind.
  • Please Help Me Rescue My Daughter, Who is Near Death from Persecution

    More than ten agents from the Weifang City "610 Office" and Police Department in Shandong Province arrested my daughter Kong Qian on July 9th, 2008. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) treated my daughter as a "key target" and interrogated her under cruel torture. The police tied her to a metal cross made with steel bars and tubing for seven days. Her hands were stretched and tied tightly with leather straps; her feet were cuffed together; her whole body was placed on two 1.5 cm-diameter steel bars, with 10 cm in between. She could only move her head a bit. Her arms, legs and back and her whole body were in extreme pain. She hovered between life and death in unimaginable agony.
  • Daughter Died Due to Persecution, Mother Sentenced to Forced Labour Again

    On August 21st, 2008, several police officers from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province arrested fifty-eight-year-old practitioner Ms. Chen Xiuling, ransacked her home and seized money and other important items. Ms. Chen Xiuling was later sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour. She is now imprisoned at the Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp. This is Ms. Chen's third time in a forced labour camp. In recent years, even when she is not in a forced labour camp, members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) frequently harass her. Ms. Chen has been harassed ever since the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong began. Back in 1999, Miss Chen Ying, Ms. Chen's daughter, became the first victim to die from the persecution in Jiamusi City.
  • Mother Arrested, Daughter Unable Find Justice

    On September 19th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Changyu was arrested by police because she talked about Falun Gong to someone at the Red Flag Mine. That night Ms. Guo was held at the Jidong County Detention Centre. Ms. Guo's daughter went to the Jidong County Police Department to ask for her mother's release. She said to the police, "My mum has been healthy ever since she started practising Falun Gong. She cares about others. It is not wrong to be a good person. Mum didn't commit any crimes." Another woman whose husband had been sentenced to seven years in prison simply because he practised Falun Gong also tried to appeal to the police for justice. A police officer started shoving the woman around.
  • Ms. Lu Meiya of Kaifeng City, Henan Province Sentenced to Forced Labour on Trumped Up Charges

    Ms. Lu Maiya, 65, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Kaifeng City, Henan Province. At noon on August 7th, 2008, on her way home, she was arrested and searched by police who were staked out on the first floor of her apartment building. The police confiscated some Falun Gong materials from her and detained her in Sanlibao Police Station. Ms. Lu's husband, Mr. Zhong Wenbin, went to the police station the following day and requested her release. He was informed that she had been transferred to a detention centre, and that she would be able to go home in two or three days. She was actually detained for 15 days, and then on August 21st, police transferred Ms. Lu to the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City to serve a sentence of one year and nine months.
  • The Relentless Torment I Suffered at the Brainwashing Centre in Beijing's Haidian District

    The brainwashing centre usually used two steps to persecute practitioners. The first step was to brainwash the practitioner and the second step was to coerce the practitioner into exposing other practitioners. If the practitioners refused to be "transformed" [give up Falun Gong], the police would then interrogate them. During the first step, the collaborators who had practised Falun Gong before tried to brainwash me and "transform" me. Since they had been practitioners they knew how practitioners talked and thought. They also deliberately misinterpreted and defamed Falun Gong when they felt it necessary. They helped the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to slander Falun Gong and used their experience and evil theories to "transform" the practitioners--just for this very limited salary.
  • Professor Xu Yin from Tsinghua University Tells His Story as a Victim of the Chinese Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong

    On March 13th, 2006, I didn't lock the metal security door of my home. That morning, about 20 policemen broke into my home and ransacked it. They failed to show any warrant or legal document, but they searched my home and arrested my wife and me. They told me that it's illegal to have Falun Gong books at home. But Falun Gong books were legally published by China Broadcast Television Publishing Company before the CCP started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999 and were among the top 10 best selling books in China. For having Falun Gong books at home, I was given a two-year jail sentence. I spent 16 months in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Daxing, Beijing. During those 16 months, I was incarcerated in an isolation room for eight months where I was forced to sit still on a small stool facing the wall for 18-19 hours a day.
  • Exposing the Crimes at Taojianling Brainwashing Centre in Hanyang, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

    When we were sent to this evil place, the cells were very damp. There was no electricity. We were deprived of sleep and were forced to stand for long periods of time. We ate mildewed rice and rotten cabbage with sand in it. Later, due to the publicity from protesting practitioners, they improved the quality of food a little bit. Each practitioner was confined in a single cell. Sleeping, eating, and relieving themselves all took place in the same cell. Practitioners were never let out. We were not allowed to talk to one another.
  • Elderly Ms. Liu Bilian from Hunan Province Has Been Arrested Eight Times

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Bilian, a native of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, is 68 years old. She started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. However, during the ten years that she has been a practitioner, she has been arrested eight times and has suffered brutal torture. On March 5th, 2008, 7 policemen came to Ms. Liu's residence took Falun Gong books and personal belongings and locked her up at the police station. Ms. Liu was interrogated for four days and nights, and was then detained at the Yunxi Detention Centre for 87 days. She staged a hunger strike to protest. The guards took her to hospital but continued to torture Ms. Liu.
  • I Missed Celebrating the Moon Festival with Ms. Sun Zhifen, a Member of My Family

    Looking up at the full moon during the Moon Festival, I thought of Chinese families around the world enjoying this traditional holiday. It made me sad, because there is someone I would have dearly loved to celebrate the Moon Festival with. It is a woman who has been imprisoned and tortured for persevering in her faith. Ms. Sun Zhifen went to Beijing to exercise her constitutional right to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. She was arrested and sentenced to an 11-year prison term. She was imprisoned in Shuangcheng No.2 Detention Centre, Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, and Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison, where she suffered cruel beatings and force-feeding. All she was trying to do was be a better person. Now she has become seriously ill.
  • Ms. Wang Haiqing from Shandong Province Is in Critical Condition As a Result of Being Tortured in Detention

    After long-term incarceration and torture, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Haiqing from Anqiu City in Shandong Province is in critical condition. While in detention, Ms. Wang was forced to sit in a steel chair for five days, and she was tortured by being force-fed for more than three months after she started a hunger strike. She was severely traumatized. Since her arrest on May 1st, 2008, Ms. Wang Haiqing's condition has deteriorated, and she is in critical condition, but the police still refuse to release her.
  • Mr. Wang Xiaoguang from Songyuan City Tortured and Sentenced to 10 Years of Imprisonment

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaoguang was arrested in August 2007. Mr. Wang was sentenced to 10 years and is currently in Jilin Prison. Previously in a detention centre police handcuffed his hands and feet and tortured Wang Xiaoguang by feeding him a mixture of hot pepper juice, mustard oil, and water mixed with pepper powder. They force-fed him four water bottles of this concoction and then covered his head with a plastic bag. When he lost consciousness, they poured cold water on him to revive him. They also inserted a lit cigarette into each of his nostrils. Mr. Wang's lungs felt like they had exploded, and he fainted in agony.