Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Nineteen Dafa Practitioners Die After Harassment and Persecution in Hunan, Shandong, Jilin and Liaoning Provinces
2005-05-05Ms. Yuan Wenshu, 58, was a retired high school teacher living in the school grounds. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she went to the Provincial Capital and Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. She was detained, harassed and threatened numerous times by officials from the school, the police, and the public security bureau. She could no longer practise Falun Gong freely, and her family would even question her on calls received from her students. She lived under constant terror. In April 2002 the principal of the school called her and ordered her to report to the school. After learning that they intended to arrest her upon arriving at the school, she decided to escape. She left. While away from her home, she detected a lump in her breast. On November 4, 2002, she was lured to the school and detained by the police for 15 days. Her health deteriorated afterwards, and she died on April 12, 2005.
After the Chinese Government Began to Persecute Falun Gong, My Life Changed
2005-05-05I started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. After becoming a practitioner, I soon gave up the bad habit of smoking. I felt incredible relaxation, mental clarity and freedom from stress. But after the persecution began my life changed. Being a practitioner, the Chinese police detained me five times. During my time in jail, I suffered all kinds of corporal punishment. For example, the policemen locked my hands and feet in special punishment equipment, they blocked my mouth, took off all my clothes, electric shocked my buttocks, and more. The torture left me with multiple scars on my hip. I was in despair while living in China. Thankfully I got an opportunity to escape to Africa, where I was granted refugee status.
Mr. Xu Zhibin Is in Great Danger Due to the Torture He is Subjected to in the Wafangdian Prison
2005-05-04Mr. Xu is a 44-year-old graduate. Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, he has been arrested seven times because of his firm belief in Falun Dafa. In March 2003, Xu was secretly sentenced to 14 years in jail, where he has suffered severe torture and abuse. He is currently in a very weakened state and has lost feeling in his feet. He is 180 cm (5'11") tall, yet he weighs only 40kg (88lbs.) . He is in a grave situation.
Police Use Crank Telephones to Administer Extremely Painful Shock Torture to Practitioners in Shandong Province
2005-05-04The "Crank Telephone" torture involves fastening the two wires of an old style crank telephone to both the victim's ears or thumbs. When the police turn the crank, the electric current flows through the victim's body. The victim's entire body convulses, but the current seems to concentrate in the heart. The victim's tongue becomes stiff so that he cannot speak, but only cry out in extreme pain. After being subjected to this treatment, the victims' thumbs or ears are both charred.
Ninety-Year-Old Practitioner Died From Persecution
2005-05-0490 year old Mr. Sun Zhongren was a Shandong Province farmer. He started practising Falun Dafa when he was over 80 years old and experienced profound changes in body and mind. In 2002, policemen ordered Mr. Sun to attend a brainwashing class, and he refused. They then demanded that Mr. Sun give up his belief. Under tremendous pressure, Mr. Sun compromised and renounced Falun Dafa. Although he never stopped studying the Falun Dafa teachings, doing the exercises, Sun Zhongren suffered emotionally under the severe pressure of the persecution. He died suddenly at the end of 2003.
Another Five Falun Dafa Practitioners, Including Four Elderly, from Hebei Province Have Died Due to the Persecution
2005-05-04Mr. Sun Baoxin, 70 years old, of Hebei Province, started practising Falun Gong in 1997. Because he maintained a pure heart and advanced diligently in his practice, many of his illnesses including hypertension and cerebral haemorrhaging were cured without medical treatment. After July 20, 1999, Mr. Sun was threatened and harassed as a result of the Jiang regime's intensive persecution. His body and mind were severely harmed. He died on March 19, 2003 as a result of the persecution.
Three Elderly Ladies Died of Persecution Because They Practised Falun Dafa
2005-05-03Mrs. Li Tianzhen was 90 years old and lived in Henan Province. Since she started to practise Falun Dafa at the beginning of 1995, Her hair returned to its natural black colour, her skin turned soft and fair, and she had not had to take any medicine for ten years. After the start of the persecution on July 20, 1999, she was detained at least nine times. persecution gravely affected her health and strength. She passed away January 6, 2005.
