Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • After Being Missing Six Years, Wang Xiangshang Returned Home and Died at the Door

    At 2:00 p.m., June 16th, 2006, Mr. Wang Xiangshang suddenly appeared at the door of his home and fell to the ground. His mother kept calling his name. Mr. Wang looked at his mother with wide open eyes, filled with tears. He died without saying one word. When he died, this 38-year-old man only weighed about 25 kg [55 lbs]. Because he practised Falun Dafa, Mr. Wang was forced to leave home to escape the persecution. For the past 6 years, his family members had no idea where he was. After being missing for 6 years, he suddenly appeared at the front door of his home. But why was he near death? How did he arrive at the door? This has to be investigated!
  • Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners by Xiangtan City 610 Office Agents

    The "Wujia Garden" in Xiangtan City is a 610 Office brainwashing centre. Agents from the 610 Office arrested many Falun Dafa practitioners and took them there. They force the practitioners to sign documents, write guarantee statements and watch videos. More than ten Dafa practitioners were recently sent to there. During the past seven years, Xiangtan City 610 Office agents sent at least thirty five Dafa practitioners to forced labour camps. Dafa practitioner Xu Ailian was sent to a labour camp twice and suffered a mental collapse after being savagely tortured at the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp.
  • Letter to Vice-President of the European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott Concerning the Participation of Volkswagen Group China in the Persecution of Falun Gong

    As the family member of a persecuted Falun Gong practitioner employed by Volkswagen in China, I am writing to you in order to ask you to pay special attention to the disgraceful behaviour of Volkswagen in participating in the CCP regime's persecution against Falun Gong, and ask you, as a politician of stature, to provide help to these persecuted people. Located in Changchun, Jilin Province, FAW-VW was established in 1991. With an annual output capacity of 660,000 cars and 360,000 engines, it is considered to be one of the most prosperous firms in the northeast region of China. But between 1999 and 2003, at least ten employees who practise Falun Gong were dismissed for refusing to give up their belief.
  • Mr. Zhang Quanfu Tortured to Death by Guard Wang Tao at Chaoyanggou Labour Camp

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Quanfu was tortured terribly and had scabies all over his body due to the inhumane living conditions. He was forced sit for entire days and not allowed to use the bathroom. He weighed less than 30 kg, ate very little and was in critical condition. Despite this, the labor camp guards did not release him. Instead, the torture against him was even more severe, and he was forced to sit on the bench for even longer. It was very common that he was forced to sit from 5:00 a.m. until midnight.
  • Account of Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Shunlong's Death

    Mr. Zhang was detained on the third floor and interrogated by several dozen police. Around 10 a.m., he fell from the third floor. The police claimed that he jumped, yet two people failed to prevent his fall. Zhang was handcuffed with a broken leg. There were over a dozen police watching over him, and the window was very narrow. How could he have jumped out? It is obvious that he was thrown from the building. The police tried to evade responsibility upon seeing that he would not survive.
  • Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Wang Mingzhen in Sichuan Province

    In January 2003, Ms. Wang was forced to stand still because she was practising the Falun Gong exercises. The head of the detention facility, used a fang-like baton to hit Wang Mingzhen's buttocks and thighs mercilessly. Ms. Wang suffered great pain but continued to do the exercises. The on-duty supervisors then handcuffed Ms. Wang with her arms behind her back and hung her up in the air under a steel door by the handcuffs. Only her toes could reach the floor. She was hung in this position around the clock, and finally her body became totally numb. In addition, Ms. Wang was not allowed any food or water, and she was not allowed to use the toilet. This torture went on for five consecutive days.
  • Practitioner's Mother Not Allowed to Visit Her Daughter in Heizuizi Women's Prison in Changchun City

    Song Yanqun, an English teacher, was arrested by police on November 27th, 2003 because of her belief in Falun Dafa and sentenced to twelve years in prison. She was tied on a tiger bench, her ears and eyes pricked with a thin nail, and fed with mustard oil. On May 23rd, 2006, Song Yanqun's parents went to visit her in Heizuizi Women's Prison, but the guards would not allow Song Yanqun's mother to meet her. Cao Hong, why she was not allowed to meet with her daughter. Cao said, "Because you practise Falun Gong."
  • Practitioners Persecuted in the Sixteenth Section of the Mudanjiang City Prison

