Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
To Cover Up Their Crime of Murder, Police in Shandong Province Frame a Falun Gong Practitioner as Having Committed Suicide
2005-02-21Just after 10:00 a.m. on May 7, 2001, officials forcibly entered the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms Li Xianglan and found information that exposed how Jiang Zemin's regime frames Falun Gong. She was arrested. When she returned back at her house after 11:00 p.m. she walked with great difficulty into the room. Her husband asked, "Did they beat you?" The short conversation was the last one they had in this life. When he woke up early next morning he discovered that Li Xianglan lying down in the yard - dead. Her legs and face were all bloody and covered with bruises and some portions of her legs were without skin.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Guangzhi Was Persecuted to Death in Sichuan Province
2005-02-2163 year old Mr. Wang Guangzhi, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. He was sentenced to two years imprisonment and violently force-fed, when he went on a hunger strike for 38 days to protest the illegal detention and abuse, causing his teeth to become loose. He was persecuted to the verge of death before being sent home. Mr. Wang passed away in October 2004.
66 Year Old Mr. Zhang Mengye, the Chinese President's Former Classmate, Suffered Severe Abuse at Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City
2005-02-21Mr. Zhang Mengye, is a former assistant professor at the Guangdong Provincial Electric Power Institute. He was a fellow classmate of the current President of China, Hu Jintao, in Tsinghua University, "Class of 1959." Zhang Mengye was detained for 2 years and 37 days and was "re-educated" in a forced labour camp which caused him tremendous mental and physical trauma. When h ewas released in February 2002, he was thin as a skeleton, weighing less than 77 pounds (35kg).
Atrocities Committed in the No. 2 Women's Ward of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-02-21A sign on the courtyard wall of the No. 2 Women's Ward of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp reads: "Liaoning Province Mental Education Centre." Since the day the Women's Ward was established, its staff have violated human rights, forbidden people to believe in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," deprived people of their right to think for themselves, destroyed people's free will, and physically and mentally tortured them.
60 Year Old Ms. Zou Siying from Jiangxi Province Died from Persecution in 2003; Her Daughter Presently Held in Custody
2005-02-20Ms. Zou Siying was around 60 years old. From July 1999 to May 2000, she was detained at the Jinxian County Detention Centre three times. She developed extremely high blood pressure as a result of the abuse endured. She was released on so-called "medical parole." Within months of her returning home, she passed away from persecution. Her daughter, also a practitioner, was sent twice to a forced labour camp and arrested for a third time in December 2004.
An Entire Family is Persecuted: One Daughter Dead, a Mother and a Second Daughter in Prison
2005-02-20Mrs. Li Weihong, her mother and her younger sister are all Falun Dafa practitioners from Shanghai. In order to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa, the mother and her two daughters went to Beijing to appeal to the authorities there. Because they refused to give up their beliefs in Dafa, they were brutally persecuted, and their family suffered great tribulations. Mrs. Li Weihong died, not cleared of false charges against her. Her mother and sister are still being detained and persecuted.
Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison Instigates Criminals to Abuse Dafa Practitioners
2005-02-20Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners not only through verbal abuse, prolonged exposure to freezing cold, starvation, and beatings, but also by assigning as many as four criminals to monitor one practitioner around the clock, and even requiring that the monitoring records, in turn, be signed by guards supervising the group. Other torture methods used on female practitioners at the prison include shocking with electric batons, beating with a policeman's rope, prolonged handcuffing in painful positions, not allowing toilet use, etc.
Paralysed Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Hu Wenjian Files Lawsuit against Persecutors
2005-02-20Mr. Hu Wenjian is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. Half of his body has been paralyzed as a result of torture suffered at the hands of lawless officials. He is not able to move freely, engage in normal work or take care of himself. Mr. Hu has filed a lawsuit against the officials involved in the persecution.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Mr. Wang Shiming and Ms. Wang Lanfen from Dalian City Are on Hunger Strike and In Critical Condition
2005-02-19In January 2005, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Wang Lanfen and Mr. Wang Shiming were reported for handing out truth clarification leaflets, arrested and taken to the police station. They were sent to a detention centre that same day. To protest, they have been on a hunger strike, without water, since their arrival more than 15 days ago. Their families went to request fortheir release, but were told that this case has nothing to do with them. Police even shouted at them, "Go and talk to Jiang Zemin, we don't care if their lives are in danger."
Documentation of the Torture and Death of Mr Shen Baoping, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Xinjiang Province
2005-02-19Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shen Baoping was 32 years old. In 2001, he was detained and tortured until he was just skin and bones. For example, he was hung up by both hands while his body was beaten mercilessly with electric batons, police clubs, and leather belts, until finally the torturer was exhausted. His unyielding belief frustrated the prison guards and they hated the fact that they he would not go against his conscience, no matter what vicious methods they employed. In August 2004, Shen Baoping was finally beaten to death by prison guards and criminals.
Judge Hou Peng from Court in Shanxi Province Tramples the Law to Frame the Innocent
2005-02-19Hou Peng, Presiding Judge of the Linfen City Court has held numerous trials against Falun Gong practitioners since the persecution against Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999. As a law enforcement official, Hou has framed Falun Dafa practitioners without adhering to the facts or following the laws and regulations. As a result, many Falun Dafa practitioners have been sent to prison and lost their jobs.
Torture Methods Used in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-02-19Based on victims' descriptions, Falun Gong practitioners in Chongqing have reproduced these scenes of torture to demonstrate the abuses practitioners have suffered at Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Guirong from Heilongjiang Province Dies as a Result of Mistreatment
2005-02-18Ms. Sun Guirong was sentenced to prison and tortured until she became seriously ill. She was diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer and only then released. The police continued to harass and threaten her at home, until she passed away in January 2005.
65 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr Cui Dexin from Hebei Province Died in 2002 as a Result of Mistreatment and Constant Harassment
2005-02-18Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cui Dexin was 65 years old. In 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. The policemen at Tiananmen Square, however, detained him and sent him to the Shijiazhuang City Liaison Office in Beijing, where he was tortured. he was released after his family were forced to pay 1200 yuan. At that time, he was already very weak due to the torture. As a result of being continually harassed and threatened, Cui Dexin passed away in April 2002.
My Husband Was Persecuted to the Point of Mental Collapse and Death
2005-02-18"In August 2001, my husband was sent to a brainwashing class at the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp to be "reformed". In only a few days, he was tortured to the point of mental collapse. In February 2002, still not fully recovered, he was once again forcibly taken away and again sent to the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp. When he was released in July 2003, he had been tortured to the point where he was unable to take care of himself. He was bedridden for a long time and he eventually passed away in November 2004."