Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Heizuizi Prison Assistant Warden Shouts, “We Are Not Responsible for Song Yanqun's Life!”
2012-08-03Three months ago, Ms. Song Yanqun, a Falun Gong practitioner, went on a hunger strike to protest the inhuman torture inflicted on her by inmates who were assigned to persecute her at Heizuizi Women's Prison. She is extremely emaciated, and her mind is not clear. Wang Lijun, the assistant prison warden, shouted, “We are not responsible for Song Yanqun's life.” In May 2004, she was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Shulan City Court. Ms. Song was cruelly tortured, both mentally and physically, at Heizuizi Women's Prison in Jilin Province.In May 2004, she was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Shulan City Court. Ms. Song was cruelly tortured, both mentally and physically, at Heizuizi Women's Prison in Jilin Province.
Haikou City Police Arrest Mr. Hong Yingbao, Ms. Yang Qionglan, and Ms. Chen Xiuyun's Husband and Daughter
2012-08-03Without any arrest warrant, four policemen apprehended Mr. Hong Yingbao at the Harbour Bureau Market in the Xiuying District of Haikou City, Hainan Province on June 29th, 2012. Many onlookers failed to prevent police from arresting him. Mr. Hong is currently in the No. 4 house in the brainwashing centre in the Haikou City Social Welfare Home on Haidian Island. The centre doesn't allow visits from family or relatives. They will not release him until he writes a statement to give up Falun Gong.
Fujian Women’s Prison Extends Ms. Hong Huizhu's Sentence
2012-08-03Zhangzhou City State Security Unit police arrested Ms. Hong Huizhu on April 9th, 2010. She was posting flyers about Falun Gong around Jiulong Park of Zhangzhou City. Without notifying her family, Ms. Hong was sent to Fujian Women’s Prison on May 8th, 2010 to serve a two-year term. It’s been almost two months since her prison term expired but she still has not been released.
Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Part I)
2012-08-03Some practitioners are force-fed highly-concentrated salt solutions, chilli soup, high-proof liquor, detergent, and even urine and faeces. Some police instruct prisoners to torture practitioners who are being force-fed, such as forcing air into the tube, then stepping on the practitioner's stomach, which results in highly-concentrated salt solution spraying up from the stomach, burning the practitioner's eyes and nose. Some persecutors do not allow the practitioner to use the toilet, but instead hang the practitioner upside down, forcing them to urinate and defecate on themselves.
Ms. Jin Changlan, 68, from Weifang City, Shandong Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2012-07-27After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Jin Changlan, 68, held firm and believed in Falun Gong. Because she continued to clarify the facts about Falun Gong, the Weifang Police frequently persecuted her. Ms. Jin's sudden death was the result of long term, relentless persecution. She was arrested multiple times and had lived in fear in an unstable environment for a long time. The arrest and ransacking of her home on February 28th, and being forced to attend brainwashing sessions, finally led to her death on May 31st, 2012.
Ms. Liu Kaimei Tortured in Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp; Her Prison Term Extended
2012-07-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Kaimei was tortured in Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp for one year. She should have been released upon completing her term, but authorities have extended her imprisonment because she would not renounce her faith in Falun Gong. The Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp is a dark dungeon where more than a thousand Falun Gong practitioners have been mistreated. Labour camp personnel has utilized torture methods such as forcing practitioners to stand or squat for extended periods of time, depriving them of toilet use, forcing them to sleep in a tiny space and depriving them of sleep. They have also beaten practitioners, sexually abused them and shocked them with electric batons, as well as threatened them with scorpions and poisonous insects.
Mr. Huo Jinping from Jiamusi City Arrested over 3 Months Ago; His Whereabouts Unknown
2012-07-27Mr. Huo Jinping was arrested by officers from the Jiamusi Police Department on March 14th, 2012. It has been more than 3 months since his arrest and his whereabouts are still unknown. According to sources, he was secretly transferred to an unknown location after he went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. When Mr. Huo's family members and five local Falun Gong practitioners went to the police bureau on April 5th, to inquire about Mr. Huo's whereabouts, they were arrested as well.
