Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Outstanding Teacher Ms. Du Xuejun from Qianxi County, Hebei Province, Arrested Again
2012-12-07On November 3rd, 2012, police arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Du Xuejun and Ms. Zhang Ruiying. Police took them to the No. 2 Detention Centre in Tangshan City. During the past more than 10 years, Ms. Du Xuejun was the head-teacher of the 8th graders. No matter how chaotic the students were, after she took charge, the class soon turned around and became well behaved. She cared for her students and was responsible to them. In 2004 she was arrested and sent to a detention centre where she endured brainwashing for two months. She was forced to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong. After she was released, she was confused.
Wang Xiaodong, the Man Vouched for by 300 Neighbours, Now in Prison in Tangshan City
2012-12-07Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong, whom 300 of his fellow villagers vouched for by putting their fingerprints on a petition calling for his release, was secretly tried a second time. On the evening of October 16th, he was transferred to Jidong Prison in Tangshan City. He was not allowed to hire a lawyer and his family was not informed.
Lecturer at Beijing University of Technology Arrested for Seventh Time
2012-12-07Ms. Zhuang Yanhong, a lecturer at Beijing University of Technology's College of Humanities and Social Sciences, was arrested by the Beijing police on October 18th, 2012. Prior to this arrest, she had been arrested six times for practising Falun Gong. Previously in detention, police beat Ms. Zhuang multiple times. She then went on a hunger strike to protest the ill treatment. As a result, the guards dragged her on the ground; held down by leaning on her limbs and abdomen; hit her face and head; and forced a tube down her nose causing multiple punctures and extensive bleeding.
Older Ms. Miao Shuqing from Fushun, Liaoning Province Detained Again Following Years of Persecution
2012-12-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Miao Shuqing, in her 60s, was arrested by police on the morning of November 5th, 2012, for speaking with people about Falun Gong and the persecution near Xinhua Street. Ms. Miao was taken to the Fushun Detention Centre's No.2 Branch in Nangou. Ms. Miao Shuqing has previously been brutally persecuted for many years by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents. When she was held in Liaoning Province Women's Prison, guards once instigated three criminals to pull her hair, kicking and punching her, which caused serious injuries to Ms. Miao's chest and back. She was in pain for more than a month. She also coughed incessantly.
Practitioner Tortured in Dalian Detention Centre—Wife Sentenced to Forced Labour
2012-11-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Che Zhongshan was arrested on July 6th, 2012. Mr. Che has been detained at the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City for over four months. It was reported that he was handcuffed and shackled to a ground ring for more than two months, and was sometimes tied to a "tiger bench" all night long. He was brutally persecuted. His wife, Ms. Wang Chun'e, was also arrested and persecuted at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Their relatives have hired a lawyer to help the couple with judicial proceedings.
Shanghai Baoshan District Court Planned Hearing of Mr. Luo Jiaolong and Ms. Xia Haizhen, Their Families Protested
2012-11-30The Shanghai Baoshan District Court collaborated with the police department and the Procuratorate to schedule a hearing for October 11th, 2012, without the knowledge of Mr. Luo Jiaolong and Ms. Xia Haizhen's families. On October 10th the families learned of the hearing and protested. The hearing was finally cancelled. In April Mr. Luo and Ms. Xia were arrested by police. Police officers took their house keys and searched their homes for "evidence." The officers found some Shen Yun [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show] DVDs, and Mr. Luo and Ms. Xia were charged with giving away three of them.
Teacher from Rural Town Persecuted
2012-11-30On June 26th, 2012, the article “An Excellent Teacher from Lingyuan, Liaoning Province, Was Arrested” was published in Minghui Weekly. Dong Xiaoming is still being held after four months of detention. In addition, his case was submitted to the Procuratorate with the request for a prison sentence verdict. After his arrest, his students called him every day. They cried on the phone, “We all miss Teacher Dong. What crime did he commit? We want him to be released so that he can teach us again!” Their parents also urged the principal to seek his release.
