Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Two Women Unjustly Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison in Jilin Province
2004-01-06Ms. Liu Shuyun and Ms. Shi Xiuhong are practitioners from Yanbian Korean Ethnicity Autonomous Region, Jilin Province. After being illegally detained for two years, they were once again sentenced to ten years in prison. They are currently detained at Heizuizi Female Prison in Changchun City, Jilin Province....Incited by Xiao Bin from the security team, Jin Yongyi, Jin (the most notorious for cruelty), Huang and Piao employed barbaric methods to brutally torture the two women.
The Atrocities Committed by Police at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-06According to Chinese law, a person who is not in agreement with a forced labour sentence can appeal within 60 days. At the time of their detention all Falun Gong practitioners appealed in writing, demanding to be set free unconditionally, but their requests were categorically denied....A staff member named Sui Ziqiang said, "We cannot help it. The higher authorities ordered us to do this."
Despicable Acts Towards Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xu Junshan
2004-01-06On the morning of April 27, 2001, the Xingtai Public Security Bureau and the Special Case Investigation Group again came to Junshan's home. This time they did not find him at home. Not satisfied, they abducted his daughter as a hostage, even though neither Junshan's son nor daughter practised Falun Gong. Junshan's wife had to ask people who had connections with the police to secure the release of their daughter after more than two days of detention and another 1,000 yuan in extortion fees. But the harassment did not end there.
Remembering Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Jing, Murdered by Police at the Age of 19
2004-01-05However, the authorities published a deceitful news article in Changchun City's New Culture News about Zhao Jing's cause of death that claimed she jumped out of a high-speed car and killed herself. Actually, one of the police officers that murdered Zhao Jing once shamelessly declared to a Dafa practitioner, "So we did kill Zhao Jing. Why don't you sue us if you can?" We also found the driver and tried to find out the actual cause of Zhao Jing's death.
The Persecution of Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Chen Guoyou's Family (Part 2)
2004-01-05Chen Ji was released from the camp in April 2002. He asked his work unit to return his ID card and asked to be returned to his former post. The director, Tian De, pushed the responsibility to the "610 Office" and would only allow Chen Ji to return to his post if he would sign statements promising not to practise Falun Gong and expressing regret over practising in the past. Faced with no other choice, Chen Ji had to take an outside job.
Facts about Daqing City Brainwashing Centre: Two Million Yuan Used to Persecute the Innocent
2004-01-05Shocking facts: As of December 2003, at least 24 Dafa practitioners whose names can be verified through civil channels were tortured to death in Daqing City. That is 18% of all torture deaths or deaths as a result of torture in Heilongjiang Province, and ranks only behind Harbin City, in which 27 practitioners were tortured to death or died as a result of torture. That makes Daqing City one of the areas with the most severe Falun Dafa persecution in China. Daqing City's government and the Party secretary are exclusively responsible for this persecution.
Non-Practitioner Arrested and Beaten for Exposing the Persecution of His Family
2004-01-05On December 18, 2003, the municipal court of Dehui held an unjust trial of thirteen Falun Gong practitioners who were still being imprisoned after their initial terms expired. After the court session began, Sun Ke, a family member of Falun Gong practitioner Sun Qian, exposed the crimes committed by the public security system in Dehui inside the courtroom. He told people how Sun Qian was detained beyond his term, and how he was tortured in an attempt to elicit a confession. After the court session ended, however, Sun Ke was kidnapped near the warning line outside the gate of the court by several policemen from the criminal guard section of the Dehui Municipal Public Security Bureau.
Yoko Kaneko Recalls Her 548 Day Abduction By the Followers of Jiang Zemin and His Regime (Part 2)
2004-01-04I remember one day, Li Jirong, the head of a division who was elected as a representative to the 16th Party Congress due to her "achievements" in persecuting Falun Gong, told me, "Don't think this is just a labour camp. Our labour camp also has a death quota! Don't forget that you are still a Chinese citizen, so you still have to follow the laws of China. You are no different from anyone else."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Lili is Abducted and Sexually Assaulted by Changchun Police
2004-01-04They tormented her with lewd remarks while groping and touching her private areas. At one point they even abused her by sliding a bullet across her chest. More than 20 policemen took turns in torturing and molesting Ms. Wang in this manner for five full days and nights before they threw her into the detention centre. the police escort, realising how shocking the torture had been, said, "You'd better tell them that you injured yourself by jumping out of a building!"
Practitioner's Terms in Jinzhou Labour Camp Arbitrarily Extended For Refusing To Renounce Falun Dafa
2004-01-04Jinzhou Labour Camp willfully extended the sentence of these firm Dafa practitioners, and has relentlessly tortured them: Shi Zhongyan, a worker from the Jinzhou Supermarket, was to be released from the labour camp in 2000, but his term was extended again and again because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. He died as a result of the persecution on April 26, 2003.
Supplementary Information on Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xuan Chengxi's Death by Torture
2004-01-03The lawless policemen were enraged and brutally beat Mr. Xuan repeatedly. Wang Xinmin and Zhu Yongjun poured cold water on Mr. Xuan after beating him. When he awoke from unconsciousness, they beat him again. They continuously beat him until they killed him. When Mr. Xuan died, he was face down, lying on the cement floor covered with muddy water and blood.
More Facts of How Mr. Ren Mengjun Died From Beating by Police
2004-01-03Ren Mengjun stated that all the materials he was forced to write denouncing Dafa were invalid. As a result, he was brutally beaten up by five or six on-duty police for a long time. His buttocks and thighs were black and blue, and his internal organs were severely injured. Several days later, he was unable to eat and his life was in great danger. To avoid responsibility, the labour camp rushed him home. About two weeks later he passed away.
Mr. Sun Baoyu is Severely Beaten, His Fingertips Pierced with a Safety Pin
2004-01-03In the station, several policemen handcuffed Mr. Sun Baoyu behind the back and forced him to squat by a wall. Then they pressed a stool on his head, sat by his side, and put their feet on the stool. They tried to force him to tell his name, address, and the source of the Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He resisted the persecution with righteous thoughts and started to clarify the truth to them, and the policemen started to beat him. Several policemen kicked him in his chest, then took turns fiercely kicking his face and head. They slammed his head against the wall and it bounced back. This continued for more than 20 minutes.
Torture Case: Ligament Torn Apart through the Cruel Method of "Wu Ma Fen Shi"
2004-01-01Lu Jinhu covered Mr. Huang's head with a piece of cloth and violently jerked, rubbed, and shook Mr. Huang's head until he felt dizzy, vomited, and could not move his head and neck anymore because his cervical vertebrae were broken. He was then sent to the hospital in the forced labour camp. When practitioners in the "Enhanced Torture Team" spoke out for Mr. Huang, the police even denied the persecution and said that Mr. Huang was suffering from a bone spur.
Thorazine Used As Punishment - Practitioner Suffers Cognitive Dysfunction After Injections
2004-01-01The psychotropic drug Thorazine is an anti psychotic drug and used in the treatment of psychiatric patients. Thorazine may result in rather severe side effects, such as irreversible neurological disorder, global deterioration of mind and mental faculties, general dulling of awareness, emotional numbing, and cognitive dysfunction.