    During Mr. Pan Xingfu’s imprisonment, the police forced him to do heavy labour, which devastated him both physically and mentally. In late 2003, he suffered from oedema in his legs and became too weak to walk. However, the prison guards did not provide him with any treatment. It was not until May 2005 that Mr. Pan was sent to a prison hospital, where he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and hydropsy inside his chest and abdomen. The director would not allow the medical parole unless Mr. Pan wrote a guarantee statement promising he would give up Falun Gong. However, Mr. Pan refused to write it. Mr. Pan was released from prison during July 2004 without receiving treatment for the tuberculosis and hydropsy. As a result of his long term persecution, Mr. Pan died in January 2005.
  • Zuo Zhigang's Murderer Still at Large - Parents Refuse to Let His Body Be Cremated

    Five years ago, Falun Gong practitioner Zuo Zhigang from Shijiazhuang City was taken away by police the day before his wedding and tortured to death overnight. His body was covered in wounds. His parents strongly demanded that his body be stored so they could seek justice. Recently, the Funeral Administration Division of Shijiazhuang City issued a public announcement urging the family to cremate the body within sixty days.
  • Exposing the People in Fushun City Who Persecuted Practitioner Mr. Han Zhe

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Han Zhe originally worked at the Casting Pipe Workshop, of the Fushun Special Steel Limited Company. He has been persecuted so severely that he is now mentally traumatised. In 2001 Mr. Han, then only 23 years old, spoke to people about the facts of Falun Dafa in his company and distributed fliers exposing the persecution. He was reported to the company public security office, arrested and taken to Fushun City Reformatory where several criminals took wooden boards and fiercely beat Mr. Han’s body and head. They then lifted him up and threw him to the ground. Sun Jiwen, the section chief of the administration section, used an electric baton to shock Mr. Han.
  • The Persecution of Elderly Practitioner Zhang Dequan of Jilin Province

    71-year-old Mr. Zhang Dequan was persecuted because he remained steadfast in his belief in Falun Gong. The authorities arrested him and ransacked his home many times. Zhang was also sentenced to forced labour. Zhang and his family have been persecuted for years by their local police officers and street committee members. On the evening of February 9th, 2002, local police ransacked his home. During the same night, Zhang and his wife were sentenced to fifteen days of detention. The police sent Zhang to prison, and two months later he was sent to Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp for two years. While he was at a labour camp, local police and street committee members regularly went to his home to intimidate his family. They also prohibited Zhang’s children from going to college, rendering them unable to graduate.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured at Hebei Province Female Prison

    In August of 2002, Bai Yuzhi was abducted from her home and detained in the Second Detention Centre of Shijiazhuang City. In the detention centre, she went on a hunger strike to protest her arrest and suffered severe deterioration of her health. On April 10th, 2003, she started to vomit blood and was force-fed by the police. Her nose was broken and she nearly lost her eyesight. She could not walk by herself and had to be carried by the person that was force-feeding her. On May 19th, 2003, Bai Yuzhi was detained in Hebei Province Female Prison.
  • Ms. Qiu Xi'e Tortured to Death

    Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Qiu Xi'e, in her 70s, lived in Miluo City, Hunan Province. She was taken to the Yueyang City Hubin Brainwashing Centre in June 2006 by personnel from the 610 Office and tortured for more than 20 days. Ms. Qiu died around 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of July 8th, 2006. The 610 officers were frightened that their abuse of Ms. Qiu would be made public, so they promised to pay her family a hundred thousand yuan. Qiu Xi'e's children are preparing for her funeral, which is scheduled for July 13th, 2006.
  • The Suffering of Ms. Gu Xingzhi before Being Persecuted to Death in Sichuan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gu Xingzhi was arrested while posting Falun Gong's leaflets exposing the persecution in April 2002 and was sent to Miyi County Detention Centre where she died after a month of forced feeding on November 7th, 2002. On previous occasions was handcuffed and beaten with strips of bamboo because she did the Falun Gong exercises.
  • Police Brutally Beat and Disable Middle School Teacher Mr. Jiang Yuejun

    The local police inhumanely persecute Jiang Yuejun and his wife because they practise Falun Gong. Jiang Yuejun is a middle school teacher in Shulan City. The police arrested Mr Jiang on June 20th, 2006, and brutally beat him. This caused a disability in one of his legs and he couldn't walk. He is still being detained at the moment.