Ms. Cui Aimin Held in the Jinan Detention Centre
2012-11-30Ms. Cui Aimin was arrested on October 31st, 2012, by police. Ms. Cui is being held at the Jinan City Detention Centre. Ms. Cui was followed on her way home after taking her child to school. The police opened her door with a master key and ransacked the place. They confiscated a computer, printer, Falun Gong books, Falun Gong informational materials, and other personal belongings.
Mr. Yu Changshun Tortured and Left Paralysed Four Times; His Daughter Unable to Attend College
2012-11-30Mr. Yu Changshun from Dalian in Liaoning Province used to suffer from headaches, dizziness and had rheumatism in his legs. When he heard that Falun Gong can bring one great health benefits, he started to practise. His illnesses soon disappeared and his overall health was much improved. Mr. Yu was arrested for the fourth time by the local police in July 2012. He has been tortured and left paralysed each time. His daughter lost the opportunity to go to college because of her father's arrest.
Villagers Sign Petition for the Release of Liu Haitao
2012-11-30On the morning of September 25th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Haitao was beaten and arrested by police officers who broke into his home. He has been detained ever since. Mr. Liu has been working to support his parents. His mother is mentally ill. When the police arrested him, his mother's mental illness became worse due to the shock. Fellow villagers were very sympathetic towards the family. They condemned the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for persecuting kindhearted Falun Gong practitioners. The villagers signed and placed their fingerprints on a petition asking for “The Release Our Upstanding Young Man, Liu Haitao.”
Falun Gong Practitioners in Fujin City Tried for Their Beliefs
2012-11-30This is the continuing story of five Falun Gong practitioners from Fujin City. They were arrested because they practise Falun Gong. A trial was held in the Suibin Detention Centre by Suibin County Court officials in Hegang City on the morning of October 19th, 2012. Judge Wu Jun attempted to prevent the lawyer from presenting his defence. He didn't understand why the lawyer would defend Falun Gong practitioners and wondered if he, too, practised Falun Gong. In the end, the public security organisations would not make a final decision, declaring that they would let the higher court rule.
Wife and Son of Just-Killed Engineer Frequently Harassed by Police
2012-11-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Hongkui passed away on August 28th, 2012 because of intense persecution. His body is not even cold yet, yet his wife and son are frequently harassed by officers from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), sub-district office, the justice bureau, and other organizations. It was said that an order was given internally during the 18th Party Congress, “One will be dismissed from one's post if a person appeals and files a complaint against him.” These people are afraid of Mr. Li's family going to Beijing to appeal.
After Her Son is Severely Tortured, a Mother Asks for Help
2012-11-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Feng Feng was severely persecuted in Shayang Fanjiatai Prison. Prison guards have instigated criminal inmates to beat him since last year. His chest became so severely injured that he couldn't get out of bed for more than twelve days. The guards then handcuffed Mr. Peng and locked him in solitary confinement for 15 days. His arms were swollen badly due to being handcuffed the entire time. When his family saw him this October, they could hardly recognise him—he is very emaciated.
Ms. Yan Chongzhi Brutally Tortured in Harbin Women's Prison
2012-11-30Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yan Chongzhi was sentenced to prison in 2011. The local court did not notify her family before the trial or after the sentencing. In February 2011, Ms. Yan was sent to the Harbin Women's Prison, where she was tortured for over 16 months. In order to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] Falun Gong practitioners and force them to give up their faith, guards frequently force them to sit on small stools from 5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Sometimes they are forced to sit until midnight or even to next morning. As a result of this torture, the buttocks become painful as if sitting on needles, leading to muscle necrosis and bruising.
Ms. Shi Meiqin and Ms. Yang Chumei Tried in Shanwei City, Guangdong Province
2012-11-30Ms. Shi Meiqin and Ms. Yang Chumei, a retired teacher, are Falun Gong practitioners in Shanwei City, Guangdong Province. They were arrested on the morning of July 3rd, 2012, and have been held in Shanwei Detention Centre for almost four months. On the afternoon of September 11th, 2012, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) secretly tried them.