Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
A Childhood of Suffering: Both My Parents Imprisoned for Practising Falun Gong
2013-06-26My mother was arrested in late October 1999, when she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. When our entire family went to see her at the police station, hoping to bring her home, the police told me that she was not allowed to go home unless she signed a statement saying she would stop practising Falun Gong. Instead of being released she would be sent to Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. I was young and very scared. I cried for a few hours until I passed out. My heart has since been weak, and I have had to avoid strong emotions. My father was sentenced to forced labour six months later. I was only ten years old. My elder brother and I lost parental care and were left at home without our parents.
Crimes Committed in Hebei Women's Forced Labour Camp
2013-06-23Hebei Women’s Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province has been aggressive in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The guards, headed by deputy director Feng Kezhuang, under the direction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), have devastated Falun Gong practitioners physically and mentally through humiliation, beatings, solitary confinement, electric shocks, and extended detentions.
Ms. Lu Xueqin Persecuted for Disclosing Accounts of Torture; Her Family Worries for Her Safety
2013-06-23Ms. Lu Xueqin was arrested on May 2nd, 2013. Her family received a Criminal Detention Notification four days later from the Qingdao Sifang District Police Department, stating that she was being held at the Qingdao No. 3 Detention Centre. Her family hired a lawyer to represent her, but when the lawyer went to the detention centre to meet with his client, he was turned away. Ms. Lu's family members saw her on a TV news report on June 4th that defamed her. They also noticed that she was not in good physical condition. She was in critical condition in 2008 and 2009 as a result severe persecution. Her family are extremely worried about her health and safety.
How the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Interferes with People's Right to Appeal through Violence and Harassment (Part I)
2013-06-23Mr. Tao Hongsheng was a former police officer. He held up a banner with the words “Falun Gong” at Tiananmen Square on December 25th, 1999 and was expelled from work and from the Chinese Communist Party. He was sentenced to three years in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. It is hard to imagine what kind of physical and psychological torture and brainwashing he experienced there. As a result of the torture, Mr. Tao's health deteriorated rapidly and within several months, he was on the verge of death. When he was in critical condition, the labour camp authorities panicked and sent him back to his family. Just a few days after he returned home, Mr. Tao passed away. He was only 46 years old.
Wang Xingxiang Endures Eight Years of Torture in Jilin Women's Prison
2013-06-23Ms. Wang Xingxiang returned home on April 24th, 2012, after eight years of brutal torture in Jilin Women's Prison. She was subjected to several forms of torture during those eight years, including being forced to sit on a small stool for extended durations, bound with rope, tied to a death bed and forced labour. Nevertheless, all these torture methods could not change the will of a genuine Falun Gong practitioner like Ms. Wang, who maintained her steadfast belief in Falun Gong, with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance deeply rooted in her heart.
Cang County Court in Hebei Province and Secretly Sentences 70-year-old Practitioner and Prevents Attorney from Appealing
2013-06-20Seventy-year-old farmer Mr. Sun Yuqiang was detained for over four months for practising Falun Gong. Cang County Court tried Mr. Sun secretly on May 7th. The court did not notify the practitioner's family, did not allow the practitioner to hire a defence attorney, and did not announce the time and location of the trial. The trial was just a formality and lasted only 20 minutes. Mr. Sun was sentenced to three years in prison. The verdict indicated that it was a “public" trial, but in actuality, there were no family members or civilians present. The court kept it secret from the public, only informing the CCP judicial system.
Respected Police Officer Thrown into Labour Camp
2013-06-20Since the persecution of Falun Gong was launched in 1999, Mr. Zhang Xian, a much respected police officer, has been standing firm on his belief and explaining the facts of Falun Gong. He was forced into brainwashing sessions many times, extorted for large sums of money, and incarcerated in Shijiazhuang Labour Camp twice. His family has also suffered greatly from the persecution. His attorney filed a lawsuit against his persecutors in January 2013.
After Gaining Health from Practising Falun Gong, Ms. Liu Jingxiu Persecuted by the Chinese Regime
2013-06-20My name is Liu Jingxiu. I'm 60 years old. 1994 is the year that I encountered Falun Gong. Within about two months I regained my health. The good times did not last long. On July 20th, 1999, the Jiang Zemin, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started to persecute Falun Gong practitioners who had been cultivating their hearts toward kindness. Many practitioners began appealing to the government as the law allowed, since they trusted the regime. They were treated unjustly and severely persecuted. I witnessed practitioners being arrested and taken away when they were appealing to the provincial authorities. From 2006 to 2009, I was detained twice, subjected to forced labour, and incarcerated for telling others the facts of Falun Gong.
