Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Fu Xuebing and Her Infant Daughter Arrested in Dongguan City
2012-11-30Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fu Xuebing and her 6-month-old daughter were arrested in Dongguan City around October 26th, 2012. They may be taken back to Meizhou City. It is unknown which Chinese Communist Party body made the arrest. Previously, in May 2010 police arrested Ms. Fu, ransacked her home and confiscated her laptop. She was sent to a brainwashing centre.
Mr. Wang Linjiang Dies after Six Years in Prison
2012-11-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Linjiang was arrested and sentenced to prison in 2005. He was incarcerated in Xinjiang No. 5 Prison, where he became severely ill as a result of abuse and inhuman living conditions. He was released in January 2011, but could not recover his health and died on October 28th, 2012. He was 43. Xinjiang No. 5 Prison threatens and intimidates Falun Gong practitioners in an attempt to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] them and force them to write the three statements to renounce practising Falun Gong. The guards force practitioners to watch videos that slander Falun Gong.
As a Result of Torture in Dalian Detention Centre, Ms. Hou Chunli's Legs Broken and Her Kidneys Injured
2012-11-23On July 6th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hou Chenli, 28, was arrested by police officers from the Jinzhouxin District in Dalian. She was then held in Dalian Detention Centre and cruelly tortured. As a result, her legs were broken and her kidneys were injured. After the Chinese Communist Party began to openly persecute Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Hou was arrested four times and held in detention centres, brainwashing centres, and forced labour camps.
After Gaining a New Life Practising Falun Gong, Ms. Liu Yaqi is Imprisoned for Exposing the Persecution
2012-11-23Ms. Liu Yaqi was arrested on April 14th, 2012, by agents from the Pingdu 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the Pingdu Domestic Security Team, while speaking with people about Falun Gong in a market. She was taken to the Pingdu Detention Centre. Fourteen days later, she was transferred to the Dashan Detention Centre in Qingdao City. She was sentenced to three and a half years in prison by a Pingdu City Court on July 19th. Ms. Liu is incarcerated in Shandong Women's Prison.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Longkou City, Shandong Province, Arrested
2012-11-23When four Falun Gong practitioners were handing out posters about Shen Yun Performing Arts [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show from New York] DVDs on the morning of October 20th, 2012, they were reported to the police by individuals who were unclear on the facts about Falun Gong. Police officers arrived, arrested them, and took them to the Xiaomenjia Police Station. The one man and three women were then taken to Penglai Detention Centre. The man's car was held at Xiaomenjia Police Station. Their cash, keys, and handbags were confiscated.
Mr. Wang Shouchen from Dalian Arrested; His Son Is Devastated and His Wife Continues to Appeal
2012-11-23Mr. Wang Shouchen was arrested by four or five officers from Qingniwaqiao Police Station on July 6th, 2012 when he was on his way to install a satellite dish for a client. The police confiscated his car. Shortly afterward, the police broke into his house through a window and ransacked it. Mr. Wang's computer, TV and other personal belongings were confiscated. His elderly parents are very worried about his safety. His six-year-old son constantly cries asking for his father, and his wife weeps everyday.
Mr. Zhang Bin Held in the Yichun Brainwashing Centre for Over Two Months
2012-11-23On August 27th, 2012, when Mr. Zhang Bin left work after he answered a phone call, he did not return. He did not come to work the next day, and his co-workers could not reach him by phone. Three days later, his family found out that he had been abducted and taken to the Yichun Brainwashing Centre by officials from the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and personnel from his previous place of employment. Mr. Zhang has been brutally persecuted during the past 10 years for not giving up Falun Gong and for following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Peng Guixiang from Jinan, Shandong Province, Arrested Again
2012-11-23Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Peng Guixiang was arrested at her home on the morning of October 18th, 2012. Ms. Peng, in her 60s, was previously arrested on February 10th, 2012, when she handed a DVD containing videos exposing the persecution of Falun Gong to a plainclothes police officer. After she was detained at the Qilishan Police Station, she was taken to the Jinan Detention Centre and tortured. Because she didn't pass the physical, she was released on March 6th. Since the communist regime started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Peng has been arrested four times.
