Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ten Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Shandong, Sichuan, Hunan and Other Provinces Died As A Result of Persecution
2005-04-2779 year old Ms. Yu Fuxiu was from Shandong Province. Before starting Falun Gong practice, Ms. Yu suffered many serious illnesses. She completely regained her health after starting to practise Falun Gong in 1996. After the persecution began, she went to Beijing to appeal. She was illegally harassed, fined, arrested, and brainwashed, and her home was ransacked several times. The physical and mental torture caused her former illnesses to recur, and she passed away on March 29, 2004.
Five Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Shandong, Sichuan, and Hebei Provinces Die from Persecution
2005-04-27Ms. Li Guohua was over 70 years of age and was from Sichuang Province. She was admitted to the hospital for stomach cancer in 1998. During her hospital stay, she heard about Falun Gong and began practising it. Her cancer soon completely disappeared. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, and under the threats of the police department, her husband began to closely monitor Ms. Li in 2000 and restricted her from practising Falun Gong. Her old illnesses therefore relapsed, and she passed away in June 2000.
63 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shen Xuelan from Guangzhou City Died in Late 1999
2005-04-2763 year old Ms. Shen Xuelan was from Liaoning Province. She lived in Guangdong Province with her son Hu Hui who also practises Falun Dafa and used to work at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Soon after the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she went to the provincial government to appeal for Dafa. She was detained, and authorities pressured her son and forced him to resign from his job. Shen Xuelan was forced to return to Liaoning Province, where she passed away in late 1999.
A Five-year-old Girl in Dalian City Wants Her Father to Come Home (Photos)
2005-04-27Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Miao Junjie was sentenced to nine years in prison. The prison staff not only prevents his family from bringing anything to him, but also won't let his mother visit him. His daughter, five-year-old Zhenzhen, can only visit once a month with her mother. She asked her mother, "When will Daddy come back? I really miss Daddy."
Practitioner Mr. Zhu Xiangguo from Heilongjiang Province Recently Died as a Result of Torture
2005-04-26Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhu Xiangguo from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested four times and tortured to the brink of death. The police locked him in solitary confinement, where four police officers beat and kicked him for a very long time. His head was severely swollen and his eyes were bloodshot. He had difficulty breathing, and his whole body was covered in bruises. He could barely stand up. He often vomited blood until he died on March 25, 2005, as a direct result of the abuse he suffered during the persecution.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner and Army Official Mr. Ding Han Dies as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-2677 yhear old Mr. Ding Han lived in Dalian City. He was a deputy director and an army official at the Navy Headquarters' Political Bureau in Liaoning Province. He started practising Falun Dafa in May 1996. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the Retired Navy Officials' Home in Dalian City held three Party group meetings, and persecuted Mr. Ding. He experienced symptoms of a stroke and passed away in November 1999.
Many Practitioners Employed by the West Open Mine in Inner Mongolia Autonomous District Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-04-26Ms. Sun Shuzhen was the 62 year old wife of a mine employee. She formerly had breast cancer and had undergone surgery to treat it. Then she started practising Falun Dafa and became very healthy for five years. When the suppression of Falun Dafa started in 1999, the local "610 Office" and the police kept harassing her, extorted money from her, and forced her to attend a brainwashing class, which damaged her both mentally and physically. Ms. Sun died of bone cancer in May 2004.
"610 Office" Staff Beat Elderly Woman to Death in Her Own Home in Fujian Province
2005-04-25At 9:00 p.m. on December 27, 2004, during a house raid by personnel from the "610 Office", Falun Gong practitioner Chen Xiuchong, who was about 74 years old, was beaten to death in her own home. They forced their way into her home and ransacked it. During a dispute between Ms. Chen and the "610 Office" staff, Ms. Chen was knocked to the ground while trying to protect her Falun Dafa books. She lost consciousness immediately. They continued kicking and beating her, saying she was faking. Ms. Chen passed away that night.
Mr. Hao Shouzhong and His Wife Ms. Chen Ruixue from Shandong Province Persecuted to Death
2005-04-25Practitioners Mr. Hao Shouzhong and his wife Ms. Chen Ruixue started to practise Falun Gong in September 1997, and they became healthy physically and emotionally. After July 20, 1999, they were both harassed frequently and persecuted. Mr Hao died on December 22, 2002. Ms. Chen suffered as much as Mr. Hao. In addition to that, she had to take care of him. She died on December 22, 2002.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yin Guizhen from Shanxi Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-2549 year old Ms. Yin Guizhen was tortured at a forced labour camp and harassed by the local police. Her husband was sent to a detention centre, which frightened her and she almost experienced a mental collapse. Her husband had to pay a fine of fifteen thousand yuan before being released from the detention centre. Upon returning home he found that Ms. Yin's health had worsened. On the afternoon of February 9, 2005, she had a stroke, and rescue efforts failed. Ms. Yin died on February 14, 2005.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Died Due to Police Harassment
2005-04-2580 year old Ms. Zhao Yunjie, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. Her white hair miraculously turned black after she started studying the Falun Dafa teachings and doing the exercises in 1998. After the persecution started in 1999, local policemen ransacked her fifth daughter's home. Her third daughter went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, was detained, and fined. Ms. Zhao suffered long term harassment and mental pressure. She was affected both mentally and physically and died in December 1999.
Huaiji County Commerce Bureau Director Mr. Liang Tianhua and His Wife from Guangdong Province Died under Persecution
2005-04-24Huaiji County Commerce Bureau Director Mr. Liang Tianhua and his wife Fan Shaoqing from Guangdong Province were abused many times by members of the 610 Office. Mr. Liang was not allowed to go to the hospital when he was dying, and he died in June, 2001. Ms. Fan Shaoqing was at the forced labour camp, and was deeply traumatised by the tragic death of her husband. She died on December 31, 2004.
Fourteen Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted to Death, Including Five Elderly
2005-04-2476 year old Mr. Yang Fakui lived in Hubei Province. He benefited from Falun Dafa, both mentally and physically, since he began practising in 1997. However, he was harassed and threatened many times by the police after July 20, 1999, when the persecution began. He was arrested three times. In March 2001, he was taken to attend a brainwashing class. His daughter was detained, and his son-in-law was sent to a forced labour camp. He suffered a great deal emotionally and died a sad man on May 30, 2002.
Twenty-two Falun Gong Practitioners Died As A Result of Persecution, Including Six in Their 70s
2005-04-24Hunan Province practitioner Ms. Wang Yingmei, 69 years old, was murdered. Perpetrators from the factory 610 Office often broke into her home to harass and threaten her, and created tremendous stress for her. In the evening of August 7, 1999, personnel from the 610 Office again broke into her home, and a few thugs also entered amidst the chaos to steal things. These people brutally murdered Wang Yingmei. She was poor and had few outside contacts. People who knew her all liked her.
Police Force Pregnant Falun Gong Practitioner to Undergo an Abortion
2005-04-24The authorities forcibly took me to the Family Planning Office in Guangdong Province. There, an ultrasound was done, and I was then sent to the operating table. I held onto the door and didn't want to enter the operating room. Five or six men put me up on the operating table and didn't leave until two women held me down. I was so scared! After the surgery, they took me back to the police station. The personnel there didn't want to keep me, so they sent me home. I lay down on the bed with a blank mind. These evil people deprived a two-month-old life of its opportunity to live!