Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Additional Information on the Arrests of Ms. Dong Xuexia and Mr. Liu Fenglin by Officers from the Zhaoyuan Ranch Police Department in Daqing City
2008-07-02In September 2007, Ms. Dong Xuexia was arrested by the Nongken Police and taken to the Heping Ranch Detention Centre. During her 50 days of imprisonment, she was brutally tortured, severely beaten, and subjected to electric shocks. She was physically and mentally tormented to such a great extent that all of her hair fell out. The police did not let her leave until she was mentally traumatized. On June 5th, 2008, several officers from the Ranch Police Station again arrested Ms. Dong before she had completely regained her sanity. She is now detained in Heping Ranch Detention Centre.
Older Practitioner Mr. Qin Sichao Arrested in Linjiang City, Jilin Province
2008-07-02Mr. Qin Sichao, 53, suffers from heart disease. Believing a Falun Gong amulet could cure his illness, Mr. Qin hung one in his car. Someone informed the police of this and on May 21st, 2008, Mr. Qin was tricked into going to the Linjiang building, where he was arrested and taken to Linjiang Detention Centre. On June 5th, 2008, Qin Sichao was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Qin's wife has not received any information regarding her husband.
Investigation Lead: The People's Hospital in Linyi City Conducts Many Kidney Transplants and Covers Up Its Sources for Organs
2008-07-02The horrifying discovery of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners and the immediate cremation of their bodies to destroy the evidence was first reported on March 4th, 2006. The Falun Gong Association and the Minghui and Clearwisdom websites started the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" (CIPFG). CIPFG is collecting evidence from people who have come forward with information and is calling on people who know the truth to further reveal the details of the crimes concerning illegal organ harvesting in China. We call on all people of conscience to help expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons, and hospitals in China.
Practitioner Ms. Li Qingqing Dies from the Torture She Received in Fujian Women's Prison
2008-07-01On December 30th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Qingqing was taken back to her family in Fu'an City six months prior to the end of her five-year prison sentence. At that time, she was in very poor health. She was unable to walk or lift her left arm. Once, in Fujian Province Women prison Ms. Li was taken to a pitch-dark room where she was hung with her arms handcuffed and only her toes touching the ground for six days straight and another twenty-four days with her arms stretched horizontally. During these many days of horrible torture, she went on a hunger strike against the persecution for ten days. Seeing that she looked near-death, the Fujian Women's Prison sent her home to avoid taking any responsibility. She died six months later.
Nanjing Practitioner Zhang Xuefeng and His Family Have Been Persecuted for Seven Years
2008-07-01Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was arrested in February, 2001. He was then sentenced to eight and a half years of imprisonment. Mr. Zhang has now been imprisoned for seven years, during which time his family has been persecuted in other ways as well. These past seven years have been a time of great stress for Mr. Zhang's 14-year-old soon. During the SARS epidemic in 2003, his grandfather was taken away to a brainwashing centre while both his parents were in prison. Only nine years old at the time, he had to get to school by himself. Because of the long-term persecution of the whole family, the boy is easily scared by the ring of a phone or a knock on the door.
A Former "Model Worker" in Qiqihar City Repeatedly Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over the Past Nine Years
2008-07-01Over the past nine years, I have been detained, arrested, harassed, and sent to a forced labour camp. In August 2000, in Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp I was taken to a solitary cell. On the floor was a layer of wooden boards with an iron ring. There was nothing else in the cell. They had me sit on the wooden boards and handcuffed my hands behind my back and to the iron ring. I could not stretch my back or legs. I was forced to curl up and could not move a bit. When they closed the door, I could not see any sunlight. I could hardly breath. They would keep me from going to sleep for 24 hours around the clock. I was not allowed to wash my face or brush my teeth. Someone would give me two small meals a day and I was always hungry.
Shouguang Police in Shandong Province Use Rubber Stick to Torture Practitioner Zhang Zhouyu
2008-07-01On May 23rd, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhouyu was arrested and taken to the local police station by approximately 20 police officers. During this time, he was handcuffed, deprived of sleep and beaten to try to force a "confession" from him. On May 25th, the police began to beat Mr. Zhang again. They forced him to sit on the ground with his legs and arms held out straight in front of him. If he could not hold his arms up at an even level, the officers would beat his arms, hands and feet with a rubber stick. After two hours of constant beatings, Mr. Zhang could not sit still.