The Persecution of Mr. Lin Zhiming
2005-05-03Mr. Lin Zhiming from Hunan Province, started practising Falun Gong in March 1996, and benefited from it in both body and mind. After Jiang Zemin's faction began to persecute Falun Gong, Mr. Lin was persecuted relentlessly by people from his workplace. He was transferred, demoted, and placed under house arrest many times. He was even sent to a brainwashing centre in Guangzhou City for over 70 days.
85 Year Old Practitioner Ms Zhao Zhuni from Hebei Province Died Resisting Persecution
2005-05-03Elderly Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Zhuni's son was arrested seven times due to firmly holding to his beliefs. In order to force both her and her son to give up Falun Dafa practice, police officers set up a video camera and tried to use her to deceive people. They asked her to kneel down and persuade him to give up his belief. Facing the camera, Ms. Zhao saw her son had been tortured to only skin and bones. She said to her son sadly, "The CCP has really made you suffer!" The police threatened her. Under the extreme mental and physical pressure, she died in July, 2004.
Four Practitioners from Jilin, Henan, and Hubei Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-05-03Mr. Zhu Tianpeng , 60, lived in Henan Province. He started practising Falun Dafa in 1997, and became illness-free very soon afterwards. After July 20, 1999, his family members appealed for Falun Dafa many times by distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and were arrested by police. He was threatened and harassed many times by lawless officials and was seriously injured. Mr. Zhu Tianpeng died on February 3, 2005.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Wang Jinbo and Others Were Brutally Persecuted in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp -- Part I
2005-05-02Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Jinbo is in his 40s and is a loan manager at a Construction Bank in Jilin Province. In August 2002, police officers arrested Mr. Wang at his workplace because he practises Falun Gong. He was sentenced to three years of forced labour. In October 2002, Mr. Wang was sent to the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp in Changchun City, where he suffered inhuman torture and cruel persecution.
Ms. Tian Yuan, a Disabled Practitioner, Recounts the Persecution She Has Suffered by Police in Changchun City
2005-05-02"I used to be a doctor. In early 1994, a policeman who was carrying a gun illegally opened fire when he was arguing with someone over personal issues. The bullet hit my spinal column, and I became paralysed from the chest down. I've been confined to a wheelchair since that day 11 years ago. I started to practise Falun Gong in May 1999. Very soon after that, miracles happened. My legs stopped suffering from oedema and atrophy. In March 2004, over twenty policemen arrested me and took me to the detention centre. At the detention centre, I followed the legal procedures and requested a lawyer and an administrative re-examination of my case. Both of my requests were turned down. On March 14, 2005, the Procuratorate sent someone to my home and wanted to take me, even though I could not walk or take care of myself, to the court for sentencing."
His Leukemia Cured after Practising Falun Dafa, Hu Xiangdong Dies as a Result of Persecution; Ms. Ge Ling Sentenced Again to Two Years of Forced Labour
2005-05-02Mr. Hu Xiangdong lived in Jiangxi Province. He previously had leukemia, which disappeared after he began Falun Dafa practice. He was then able to do farm work in the fields. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, lawless officials sent people to follow Mr. Hu, and they forbade him to practise Falun Dafa. His old illness returned, and he died on December 13, 2003.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Shujie Drowned Following Nervous Breakdown Precipitated by Brutal Torture
2005-05-0249 year old Ms. Wang Shujie went to Beijing twice to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and was sent to a detention centre. In December 1999, Ms. Wang was sentenced to one year of forced labour and held at the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, where she was ruthlessly tortured. Four guards shocked her simultaneously with electric batons. She rolled down the stairs and passed out. Local police and her workplace pressured, monitored, harassed and threatened her on a daily basis. Wang Shujie suffered a nervous breakdown. She fell into a river and drowned on October 8, 2000.
Over Sixty Dafa Practitioners in Heilongjiang Province Arrested and Tortured - Ms. Hao Zhimei Persecuted to Death
2005-05-01Recently more than sixty Dafa practitioners in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province were arrested and unjustly detained in the Qiqihar City First Detention Center. A retired first school teacher, 61-year-old Dafa practitioner Ms. Hao Zhimei, was arrested on the evening of March 16, 2005 and died as a result of persecution on March 24. It was reported that the authorities secretly handed out ten-year sentences to all of them without going through any legal proceedings.