Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Changchun Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yufen Sentenced to Prison and Denied a Final Farewell to Her Dying Husband
2005-04-20On September 16, 2002, police officers arrested 52 year old Ms. Zhang Yufen at her home. She was subsequently sentenced to five years in prison and held at the Heizuizi Women's Prison. After her arrest, her husband became increasingly anxious and scared. As a result, he developed liver cancer and died on October 5, 2004. Throughout his terminal illness, the prison authorities prohibited Ms. Zhang from seeing her husband. She was never able to bid a final goodbye to her husband.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Shi Biao from Zhejiang Province Beaten to Death by "610 Office" Workers
2005-04-19Mr. Shi Biao, 35 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in 2000, and was brutally beaten, detained, and extorted money by the police. He was forbidden to have visitors. His whole body was swollen and covered with purple bruises, and he suffered internal injury in his chest. His condition worsened after he was released, and he died on December 17, 2003. He is survived by his wife, who has no permanent job, and a young son.
Practitioner Mr. Sun Qian from Liaoning Province Tortured to Death
2005-04-19Mr. Sun Qian was 33 years old and went to Beijing twice to appeal in 2000. In October 2002, he was arrested because of hanging up banners and producing Falun Dafa leaflets exposing the persecution. He was sent to prison, where the authorities tried to brainwash him against Falun Dafa and torture him. In the end, the abuse left him very weak. We heard Mr. Sun developed tuberculosis and pleurisy, and was sent to hospital when he passed out. In order to avoid being held responsible, the prison finally sent him home. Only three days later, Mr. Sun Qian died, on March 15, 2005.
High School Affiliated with Chongqing University Uses Slanderous Article to Poison the Minds of Children
2005-04-19On January 19 2005, right before the winter break, the high school affiliated with Chongqing University gave every student a short article slandering Falun Gong as homework over the break. The students were told to transcribe the entire article and encouraged to enter writing contests by writing similar articles. Students who did not complete the homework would not be allowed to attend school the following term. This approach used to poison the minds of children made many people very upset.
Shandong Province Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoli Died as a Result of Persecution -- Young Daughter Left Behind
2005-04-19On March 19, 2002, practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoli died as a result of persecution. She was only 35 years old. While she and her husband were distributing leaflets that exposed the facts of the persecution, they were reported and arrested by police. Her husband escaped but Ms. Wang Xiaoli was sent to the Shandong Province Forced Labour Camp. The day she arrived at the forced labour camp she managed to escape. However when she made a phonecall to her mother, police intercepted the conversation and discovered her whereabouts. In a pursuit by the police, Wang Xiaoli was persecuted to death. She left a 9 year old daughter.
Practitioner Su Baolan from Shandong Province Died from Persecution in 2001, Her Family Members Were Recently Arrested Again
2005-04-18Falun Dafa practitioner Su Baolan died as a result of persecution in October 2001 at 37 years of age. On March 15, 2005, the Anqiu City Police Department mobilised police officers in various townships to launch a mass arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. According to a preliminary estimate, 17 practitioners were abducted, including the parents and younger sister of Su Baolan. Their home was ransacked. They are currently being held at the Anqiu Detention Centre.
Methods of Torture Used at Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-04-18An officer made a promise to the convicts: Whoever managed to make a practitioner give up Falun Gong would be rewarded with a reduction of his sentence. Since then prisoners have increased their torture of practitioners including using lit cigarettes to burn their sensitive areas.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Gu Qiang from Heilongjiang Province Dies from Persecution
2005-04-18Mr. Gu Qiang was 50. Police sentenced him to forced labour at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. During his detention, he was brutally beaten. Prison guards took turns abusing him, and caused wounds all over his body. He was sent to a hospital. However the expensive medical fees were too much of a burden for his wife and put her in debt. She could not endure the stress, and divorced him. Mr. Gu had no place to live, and suffered severe mental stress. His old illness returned, and he died on March 9, 2005.
