Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Jiamusi Practitioner Liu Jie Arrested, Property Stolen by Authorities while Family Was Reporting Her Missing
2012-09-25On July 24th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Jie suddenly disappeared and was missing for three days. Her family looked for her everywhere and reported her disappearance to the local police station. The police searched and ransacked her home instead of helping her family find Ms. Liu. Authorities told her family that she had been arrested and was being held in the detention centre.
Ms. Lei Guiling Arrested Again Years of Severe Physical Abuse and Torture
2012-09-20Ms. Lei Guiling was arrested on August 3rd, as she distributed Falun Gong DVDs. Police took her to the police station and ransacked Ms. Lei's home. She was eventually sent to Linyi City Detention Centre on the afternoon of August 4th. Previously in 2000, Ms. Lei Guiling and her husband were tortured brutally by police. Police slapped her face viciously. Ms. Lei's head was buzzing and she saw stars in front of her eyes. She also could not hear anything for quite a while. One night, Liu Xingshi hit the couple so hard that they fell to the floor. Then nine thugs beat them with wooden sticks for a long time. The couple's clothes were soaked in blood and they were in unbearable pain. After torturing the couple for over ten days, the police also extorted 8,000 yuan from them.
Ms. Zhao Chunxia Arrested, Her Two Daughters and Son Detained for Protesting the Persecution
2012-09-20Three children were walking along the busiest street in Lindong Town, on August 14th, wearing banners which read, “I Want my Mum Back, I Want to Eat,” and held placards which read, “My Mum was Arrested by Police for Practising Falun Gong, My Dad's Whereabouts are Unknown, Our Money was Taken, and We are Homeless.” The three children included Ms. Zhao Chunxia's two daughters. They walked straight to the Balinzuo Banner government building. Police dragged them to a room. They were detained and were not given any water or food.
Longkou City, Shandong Province: Over a Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested
2012-09-20The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts' company promotes traditional Chinese culture. The Shen Yun artists have toured the world for the past six years and the performances are highly praised by people from all walks of lives. However, the Chinese authorities prohibited the group from performing in China, because the programmes contradict the ideology promoted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). When practitioners distribute DVDs of Shen Yun's performances in China, they are being threatened, arrested, imprisoned, taken to forced labour camps and more often than not face torture. On April 11th, the police arrested 13 practitioners involved in ordering cases for Shen Yun DVDs.
What's Behind the Guards Saying “Practitioners Don't Want to See Their Family”
2012-09-20In 2004 at Jinan Women's Prison, Shandong Province, prison guards transferred two Falun Gong practitioners, 61-year-old Ms. Liang Su'e and 55-year-old Ms. Liang Mingfeng, from a senior group to a young adult group. They were forced to perform intensive labour 20 hours a day. When their families went to visit them, the guard said that the two women did not want to see their families. This is clearly a case of prison guards barring Falun Gong practitioners from family visits because they are afraid of exposing the forced labour abuse in prison.
Steadfast Practitioners Transferred from Beijing to Inner Mongolia Forced Labour Camp to Intensify Persecution
2012-09-20In early July 2012, 25 Falun Gong practitioners in the Beijing Forced Labour Camp for Women who refused to be transformed [forcibly renounce Falun Gong], along with some younger practitioners, were transferred to the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia. They were even more severely tortured here after one regular inmate (not a practitioner) was tortured to death and the dead inmate's family went to the Bureau of Justice in Beijing to complain. This caused some of the involved guards to be punished with jail sentences and other penalties.
Practitioner Ms. Yu Guirong Sentenced to Prison, Ms. Lan Bo Arrested
2012-09-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Guirong was recently sentenced to six years in prison by the local court, which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. She was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Ms. Yu was arrested by police on August 26th, 2011 and her home was ransacked. She was held in Harbin City's Second Detention Centre, where the authorities deny any family visitation. Her family was not notified about her trial or that she had been taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison.
