Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Huang Shuyuan Suffered Persecution in the Qingyang District People's Hospital in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2007-08-07Practitioner Ms. Huang Shuyuan, 59, was forcibly arrested, taken to Chengdu Detention Centre, and then to Qingyang District People's Hospital after she went on a hunger strike to protest her unjust detention. Every day, the hospital staff forced four or five different kinds of intravenous drip into Ms. Huang. If she resisted, the guard would cuff both of her hands to the headboard and raise the head of the bed so that when she slid down, the handcuffs would cut painfully into her wrists. At the same time, they administered intravenous drips into her leg. The handcuffs became tighter and tighter from the pulling of her body weight. The numbness in Ms. Huang's fingers and arms lasted for months, and she had trouble picking up items. Due to the poor hygienic conditions at the prison hospital, Ms. Huang's lower body developed thick scabs.
Exposing the Zhongba Women's Forced Labour Camp's Cruel "Transformation" Methods in Guizhou Province
2007-08-07I am a practitioner from Guizhou Province. During the eight years of persecution at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) I have been arrested and detained many times. When I was in the Zhongba Women's Forced Labour Camp, I was beaten to the point of being being severely injured and was black and blue all over my body. The perpetrators exploited my under-aged son to "transform" me. My son attempted suicide three times under such agony.
Practitioner Chen Xiaodong From Anhui Province Arrested Again Two Years After Serving a Five-Year Prison Term
2007-08-07On June 12th, 2007, Hong Yang (male), a Fuyang City public security officer, arrested practitioner Mr. Chen Xiaodong, from Fuyang City, Anhui Province. Mr. Chen is detained in the Taihe County Detention Centre. "To undergo more severe persecution," sources said, "his case has been turned over to Taihe Prosecutor's Office." In 2000, Mr. Chen was sentenced to five years of imprisonment because of his steadfast belief in Falun Dafa. It has been only two years since he served his five-year prison term. His mother and grandmother could not endure the blow of his imprisonment, and they passed away one after the other.
A Family of Five Brutally Persecuted for Their Belief in the Principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance"
2007-08-06Ms. Yang Jusheng's family consists of five members that have been persecuted for believing in the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Ms. Yang suffered a mental breakdown due to the torture inflicted on her during her detention. In November 2006, she passed away due to the long-term mental and physical torture that she endured while in a labour camp. Her daughter and her son both suffered from schizophrenia due to severe persecution. A once happy family is now torn apart.
The Crimes Committed in the Harbin Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-08-06In 2002, I was sentenced and detained in the Harbin Women's Forced Labour Camp of Heilongjiang Province. At the end of November 2002, the guards first shocked the practitioners with electric batons, which left them with blue and purple bruises on their bodies. They then started to punch and kick the practitioners. Many practitioners could not even stand up after the beating. The guards shut some practitioners into dark confinement rooms. The practitioners were only allowed to wear their underwear, and they were barefoot, with their hands tied behind their backs and crouched on the floor. Their entire face, including their mouths and eyes, were covered with yellow tape, exposing only the nose.
Exposing the Crimes of Zhang Yiqing, a Police Officer from Wolitun Public Security Sub-Bureau in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-08-06In October 2005, one Dafa practitioner in Yixixinghua Village of Daqing City mailed some leaflets exposing the persecution to her colleagues and one of them reported her to the police. Police from the Wolitun Public Security Sub-Bureau arrested her. According to a reliable source from the bureau, Zhang Qingyi personally gave the order and instructed police to persecute her. They forced the practitioner sit on an "iron chair", tied her arms and legs to the chair for 27 hours and put a plastic bag over her head until she almost suffocated. Then they poured cold water over her body. At times, they placed burning cigarettes inside the plastic bag until her face turned blue and purple and she spat out white foam.
Police in Weifang City, Shandong Province Arrest Ms. Dai Zongzhen and Her Daughter; Their Family is Once Again Being Persecuted
2007-08-06On April 18th, 2007, more than 20 plainclothes police officers went to a kindergarten run by practitioner Ms. Dai Zongzhen and took Ms. Dai by force, throwing her into a minibus. Ms. Dai shouted for help at the top of her lungs. The police officer in charge said viciously, "Stuff her underneath the seat." Then the police ransacked the kindergarten and took electronic equipment, Falun Dafa books and about 8,000 yuan in cash. Ms. Dai was held at the Weifang City Detention Centre. The police threatened to "bury her alive." Three days later she was transferred to an unknown location. Now, her whereabouts are still unknown.