Tsinghua University Ph.D. Student Describes Forced Labour Experience at the Zhuhai Detention Centre
2008-06-30I spent two years at the Zhuhai Detention Centre. During my detention, I produced all kinds of plastic flowers. Some had an electronic device for playing music. In addition, I made colourful lamp strings, and pearl strings, for desk lamps and other uses. All products were exported. As a matter of fact, the prison benefits more from producing items for export, therefore the quotas were continually increased. After I came to the United States, I saw many of these plastic flowers and colourful lamp strings with the label "Made in China" in supermarkets.
As Olympics Draw Closer, Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Taiyuan City
2008-06-30From May to June, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has disseminated propaganda throughout China that slanders Falun Gong and intensifies the persecution of practitioners. The CCP has also planned the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners in different government organizations. Recently the Taiyuan Police Department of Shanxi Province has arrested about twenty Falun Gong practitioners.
Practitioners Arrested by 610 Office in "Preparations for the Olympics" in Tianjin City
2008-06-30Agents from the 610 Office of Tianjin City arrested practitioners in the name of preparing for the Olympic Games. There are 21 practitioners listed on the name register of Dagang District. Zhang Gaoli, chief of Chinese Communist Party in Tianjin City, secretly came to Dagang District to assume personal command, compelling work units, families and individuals to promise they would not go out to participate in group activities or appeal to the government or other things of this nature. The Political and Judiciary Committee of the Chinese Communist Party of Dagang District, Tianjin City, 610 Office, and the police participated in these arrests and the harassment of Falun Gong practitioners.
Would You Use These Chopsticks?
2008-06-30There are chopsticks with red, green, blue, yellow and other coloured heads produced in the Third Detention Centre of the Changchun Public Security Bureau. Currently, there are dozens of Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police. The inmates are forced to get up at six o'clock every morning, and have only five minutes to wash and gargle. They then have to work on the bed where they sleep and eat. A toxic-smelling glue is used to attach a small flower and leaf made of polyester to the ends of the chopsticks. There are 125 units per bundle, eight bundles per box, a standard box is 1000 chopsticks.
Ms. Xiao Sumin Tortured to Death in Shandong Province
2008-06-29Ms. Xiao Sumin was a 46-year-old practitioner. On May 30th, 2008, she was arrested and detained. After enduring more than two weeks of non-stop torture, Ms. Xiao's life was in eminent danger. Guards were forced to take her to intensive care at the hospital, where she was immediately put on oxygen. However, due to the severe torture she had previously suffered, she died within 3 weeks. Her body was quickly cremated on June 21st, 2008.
Police Arrest Numerous Falun Gong Practitioners and Ransack Their Homes in Laishui County, Hebei Province
2008-06-29On June, 6th, 2008, more than a dozen police officers from Laishui County arriving in three vehicles harassed many Falun Gong practitioners and ransacked their homes. The officers claimed that they were from Hebei Province, Baoding City and Laishui County. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Helin was supporting the victims of the terrible earthquake in Sichuan Province with donations. For some reason, his kind actions were construed as a "crime" by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They claimed that Mr. Zhang must be a Falun Gong leader because he had donated lots of money. As a result, his home was ransacked by police officers.
Communist Party Officials in Yueyang City Arrest 25 Practitioners in Two Days
2008-06-29The Olympic torch relay was scheduled to pass through Yueyang City, Hunan Province on June 3rd, 2008. On June 1st and June 2nd, members of the Yueyang City 610 Office arrested 25 practitioners. The police also searched the practitioners' homes. Orders were given to Party officials to keep an eye on each practitioner on file. The officials spread the rumour that it was mandatory to prevent Falun Gong followers from disrupting the Olympic torch relay. An all-out campaign was launched to arrest practitioners. Each practitioner on file was closely followed or watched. The officials even threatened some practitioners to prevent them from leaving home.
Mr. Yu Qingyuan Arrested; His Wife Escapes Detention Centre but Remains Homeless
2008-06-29Mr. Yu Qingyuan is a Falun Gong practitioner who was arrested by the police on the train in May 2008. On the evening of April 23rd, 2008, police arrested Mr. Yu's wife Yuan Shujun. Later, Ms. Yuan Shujun escaped from the Shuanliao Detention Centre and then abandoned her home to avoid further persecution. Mr. Yu's daughter has been traumatized by this series of events. Presently, Mr. Yu's father-in-law takes care of Mr. Yu's daughter and their life is very difficult.