Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Guan Suming in Critical Condition; Prison Refuses to Release Her
2012-08-10Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guan Suming has been severely persecuted in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. She has developed high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems and seizures as a result of torture and mistreatment. The hospital has categorized her condition as critical, but prison officials refuse to release her for medical treatment because she is not willing to renounce her faith in Falun Gong. Ms. Guan was arrested in Beijing on September 5th, 2009. She was tortured for more than a year at Beijing's Fengtai Detention Centre and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Partially Paralyzed and in a Wheelchair, Ms. Wang Jiping Detained in Nanjing Women's Prison for More Than Six Years
2012-08-07Ms. Wang Jiping is a Falun Gong practitioner from Tongzhou City, Jiangshu Province. She was sent to Jiangsu Province Women's Forced Labour Camp in 2001, to serve a two-and-a-half-year term. She was brutally tortured to the point of disability by guards and convicts. On April 11th, 2003, when her family brought her back home, Ms. Wang Jiping had two broken ribs, her stomach was filled with pus, and a steel rod had been placed in her spine. She couldn't move without using a wheelchair.
Ms. Zhang Chunxian Tortured at Forced Labour Camp; Her Lawyer Not Permitted to See Her
2012-08-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Chunxian was arrested on April 13th, 2012, and later transferred to Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp for one year of detention. When her family visited her on June 5th, Ms. Zhang told them that inmate Zhang Nana was verbally and physically assaulting her. Furthermore, the guards seemed to back up the inmate. Guards and officials at the forced labour camp have been interfering with Ms. Zhang's lawyer by not allowing him to see her.
Two Female Falun Gong Practitioners from Tangshan City Arrested, Three Children Left Without Guardian
2012-08-07On June 9th, an officer from the Public Security Bureau in Tangshan City brought seven public security officers from Luan County with him and together they broke into the apartment of Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhang Fengxian and Ms. Shen Shulan. These people did not wear any uniforms and claimed they needed to verify the practitioners' temporary registration. Thereafter, they arrested these practitioners, who had to leave their three children behind.
Ms. Wang Baohua from Hebei City, Henan Province, Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2012-08-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Baohua from Hebi City, Henan Province, has become very feeble after being arrested. She previously weighed 160 pounds but is now skin and bones due to being tortured. The authorities sentenced her to five years in prison on February 23rd, 2012, and incarcerated her at the Women's Prison in Xinxiang. Currently, Ms. Wang's health has not improved and her family is trying to obtain her release on medical parole. The prison authorities have denied the parole, saying that her health did not meet the criteria for a medical parole.
Over a Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Tangshan, Hebei Province
2012-08-07A massive arrest of Falun Gong practitioners took place on June 9th in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. At least twelve practitioners were arrested or harassed. Over twenty police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioners Cao Yinxin and Cao Guoyi. Police also searched their homes. A 70-year-old female Falun Gong practitioner with the surname of Wang was arrested in Xizhan of Tangshan City while she was telling people the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong.
Ms. He Suying Diagnosed with Heart Disease in Detention Centre
2012-08-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Suying, 52, from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, was diagnosed with heart disease in a detention centre on February 25th, 2012. Her heart stops approximately two times every hour. Because of her serious condition, she has been taken to Fengrun District Chinese Medicine Hospital. It was said that Ms. He could die at any time. For the time being, she was made to carry a heart monitor device, so that she can be monitored at all times. Despite the gravity of her condition, the local police have not released her, nor do they allow her family to visit her.
Mr. Ma Honghui and Other Practitioners from Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Detained for Over a Month
2012-08-07Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Ma Honghui, Ms. Zheng Guizhi, and Ms. Zhao Chunxia have been detained for more than a month. Their families have asked many times that the Bairin Left Banner Domestic Security Division release them, but the division has never complied. According to a source inside the police department, the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), and the Domestic Security Division have attempted to persecute the practitioners more severely.
Police Officer Claims He Can Enforce the Law Using Violence
2012-08-07“We have privileges, so we can enforce the law using violence,” said Chen Ming as he threatened Ms. Hou Wanli. Chen is a political instructor for the Dongchuan District Domestic Security Division in Kunming City, Yunnan Province. Ms. Hou, in her 50s, is a housewife and Falun Gong practitioner, and has often been harassed and persecuted by police.
Villagers Condemn Behaviour of Xinji Officers
2012-08-07On the morning of May 16th, 2012, more than 20 police officers drove two police vehicles to the home of Ms. Lu Xiaocha in Donglangyue Village. They forced their way in, were imperious, and made it known they intended to take Ms. Lu into custody. Her family blocked the police. The police then threatened to arrest Ms. Lu's family members. Ms. Lu's neighbours heard what was going on and rushed over. They condemned the police's outrageous behaviour of persecuting people wantonly. Facing this pressure from villagers, the police stopped carrying out their plan, and they went away dispiritedly.
39-year-old Mr. Lian Yikun Dies after Only Two Months of Incarceration in Suihua Forced Labour Camp
2012-08-03On July 14th, 2012, the family of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lian Yikun was shocked to learn the news that Mr. Lian died in Suihua Forced Labour Camp. He had been held there for only two months and was believed to be in good health when he was first incarcerated. Previously, Mr. Lian was held in the Yichun City Forced Labour Camp for one year in 2000, after going to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. Afterwards he had to leave home to avoid further persecution. Because his identification card had been confiscated by the authorities, he experienced great difficulties in life and work. Mr. Lian returned home on April 26th, 2012, to apply for an identification card. However, he was arrested. He was taken to the Suihua Forced Labour Camp in May.
Mr. Liu Zhaofu Arrested and Sentenced to Jilin Prison
2012-08-03Mr. Liu Zhaofu's wife Ms. Shi Xiuzhen was arrested at home by officers from Xinzhan Police Station in Jiaohe on March 18th, 2008. Mr. Liu managed to escape and had to leave home to avoid persecution. Ms. Shi was tortured and sentenced to six years in Jilin Province Women's Prison. Police ransacked their home several times in an attempt to find Mr. Liu's whereabouts.
Kindergarten Owners Zhou Hongbo and His Wife Wang Fujuan from Daqing City Detained
2012-08-03Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zhou Hongbo and his wife Ms. Wang Fujuan are owners of a family-run kindergarten centre. They treat children with patience and responsibility, and the children's academic scores have greatly improved after they attended the couple's school. Parents are eager to send their kids to their centre. Such highly regarded teachers have been persecuted many times by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for their belief in Falun Gong. The couple has recently been detained again.
Mr. Zhang Fuchun Subjected to Trial, Lawyer Defends His Innocence
2012-08-03Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Fuchun was placed on trial on July 13th, 2012 by the Xinbin County Court and the Xinbin County Procuratorate in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. During the trial, Mr. Zhang talked about how he benefited physically and mentally from practising Falun Gong, and pointed out that practising Falun Gong is not illegal in China and therefore he had committed no crime. The lawyer hired by his family also defended his innocence.
Min Changchun, an Alumnus of Wuhan University, Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2012-08-03In May 2012, Mr. Min Changchun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Zhongxiang City, was secretly given a five-year sentence in Wuhan City. He has been incarcerated in Shayang Fanjiatai Prison. This was the third time that he was sentenced. Out of the last 13 years, Mr. Min was in a prison for four years, where he was persecuted until he was in critical condition, and in a forced labour camp for one and a half years. He was arrested and savagely beaten four times by the First Division (National Security Division) of the Wuhan Police Department.