Ms. Zhou Huafang from Qingyang City, Gansu Province Dies as the Result of Torture
2007-08-05Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Huafang, 58, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, and was arrested on Tiananmen Square. Detained in Gansu Second Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Zhou Huafang endured cruel torture and forced brainwashing to the point of her suffering a nervous breakdown. She was as thin as a skeleton, and even her eyes looked slow and glazed over. She was beaten constantly, deprived of her right to eat, and forced to stand in the rain. She was transferred to the Jiuzhou Development Zone Prison in Lanzhou City, where she was tortured with electric baton shocking and other methods. Unknown drugs were forcibly injected into her. She went into a vegetative state. Ms. Zhou Huafang died on July 3rd, 2007.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhang Weijie from Wuhan City, Hubei Province Recounts the Persecution He and His Family Members Have Suffered
2007-08-05I was on my way to work early in the morning on March 21st, 2007, when several cars pulled up. Eight people jumped out, pinned me to the ground and punched and kicked me. Finally, they handcuffed me and put me in a car. I asked them, "Who are you?" One of them said, "I'll tell you when we get there." He never did. They tried to wrap my head in some clothes but failed because of my struggling. In the following month they tried to coerce me to "reform." Some read Falun Gong books to me out loud and deliberately twisted the teachings in an attempt to confuse me; some talked about various religions, some showed me official documents in an effort to prove the persecution of Falun Gong is based on the law, and some threatened to sentence me to a prison term from between five years and 20 years if I did not give up my belief.
Cao Dong Secretly Sent to Tianshui City's Third Prison in Gansu Province
2007-08-05In March 2007, under the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) orders and manipulation, the Qingyang City's Intermediate Court in Gansu Province insisted on not having an open second trial of practitioner Mr. Cao Dong, and instead secretly decided to uphold the previous sentence. Mr. Cao faces five years' imprisonment. Mr. Cao Dong met with the European Parliament's Vice President Mr. McMillan-Scott on May 21st, 2006. In order to rescue his wife who was detained and persecuted at the time, Mr. Cao told the Vice President about the brutal persecution of his wife, himself and other practitioners he knew. Two hours after the meeting, Mr. Cao was arrested by the CCP's national security agents. On February 8th, 2007, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment by the CCP controlled court.
Mr. Zhou Jingcheng Persecuted in Wangling Jail, You County, Hunan Province
2007-08-05Dafa practitioner Zhou Jingcheng is still imprisoned in Wangling Jail, You County. He was arrested on January 5th, 2006. Police broke his teeth and injured his ears through tearing them. He almost lost his hearing. For over a year, he was injected with drugs and force-fed, and now he is in terrible shape, cannot eat or speak, cannot think clearly, and is unable take care of himself. He is very emaciated, his muscles have withered, and his skin loosely hangs on his skeleton. The police are still relentlessly persecuting Zhou.
Practitioners Zhang Hongying, Zhang Jiashuang, and Lu Tao from Miyi County, Sichuan Province Sentenced to Prison for Handing Out Informational Materials about Falun Gong
2007-08-04On Sunday, June 17th, 2007, the Miyi County Court held a trial to prosecute practitioners Ms. Lu Tao, Ms. Zhang Hongying, and Ms. Zhang Jiashuang. The court didn't notify the families about the trial. The judge asked the practitioners if the charges read were true. Ms. Lu said that she distributed the leaflets exposing the persecution in order to dispel the state propaganda attacking the practice. Ms. Zhang said, "The truth about Falun Gong is to inspire people to develop kind hearts. It is not about guns or nuclear weapons." The judge didn't know what to say. Later the court secretly sentenced them to sentences of up to five years imprisonment.
Henan Provincial No. 3 Forced Labour Camp Authorities Brutally Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2007-08-04Guards tortured Mr. Cui Shuyong with "Tying the Ropes" several times a day. "Tying the Ropes" is an extremely cruel technique where two guards each tie a rope to one of his wrists, and pull both arms behind his back. Then, with a policeman leaning against his back, the ropes are yanked upward to inflict maximum pain. In order to pull the rope even tighter, another officer would grip the victim's head with his thighs, and pull on the rope. The pain from the tearing of muscles and ligaments felt like he was being cut by a knife.
Is This a Hospital or a Dungeon?
2007-08-04Since November 2005, the No. 5 People's Hospital in Jiujiang City has treated Ms. Jiang Xiaoying, a clear-minded healthy person, as a mental patient. Staff at the hospital gave her injections, forced-fed her drugs and drew blood from her for 50 consecutive days. Since Ms. Jiang resolutely resists the inhumane torture, the hospital staff now torture her at night. Several men and women come to the ward where Ms. Jiang is held every night. They lock the door from the inside and tie up Ms. Jiang. They punch and kick her whenever she resists. They pry her mouth open with a spoon, loosening two teeth, to pour the drugs down her throat.
Wang Bo' s Uncle Persecuted Under "Orders from Above"
2007-08-04On the morning of July 7th, 2007, Wang Bo's uncle Gai Wufan went out to buy breakfast, but was stopped by local police officer Zhang Xinzheng, who was waiting outside his residence. Zhang Xinzheng called a van, and two police officers arrived to take Gai Wufan away. They said he needed to complete the paperwork for serving a term outside the labour camp, and sent him immediately to Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. The police explained that they were carrying out orders from higher authorities.