Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Li Huiyun, Associate Professor from Shijiazhuang City, Suffers Mental Collapse Due to Persecution
2012-09-28Mr. Song Hongshui and Ms. Li Huiyun, a Falun Gong practitioner couple from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, were taken away by police and held in the Second Detention Centre. Mr. Song was forced to work 14 hours every day. Ms. Li refused the slave-labour persecution, so the police tied her hands to a rack by an iron chain. She is now showing signs of a mental disorder due to the persecution.
Ms. Li Xiurong Arrested Six Times, Sentenced to Forced Labour for Three Years, and Imprisoned for Three Years
2012-09-28Ms. Li Xiurong, a 45-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Jiamusi City, has suffered more than one and a half years of persecution in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. From November 27th to December 4th, 2011, the prison guards tortured Ms. Li, trying to force her to renounce her belief. As a result of the torture, she had heart problems, pain in her breasts, and much difficulty breathing.
Ms. Chang Guiyun from Jiaohe City, Jilin Province Partially Paralysed Due to Torture in Prison
2012-09-28Ms. Chang Guiyun, 62, is retired, and was previously healthy. However, she was so brutally abused while incarcerated in Heizuizi Women's Prison that she became partially paralysed. All of her teeth fell out, and her hair turned grey. Her mouth became crooked, her eyes are now dull, and she lisps when she talks. She is currently on medical parole, but her son is still forced to report her condition to the prison every month.
Ms. Liu Jingmei from Yishui County, Shandong Province Arrested Again after Years of Persecution
2012-09-28On August 24th, 2012 Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Jingmei was arrested by a group of police officers. They took away Ms. Liu's computers, TV set-top boxes and many of her personal belongings. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Liu has been arrested by local officials and police officers several times because she persisted in her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The first time she was arrested, the authorities tried to force her to give up her belief. Officials made her stand in the sun with her nose touching a wall, and both her arms held straight out. They put bricks on her hands and deprived her of sleep for three days and nights. In addition, they extorted 3,000 yuan from her.
Mr. Chang Shi's Entire Family Arrested in Jilin City; Wife's Life in Danger
2012-09-28Mr. Chang Shi, his wife and their 19-year-old daughter were arrested on August 9th, 2012, by police. The police ransacked their home, confiscated their valuables, including cash, and left their home unlocked. Mr. Chang was then sent to the Jilin City Detention Centre, while his daughter, Ms. Chang Huiying, was incarcerated in the Shahezi Brainwashing Centre. His wife, Ms. Zhang Jingdong, was severely persecuted in police custody, requiring emergency rescue. She was then sent to Changchun Forced Labour Camp despite being in critical condition.
Retired Nurse Ms. Zhang Feng'e, 55, from Zhongwei City Sentenced
2012-09-28Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Feng'e from Zhongwei City was sentenced in May 2012 to three years and six months in prison, and is held at the Yinchuan Women's Prison in Ningxia. The communist regime has persecuted Ms. Zhang numerous times for practising Falun Gong. In September 2001, the Ningxia Wuzhong City Forced Labour Board of Management trumped up a charge of “disturbing social order” and sentenced her to two years and six months of forced labour. On March 15th, 2009, the Zhongwei City Domestic Security Team charged her with “undermining law enforcement” and detained her for more than a month before releasing her on bail pending trial.
Ms. Wang Ya and Ms. Zhang Zhifen Tortured in Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2012-09-28Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Ya and Ms. Zhang Zhifen are being tortured at the Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp. They are in critical condition. The guards locked Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhang in solitary confinement and deprived them of sleep and basic personal hygiene. The practitioners were also given very little food. The inmates assigned to monitor the practitioners took turns to beat them around the clock; they also used many other torture methods. Since the Chinese communist regime started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Wang has been imprisoned several times--for a total of 7 years--because she refused to renounce her belief in Falun Gong.
Wife and Daughter of a Practitioner Who Was Tortured to Death Have Themselves Been Physically Abused and Tortured in a Forced Labour Camp
2012-09-28Ms. Wang Xiuqing and her youngest daughter Ms. Qin Hailong were both sentenced to 18 months of forced labour because they sought redress for the death of their husband and father, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qin Yueming, who died in Jiamusi prison as a result of torture on February 26th, 2011.