Ms. Shi Yinghua from Heilongjiang Province Suffers Mental Collapse from Persecution
2005-04-18Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shi Yinghua suffered a mental breakdown almost six years ago as a result of persecution. The scars left on her from torture by 610 Office agents are still evident today. The once healthy and lively Ms. Shi Yinghua is gone. Instead, her eyes are dull, her mind is not clear, and her speech incoherent. Every time she suffers a relapse, she runs around the street and can't recognise anybody. The one-by-two-centimetre raised scars from the shackles on her wrists and legs are clearly visible.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Baojie from Liaoning Province Tortured to Death
2005-04-17Ms. Li Baojie was 32 years old. She was arrested and detained many times for firmly cultivating Falun Dafa. After being sentenced to three years forced labour in August 2004, she served time at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Li went on a hunger strike the entire time at the labour camp to protest the unjust incarceration and she was force-fed. She was tortured until she had trouble breathing and could not talk coherently. She died on April 8, 2005.
24 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Lijuan from Hunan Province Died From Extreme Mental Stress in 2004
2005-04-17Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Lijuan went to Beijing to appeal when she was a student in the Finance Department of Hunan Province Finance Institute. She was then expelled from the Institute due to her firm belief and the bank fired her from her part-time job for refusing to sign a guarantee statement to give up cultivating Falun Gong. Under extreme pressure from the persecution, she suffered a mental collapse and died on November 11, 2004.
Eight Falun Dafa Practitioners Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-04-1748 year old Mr. Fu and his wife both practised Falun Dafa. After July 20, 1999, Mr. Fu's wife went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. After that the police often harassed her. In March 2002 while she was having a meal at home, police arrested her. One of them threatened Mr. Fu and said, "We will inject drugs that destroy the central nervous system into your wife, send her to Shijiazhuang City to brainwash her, sentence her to a long jail term, and fine her 12,000 yuan." Under great pressure, Mr. Fu finally came up with 3,000 yuan to give to the police. However, they said it was not enough and still refused to release his wife. Mr. Fu was hurt mentally, and he suffered from a sudden illness as a result. He died 4 months later.
Imprisoned and Deprived of My Wages Because I Believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance"
2005-04-17My name is Wang Yizong. I am a 63-year-old economist. On the afternoon of October 20, 2000, I was sentenced to three years in prison without any legal procedure, for the so-called crime of distributing Falun Gong flyers. Because I didn't want to give up the practice of Falun Gong, police punched and kicked me. They said, "As long as you practise Falun Gong, beating you to death is nothing, and no one will stand up for you." Also, my wages were stopped in November 2000 and to this day they remain unpaid. Since that time I haven't received even a penny for living expenses. My son and daughter help myself and my wife financially and in order to survive I've also been cultivating two Chinese acres of land.
The Tragic Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Sun Yuhua
2005-04-16Ms. Sun Yuhua was a resident of Liaoning Province. She was 37 years old when she was tortured to death. On March 11, 2003, Ms. Sun was sentenced to four years in jail. When her family visited her on March 28, 2003, Ms. Sun was in good physical and mental condition. When they went to visit her again on April 9 prison officials told them that Ms. Sun suffered from heart disease and could not eat, and had been sent to the prison hospital. Ms. Sun never had heart disease. On April 11 police told the family that she had died from heart disease. When they saw her body there were dark purple bruises on her face, on her front, her back, behind her ears, her arms and there were blisters on her buttocks.
A Family Struggles for Justice After Shangzhi City Court Secretly Sentences Ms. Zhang Shuzhi to Prison
2005-04-16Since the Shangzhi City Court tried practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuzhi on February 4, 2005, her family have continued to ask the detention centre for information about her health and whereabouts. But to no avail. Her family have had no choice but to go to the Shangzhi City Court. The staff member Ma Yuyan told them that Zhang Shuzhi was sentenced to four years in prison. The family said, "Why didn't you inform us right away? On what did you base the four-year sentence?" Ma Yuyan said, "We did everything according to our laws. The family then went to the Court Appeals Office. Unexpectedly, Judge Zhang ferociously said, "Four years imprisonment is not severe enough for her. She should be sentenced to death."