Shandong Pingdu Court Postpones Trial of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Guangwei to Avoid Public Scrutiny
2012-09-20On July 21st, the Pingdu Court informed the family of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Guangwei that the trial of Mr. Wang would commence on July 27th. However, four days later, on July 25th, the Pingdu Court postponed the hearing. It is believed that they feared that Beijing lawyers defence of Wang Guangwei would show the illegality of their actions. Mr. Wang Guangwei was falsely accused on March 14th, 2012 and his home was ransacked. On the night of the arrest, police officer Liu Jie tortured Mr. Wang. He pushed him to the ground, stomped on his head, kicked him in the thigh and hit him in the face for about an hour.
Police Break into Homes at a Village in Pingquan County, Hebei Province
2012-09-20On July 17th, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Han Jingyu's home. They ransacked and searched his home, confiscated two bags of Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution, then arrested the 72-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. Later, they went to practitioner Ms. Gao Jinglin's home. The officers took pictures, confiscated some equipment, then arrested Ms. Gao. During the course of these break-ins, ransackings and arrests, the police officers failed to display any legal search warrants, nor did they give receipts for the confiscated items. It is believed that these arrests were ordered by the Pingquan County 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured and Killed in the Name of “Medical Treatment”
2012-09-11Zhengzhou Prison is persecuting Falun Gong practitioners by injecting them with “treatments” of unknown substances. The guards examine the practitioners, and then collaborate with the prison doctor to treat minor ailments with major medical treatments. Even when practitioners have no illness, unknown medications are forced upon them. If they refuse the treatment, other inmates are ordered to beat them. Many Falun Gong practitioners were healthy before, yet once forced into prison, they developed illnesses, and after the “treatments,” they became seriously ill. Some Falun Gong practitioners have died or been seriously harmed by such treatments.
Two Sisters in Gansu Province Repeatedly Imprisoned and Tortured
2012-09-11Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Shuxian and her sister Ms. Chen Jie were arrested in Lanzhou City on June 30th, 2012, and sent to the Lanzhou First Detention Centre. Local public security organizations have again attempted to have them sentenced to prison. Before this current arrest, Ms. Chen Shuxian and Ms. Chen Jie had both previously been sentenced by a Communist court and tortured while they were in prison.
Mr. Sun Jianfeng Repeatedly Persecuted, Faces Unjust Trial
2012-09-11Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Jianfeng has been repeatedly persecuted and mistreated by authorities. Mr. Sun now faces a trial. On March 30th, 2012, police officers arrested Mr. Sun and two other practitioners, Ms. Chang Xiu'e and Ms. Huang Yuxia, in Ms. Chang's house. This was the fifth time that Mr. Sun has been arrested. The police tapped Mr. Sun's phone in 1999, after the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched its persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Sun made a phone call to a practitioner in Beijing and the police arrested him. He was taken to a detention centre where he was tortured. Mr. Sun went to Beijing in October 2000 to appeal to the central government. He was arrested on Tiananmen Square and put in a forced labour camp.
Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Zhao Mei and Ms. Huang Wanping Arrested in Songzi City, Hubei Province
2012-09-11Police officers broke into the homes of Ms. Zhao Mei and Ms. Huang Wanping on August 27th. They took both practitioners straight to the Wuhan Women's Forced Labour Camp. The camp officials refused to accept Ms. Huang as a physical examination disqualified her. She returned home on August 28th. Ms. Zhao's whereabouts are unknown.
Driver Mr. Yang Wenxue from Zinbin County, Liaoning Province Exposes His Unjust Arrest and Torture at the Hands of Officers from Xinfu Police Department
2012-09-11Police arrested practitioners in Xinbin County on April 15th, 2012. Driver Yang Wenxue (non-practitioner) was also arrested and tortured. He recounts: "One officer crazily abused me, and increased the voltage to the electric chair. He beat my chest with a steel baton and hit my back with a baton made of wood studded with spikes on the tip ... I was beaten simply because I didn't want to go against my conscience to frame those kind Falun Gong practitioners."
Daqing Police Arrest Practitioners and Confiscate Personal Belongings to Prevent Them from Installing a Satellite Dish to Receive NTD TV
2012-09-11Police broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Zenghai August 7th. They ransacked his home and confiscated Mr. Zhang's and his wife's life savings an other personal items. The police suddenly came to their home, intending to block the installation of a satellite dish to receive New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television, a New York-based independent Chinese television.