Fangchenggang City 610 Office Personnel: “Falun Gong Has No Freedom”
2012-11-23Ms. Chen Guilian was arrested on October 21st, 2012 and taken to the brainwashing centre operated by the Fangchenggang City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Ms. Chen went on a hunger strike to protest the detention. She was released seven days later. Her relative called Lan Hong, head of the 610 Office, while Ms. Chen was detained in the brainwashing centre. Lan Hong furiously said, “Falun Gong has no freedom. Chen Guilian is under my monitoring.” She blurted out the truth that the 610 Office is an illegal organization that specializes in persecuting Falun Gong.
A Record of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Crimes: Exemplary Teachers in Jiamusi City Arrested
2012-11-16On Teacher's Day, September 10th, 2012, dozens of plainclothes police in Jiamusi City broke into three Falun Gong practitioners' homes and arrested fifteen people, including three teachers, a university graduate, and an eight-year-old elementary school girl. The police broke the law by not presenting any legal documents or following lawful procedures. On the evening of the same day, two college students laid down in front of police vehicles to prevent the police from taking their parents to a detention centre for persecution.
Elderly Ms. Jia Guilan Tortured in the “Devil's Wards” in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2012-11-16Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jia Guilan, 70, was arrested in August 2008 by police. In April 2009, she was sentenced to seven years in prison. Her family wasn't notified. She has been tortured ever since in Heilongjiang Women's Prison. She was forced to sit in an upright position on a small wooden stool for 17 hours per day. Zheng Jie, team head of Ward 9, and Wang Yali, team head of Ward 11, ordered criminals to beat, swear at, and humiliate her. She is on the verge of death.
Arrests at Colleges and Universities in Beijing
2012-11-16The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is arresting people in preparation for the Eighteenth Party Congress. Ms. Zhuang Yanhong, a Falun Gong practitioner who was a professor at Beijing University of Technology, was arrested at her office on the morning of October 18th, 2012, by Chaoyang District police officers. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, she was repeatedly persecuted because she refused to give up her beliefs. She was beaten, force fed through a tube, and her throat was punctured. She underwent violent brainwashing and was deprived of sleep for over 20 days at a brainwashing centre.
Falun Gong Practitioners Jin Minghao and Wife in Yilan Brainwashing Centre
2012-11-16Mr. Jin Minghao and Ms. Zheng Yinyue are in their 30s and both of Korean ethnic origin. At approximately 4:00 a.m. on October 25th, Mr. Jin was leaving home to pick up their child when he was ambushed by six policemen from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). He called out for help as they attacked him. His mother came out and witnessed the officers beating him. When she put her arms around him to protect him, they beat her, too. They then ransacked his home and confiscated his computer.
Villagers in Qingyuan County Sign a Petition to Demand the Release of Ms. Liu Liying
2012-11-16On September 25th, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Liying's home and arrested her and her husband. They took away about 110,000 yuan of cash, a bank card which had about 160,000 yuan for their planned grain shop and for supporting their two college children. The police also took more than forty mobile phones [used to inform people about the persecution], one computer, one printer, and some 40 books. After Ms. Liu was arrested, villagers demanded her release and the return of all seized personal belongings.
Chinese Villagers Defy Officials, Support Falun Gong
2012-11-16After Li Lankui began practising the spiritual discipline of Falun Gong, his back pain disappeared and his temper improved. On June 7th, police arrived at Li’s home and abducted him. Li Lankui was sentenced to one year and three months in the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp, where he is reported to have suffered torture. His wife and daughter were also arrested and tortured. The villagers wrote a petition asking for Li Lanqui’s release, and 700 of them signed their names and affixed their thumbprints in ink to it. Imprinting thumbprints is a traditional way in China of signing an important document.