Mr. Gao Mingxing Dying in Prison, for Broadcasting TV Programme about Falun Gong
2013-06-18Mr. Gao Mingxing, a Falun Gong practitioner from Anshan City, Liaoning Province, is dying as a result of torture and abuse at the Panjin Prison and Shenyang No. 1 Prison in Liaoning Province. He was sentenced to a 12-year prison term after being arrested on August 1st, 2007, for replacing regular TV programming with videos that explained the facts about Falun Gong in February and August 2004, in order to expose the lies spread by the Chinese communist regime.
Ms. Wu Shuyan Dies After Persecution in Liaoning Women's Prison
2013-06-16Ms. Wu Shuyan, from Dadong District, Shenyang, in Liaoning Province, was unjustly arrested for speaking out about Falun Gong on May 24th, 2006. The six-plus years of physical and mental torment in the prison severely damaged Ms. Wu. She was finally able to return home and be with her family, but unfortunately her peaceful life was short-lived, as six police officers soon came to her home to threaten her. Ms. Wu developed ascites and died on June 2nd, 2013 at age 47.
I Never Eat Food Made by Beijing “Holiland”
2013-06-16The Beijing Women’s Prison has forced Falun Gong practitioners to make Holiland moon cake boxes since 2005. The forced labour begins in June every year and is extremely hard and tiring. When I was detained there, the guards held practitioners on an empty floor where all the window blinds were kept closed, and practitioners had to make Holiland moon cake boxes which are put together with toxic glue. Every day we had to work from dawn to dark. The toxic glue’s smell was so cloying that many practitioners felt dizzy and some even vomited. The workload was very heavy.
Elderly Ms. Zhang Shuxiang Severely Abused in Detention
2013-06-11Ms. Zhang Shuxiang was reported by officer Song Shaochang for speaking with people about Falun Gong on the morning of April 5th, 2013. Police arrested Ms. Zhang and took her to the Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Centre. The brainwashing centre head, Yuan Binkui, kicked Ms. Zhang to the ground. He then grabbed her and slapped her in the face over a dozen times. He ordered guard Sun Yanqin to lock her in a small, dark room for three days, where she was deprived of food and water and had no blanket to cover herself at night.
Over 10 Practitioners Detained at Erehu Brainwashing Centre in Ziyang City
2013-06-11Over 10 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on July 28th, 2012. They were taken to the Ziyang City Law Education Centre, also known as the Erehu Brainwashing Centre. Mr. Ma Daiheng, 76, was arrested at home. Agents forced their way into his home and ransacked it. They also stole a few hundred yuan in cash, which was Mr. Ma's and his wife's retirement income. When Mr. Ma's wife returned home that night, she saw the mess left behind, but didn't know what had happened to her husband. None of the family were notified of Mr. Ma's arrest. His wife later found out that he had been taken to the Erehu Brainwashing Centre.
Ms. Yang Mei Looks Completely Different after Imprisonment in Forced Labour Camps
2013-06-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Mei's family picked her up from Hubei Women's Forced Labour Camp for medical treatment on the afternoon of March 24th, 2013. After five years in the camp, the appearance of Ms. Yang, 37, has completely changed. She looks old and thin. She has lost a few teeth and a lot of hair. Her eyes look dull. According to a former work colleague, Ms. Yang used to be very pretty with a fair complexion. She was very warm and energetic. The former colleague could hardly believe this released person was Yang Mei if she had not seen Yang in person.
Torture Interrogation Endured by Mr. Liu Wei
2013-06-11Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Wei was tortured during interrogation after he was arrested at home on November 2nd, 2012. The officers hit his lower legs with a pick handle, and questioned him about other counties. They poured cold water on Mr. Liu and and beat him with wet towels. They propped a club against his chest and put a pick handle against his back between his shoulder blades. They pushed the handle upwards towards the back of his neck several times until he almost suffocated. They tortured him till 5:00 a.m. the next morning.