Police in the Wanzhou District in Chongqing Arrest and Persecute Two Women in Their 60s
2012-09-25On June 19th, 2012, police officers arrested and persecuted Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Tan Jiafen and Ms. Zhang Tingzhen, who are both in their 60s. Ms. Tan was sentenced to one year of forced labour and taken to Chongqing City Women’s Forced Labour Camp, without being charged with any crime. Ms. Zhang was forced to become homeless.
Exposing the Forced Labour Situation at Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2012-09-25Forced labour is used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) labour camps to further punish, abuse, and torture Falun Gong practitioners and implement a long-term persecution of Falun Gong. People have to stand to pack mung beans. Some people do the weighing, some do the bagging, and others do the sealing and transportation. Since the mung bean bags are heavy, our arms are very sore at the end of the day with our waists and backs also in great pain. We are exhausted every day. For one batch of work, we may have to work from a few days to as long as two weeks. Packing dry tea is also a very tiring job. Prior to packing, several cartons of tealeaves are poured onto a large table. The dust from the tea gets onto people's clothes, skin, eyes, ears, mouths, and lungs, making one choke.
Mr. Liu Wenping from Wuhan City Arrested, Family Denied Visitation
2012-09-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Wenping was arrested in August 2012 and sent to Hubei Province Brainwashing Centre. His family has tried to visit him but were rejected repeatedly by the related Chinese Communist Party (CCP) branches. Mr. Liu's wife went to the Domestic Security Division and asked to see her husband. The director told her that it was against the law to practise Falun Gong and that she was not allowed to see her husband. Mr. Liu's wife pointed out that practising Falun Gong was not against the law and said, “You don't have any legal documents. How can you arrest people without any legal papers?” The director could not answer her and could not show her any legal document for Mr. Liu's arrest.
Ms. He Haifen Arrested Again after Recovering from Severe Torture
2012-09-25On August 14th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Haifen was arrested by Communist Party officials who broke into her house. She was taken to Anping Town Police Station, and, in the afternoon, she was transferred to Hengshui brainwashing centre. After the Communist regime began its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms. He Haifen was arrested and detained many times. Three times she was tortured until she was on the brink of death. At one point she was tortured into a vegetative state.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Shenyang, Liaoning Province Arrested, Sent to Labour Camp
2012-09-25Four female Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by police on July 19th, 2012. The practitioners' families went to the Xinchengzi Street Police Station and demanded their release, but their request was denied. Chen Min and Niu Guihua were taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp on August 22nd. Chen Min was sentenced to forced labour for fifteen months and Niu Guihua for eighteen months. Because Niu Guihua did not pass the physical exam, she was rejected by officials of the forced labour camp and returned home on August 24th.
Wife and Daughter of a Practitioner Who Was Tortured to Death Have Themselves Been Physically Abused and Tortured in a Forced Labour Camp
2012-09-25Ms. Wang Xiuqing and her youngest daughter Ms. Qin Hailong were both sentenced to 18 months of forced labour because they sought redress for the death of their husband and father, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qin Yueming, who died in Jiamusi prison as a result of torture on February 26th, 2011. Ms. Qin Hailong showed very obvious signs of being subjected to physical abuse and torture when her older sister visited her in Qianjin Forced Labour Camp. The guards had beaten and shocked her with electric batons in attempts to force her to give up her belief in Falun Gong.
Jia Zhijiang and Wife Li Rongmei Arrested, Their Young Son Now on His Own
2012-09-25The parents of 14-year-old Jia Shuo, an elementary school student, were both arrested by the police in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Jia Shuo's parents are both Falun Gong practitioners. The couple followed the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and never did anything illegal. On the day Jia Zhijiang was arrested, Jia Shuo cried to the police, “My dad is a good person. He didn't steal, he didn't rob, and he didn't kill or commit arson. Why are you doing this to him?” In 2008 during the Olympics, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted massive arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Jia and his wife were both detained. Ms. Li was detained in a forced labour camp for one year and Mr. Jia was forced to leave home.