Ms. Hu Yan from Xiangtan Sentenced to Three Years in Prison after Being Detained for Nine Months
2012-07-27Ms. Hu Yan was taken away by police on August 25th, 2011. On September 29th, the police department issued a formal arrest notice. On February 25th, 2012, a trial was held in the Sanjiaoping Detention Centre of Xiangtan. The Yuetang District Court in Xiangtang sentenced Ms. Hu to three years in prison on May 10th. Ms. Hu has submitted an appeal. She is still being detained in the Sanjiaping Detention Centre.
Attorney Wei Liangyue Imprisoned, His Family Calls for Help
2012-07-27Attorney Mr. Wei Liangyue from Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, has defended Falun Gong practitioners in many cases. On May 25th, 2012, police from the Nangang District Domestic Security Brigade arrested Wei at his home. So far his whereabouts are unknown. His family is urging everyone to pay attention to the case. Wang Liguo, captain of Nangang Domestic Security Brigade, arrested Wei in 2009. In every interrogation, Wang asked Wei about his cases of defending Falun Gong practitioners. Wang had a list of cases Wei handled in the past, some of them so old that even Wei did not remember them. Wei was incarcerated for 30 days and, without any legal procedures having been followed, he was released.
Imprisoned for 11 Years and Tortured, Wang Yongqiang Suffers Brain Hemorrhage
2012-07-27In 2002 Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yongqiang was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his belief. During his 11 years of imprisonment, Mr. Wang suffered a stroke and was sent to Mudanjiang First People's Hospital. The prison officials told his family to apply for medical bail. Mudanjiang Prison is notorious for cruelly torturing practitioners and is called the “death camp.” Five thousand prisoners are held in its 22 divisions. More than 50 inmates crowd into a 50 square foot cell. The head of each division is in charge of all the inmates in that division and for turning in a certain amount of profit each year. As such, inmates are treated like machines to make more profits.
Practitioners and Their Family Members Arrested in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province
2012-07-27Since June 2012, police in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, and the Domestic Security Division have seized several Falun Gong practitioners including Niu Huijie, her daughter, and her daughter's fiancee (who is not a practitioner), as well as another couple, Ms. Song Guiping and Mr. Qiao Zhenbin, who are both practitioners. The brainwashing centre officials asked Ms. Niu whether practised Falun Gong. She replied that she practised occasionally for health reasons. They said that, since she was a practitioner, she had to stay in the brainwashing centre.
Jilin Police Harass Numerous Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-07-27On the night of May 29th, 2012, the Jilin Police Department had a joint action to harass and arrest numerous Falun Gong practitioners. According to the information provided by the insiders, the Jilin Provincial Committee and the Politics and Law Committee intended to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in the name of protecting the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Eighteenth Conference. Mr. Li Wenjun and his mother, Ms. Feng Fengyun were taken away from their home by police on the night of May 29th. The police broke into their home and took away a computer, all the Falun Gong books, over a thousand yuan, a charger for an electric power cart, DVDs, etc.
Chaoyang Police Arrest Family Members of Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-07-27Zhao Qiang, Chief of the Chaoyang County Domestic Security Division, arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Han Minglan's husband, son and daughter-in-law. In order to collect more extortion money, he also arrested several relatives of Ms. Han. They took away 14 people in total. Zhao Qiang collected a large amount of money from Ms. Han's family. Ms. Han was forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution.
Products Made with Slave Labour at the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2012-07-24There are nearly 300 women detained in the Hebei Province Woman's Forced Labour Camp. More than 100, almost half, are Falun Gong practitioners. The three “brigades” in the labour camp are known as the second, the third, and the fourth. The slave labour is labelled "practice labour.” In fact, the forced labour camp abuses its detainees to do cheap labour to make huge profits. The productivity of each brigade is directly linked to the officers' bonuses. Between 2008 and 2009, the detainees wrapped a huge number of disposable chopsticks in paper. They had also put handles on boxes for milk products. The boxes were transported in containers by large trucks. In the same period, the detainees made boxes for moon cakes, packaged toothpicks, and chopsticks.
Cao Dong Arrested Again in Beijing, Less than One Year after His Release from Prison
2012-07-24Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yisu returned home from work on June 8th, 2012. The moment she unlocked her door, seven to eight police officers moved in quickly and broke into her home. The officials were actually looking for Mr. Cao Dong, who was staying temporarily at her home. Mr. Cao was previously arrested and sentenced to five years in prison after he met with the vice president of the European Parliament and informed him about the brutal persecution suffered by him and his wife, along with other local practitioners.