Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Several Practitioners Harshly Sentenced by Nanguan District Court in Changchun City

    Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Gao Weixi, Mr. Shi Guoliang, Ms. Wang Fuxia and Ms. Yang Defang from Changchun City, Jilin Province were tried and harshly sentenced on April 29th, 2008. This was after they had been held in detention for nearly a year. Among them, Ms. Wang Fuxia and Mr. Shi Guoliang, were sentenced to nine-year prison terms. Mr. Gao Weixi and Ms. Yang Defang were sentenced to seven-year prison terms. Eyewitnesses said that the Nanguan District Court tried another group of Falun Gong practitioners, after they sentenced these four practitioners.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Song Wenhua and Li Lixin from Tiangjin City Sentenced to Prison

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Song Wenhua and Ms. Li Lixin of Tianjin City were arrested on January 25th, 2008, and were detained at the Beichen Detention Centre in Tianjin City. On February 4th, they were given arrest documents. On the morning of April 25th, they were sentenced by the Beichen Court in Tianjin City, charged with the crime of installing a satellite dish to watch programmes from a sympathetic to Falun Gong TV network, New Tang Dynasty Television. The judge only allowed two family members to attend. All other relatives and friends were not allowed to enter the court. The court also appointed lawyers.
  • Two Cases of Forced Labour and Extortion in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bai Ruixian, 48, distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong to people at the train station. Police arrested her and tried to force her to make a so-called "confession" to get Ms. Bai to tell them the source of the leaflets. When she refused some of the police officers beat her about the face and shocked the rest of her body using electric batons. She was also forced to sit on an "iron chair". At night, police officers put a mask on her head and put her in a car. After driving a long distance, they pulled her out off the car and pulled the mask off. They placed her in front of a pit and threatened her, "Even if we bury you alive today, no one will ever know."
  • Mr. Lu Renqing Dies after Being Transferred to Three Different Prisons

    Mr. Lu Renqing, 39, could not understand why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) banned Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, so he decided to go to Beijing to appeal for this good practice that had benefited him both spiritually and physically. He was arrested in Beijing before he was able to get to the Office of Appeals. After that he was arrested several times and in December 2002, sent to Huazi Prison. On the September 27th, 2004, under orders from the guards, three prisoners stuffed his mouth, and then beat him until all three of the prisoners were exhausted. He was injured all over his body and had two broken ribs. The long term mental and physical tortures that Mr. Lu had endured damaged his health beyond recovery. Mr. Lu Renqing died on April 19th, 2008.
  • Recent Large-scale Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin Province

    Using "Security for the Olympics" as an excuse, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials in Jilin Province have been arresting large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners since April 23rd, 2008. According to inside information, an order was given that if anyone went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested, the mayor of the city where the person comes from would be removed from office. On April 23rd, 2008, police arrested practitioner Li Shigang when he was picking up his child from school. At 6:00 p.m., the police broke into Li's brother-in-law's house (where Li and his family temporarily lived) with a blank search warrant. When questioned on the legitimacy of the warrant, the police filled out the warrant at the scene and continued the search. Li Shigang's whereabouts are currently unknown.
  • After Returning Home from Studying Abroad, Mr. Qi Like Is Secretly Sentenced and Tortured in Guangdong Prison

    Mr. Qi Like, a Falun Gong practitioner, was secretly arrested in September 2006 at his Shenzhen home by plain-clothes police. In June 2007, Mr. Qi was secretly sentenced to three years. He was charged with using the Internet to generate and distribute "illegal" Falun Gong information. However, he could not, in fact, have accessed the Internet from his residence as no Internet service had been installed. He is now in Beijiang Prison in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. According to sympathetic people, Mr. Qi Like refused to write the "Three Statements" to renounce Falun Gong . Qi Like is being kept in handcuffs and shackles and imprisoned in solitary confinement. He is suffering greatly. People who have seen him recently said he looks terrible.
  • A Disabled Person and His Family in Huaiyang, Henan Province, Brutally Persecuted

    Mr. Yang Gui (also called Yang Dezhi) is disabled. He and his family have been persecuted again and again by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over the last nine years because they persist in their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance". Yang Gui and his brother, Yang Chao, were sentenced and are still being held in forced labour camps. His sister, Yang Liu, was arrested by the police and beaten. His uncle, Jian Yongjun, was sentenced. Both of his parents died.
  • A Child Dies While Both Parents Are Detained; Police Refuse to Release the Parents for the Funeral

    On March 13th, 2008, Xu Dingguo, a 12 year-old boy suffered a severe case of food poisoning and was rushed to the hospital. On the way, he cried out "I want my mum and dad," until he passed away. He was not able to see his parents at his last moment of life. His mother, Ms. Chen Yumei was arrested in February 2007, and is being detained at the Guizhou Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. His father, Mr. Xu Qihua was forced to leave home to try to prevent the persecution of him and his family. However, in September 2007, State Security agents arrested him in Guiyang City. On April 10th, 2008, Mr. Xu was tried in a secret court at the Guiyan City Judicial Police Hospital, and no family members were allowed to attend.
  • Mr. Fan Dezhen's Body Cremated Against His Family's Wishes

    Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Fan Dezhen, 33, was arrested and brutally beaten several times because he practised Falun Gong. On April 20th, 2008 he was tortured to death at the Suizhong County Detention Centre. It wasn't until later that his family was notified of his death by the the detention centre administration. Mr. Fan's family wanted to know the cause of his death. The director of the Suizhong Detention Centre, said that Mr. Fan's death was a result of malnutrition. Mr. Fan's family did not believe this because Mr. Fan's mother-in-law had gone to the detention centre and deposited money for his keep. The day after Mr. Fan's death, his family requested to see his remains but the police cremated his body before the family could see his body or give premission for his cremation.
  • Detailed Accounts of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted at Lanzhou University

    1. Mr .Wan Jiqiang was a postgraduate in the College of Physics, Lanzhou University. On October 27th, 1999, Mr. Wan went to the Appeals Office in Beijing to legally petition the government on behalf of Falun Gong. He was taken into custody for 15 days. Later, the university forced Mr. Wan to withdraw from the university. In October 2000, he returned to the university and was threatened with dismissal because he refused to write the three statements, promising to stop practising Falun Gong. On December 31st, 2000, he was arrested again after appealing for Falun Gong. In the detention centre, the police tortured him for an entire day in an attempt to force a so-called "confession" out of him. Every despicable tactic, such as using electric batons and handcuffing him outside in freezing temperatures, were employed to no avail.
  • Ms. Mou Xiaoqin and Mr. Wu Yucheng from Gulin County, Sichuan Province Subjected to Persecution

    Ms. Mou, 51, was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre. At the brainwashing centre, they forced Ms. Mou to submit her "living expenses." Afterwards more than ten police officers rushed into Ms. Mou's home demanding the money for her living expenses. The police then confiscated her family's television and tape recorder, among other things. In September 2004, Ms. Mou's family was also attacked, and Ms. Mou was imprisoned for a month. In 2006, Ms. Mou was taken away by the police again and imprisoned for allegedly "attacking the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."
  • Ms. Xu Yanli Imprisoned in Beijing, Mr. Wei Shijun Near Death in Qianjin Prison

    Mr. Wei Shijun 40 was arrested in July 2002 for practising Falun Gong. After he had been detained for one year, Mr. Wei was sentenced to eleven and a half years in prison. The temperature was below freezing. The administrators of the detention centre did not allow Mr. Wei's family to deliver any winter clothes to him. He had to survive the winter in his summer clothes. The guards in the detention centre frequently shocked him with electric batons. Mr. Wei is now in critical condition in Qianjin Prison. He has liver and kidney diseases. He has lost most of his hair. Qianjin Prison officials are aware of Mr. Wei's poor health but publicly stated that they would provide no medical care. Qianjin Prison officials are watching Mr. Wei die before their eyes.
  • Hunan Province Maternal and Children's Hospital Nurse He Xianggu Arrested for the Eighth Time After Being Persecuted at Mental Hospitals Twice and Labour Camps Three Times

    On the night of April 23rd, 2008, police officers in Changsha City arrested practitioner Ms. He Xianggu at her home. After they arrested her, they ransacked her home. Her personal belongings, including her computer, were taken away. On April 24th, after being held in custody for 24 hours, she was transferred to the Changsha City Detention Centre. This is the eighth time Ms. He Xiangguu has been arrested and jailed since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999 by the Chinese Communist Party. Ms. He was detained twice at mental hospitals, and sent to labour camps three times.
  • Practitioner Mr. Sun Pinghua Tortured in Yueyang City, Hunan Province

    Mr. Sun Pinghua is a Falun Gong practitioner in his thirties. On the morning of March 18th, 2008, while on his way to work, Mr. Sun was arrested by local city police. On the afternoon of the same day, two police vehicles arrived at Mr. Sun's home and several people rushed into his residence, stealing many items belonging to his family, including a computer used by a child for study. While in detention, Mr. Sun Pinghua was interrogated under torture for several days and nights. According to people imprisoned at the same location, he lost feeling in his left hand due to the torture.
  • Mr. Zhao Junli and Mr. Zhao Xikuan Have Been Imprisoned for Eleven Months

    On April 28th, 2007, over ten police officers pried open the door to the home of practitioner Mr. Zhao Junli, and confiscated his family's property. They then arrested Mr. Zhao. Several days later, Mr. Zhao Xikuan was also arrested at home. The Yangqu County Procuratorate and Yangqu County Court tried Mr. Zhao Junli and Mr. Zhao Xikuan many times but never reached a verdict. Both of them have been imprisoned for more than 11 months.