Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Our Plea to the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong: Find the Murderers of Female Practitioner Xiong Fengxia
2003-03-14Li Aijun said, "This place is hell. Whoever comes here will have to go through the gates of hell. It's also called 'saving the people and dictatorship'. We have the support of the government, the army, the Public Security Bureau, and the armed police. There will be no one who will speak for you. If you are beaten to death then you died for nothing because it will be settled when my superior signs an affidavit declaring your death was a suicide."
Female Practitioner Beaten Until She Died in Tanshan Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-13The evil director Sun led a group of police to beat Ms. Fan until she was near death. They stuffed her into a hemp sack and threw it into the prison cell. Her fellow practitioners opened the sack, and noticed a pitiful sight: her lower back had been severely injured, her lower body couldn't move, and she was in a coma. They immediately called for help. Seeing that she was near death, the police released her.
Elderly Lady Tortured to Death in Liaoyang City
2003-03-13In August 2001, her home was illegally confiscated and she was detained for 45 days. During the illegal detention Ma Xiukun was seriously injured by the treatment she received, and she had difficulty breathing. The perpetrators feared having to take responsibility for Ma's deteriorated health and imminent death, so they sent her home. She died on March 18, 2002.
Practitioner Tortured to Death for Remaining Steadfast in His Belief
2003-03-13He was forced to carry a black sign and parade through the streets to be publicly denounced for practising Falun Gong. Afterwards, he was sentenced to 1 and a half years in a forced labour camp. While being imprisoned in the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Mianyang City, he continued to suffer various methods of persecution and inhuman torture, which caused severe internal injuries.
Another Lady Dies After Suffering Long-Term Torture in Hubei Province
2003-03-13Sadly, this lady endured relentless and despicable torture for so long that she passed away. It is a crime against humanity that escalating numbers of people, young and old, men and women, are being forced to give up their belief, and are beaten and tortured in horrific ways if they wont give up practicing Falun Dafa.
More Details of the Horrific Death of Woman Practitioner at the Hands of Zhaoyuan City Police
2003-03-11She refused to provide the information and therefore suffered all kinds of tortures. They kicked, whipped and electrically shocked her. They even put steel plates on both sides of her chest and banged the plates in a horrific frenzy with a hammer. In this way, she was tortured for one day and one night. On Jan. 23 2001, she was sent to Linglong police substation. No food was given to her, and no one was allowed to visit her.
Fujian Province Police Responsible for Torturing Dafa Practitioner to Death
2003-03-11The police suspiciously forcibly cremated the body, without letting his family inspect it. They fabricated a rumour saying that Dai Xiang-guang committed suicide by jumping from the 7th floor of a building to the ground. However, according to the observation of a family member, after he died, Dai's body was seen, and had no injuries that would indicate a 7-story fall.
Paralysis then Death of Female Dafa Practitioner as a Result of Extreme Persecution in Qinghai Province's Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-10Ms. Zhao Xiangzhong was persecuted to death simply for practising Falun Gong and voicing a word of conscience on behalf of her belief. The Jiang regime has acted with such cruelty towards an elderly kindhearted lady who harmed no one. Jiang and his followers' persecution of innocent Falun Dafa practitioners cannot be allowed to continue!
Dalian City Factory Security Guards Beat to Death Employee for Practising Falun Gong
2003-03-10According to insiders, Division 2 of Dalian City Police Department was also involved in the death of Mr. Zou. His family was threatened not to tell the truth. His over 80-years old parents wept all day long with shock and horror. This good man lost his life for upholding "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance".
"I witnessed my fellow practitioner Li Xingze die from terrible physical and mental torture."
2003-03-09While wearing shackles, he was shocked with electric batons for 40 minutes. He was also forced to do heavy manual labour, carrying red-hot bricks from a brick furnace. The temperature in this working environment is around 80 to 90 degrees Celsius (176-190F). People who work there have to wear protective clothing and headgear before they enter to avoid burning their skin and hair.
34-Year-Old Practitioner Chen Yongzhe Dies After Ruthless Torture in Huanxiling Labour Camp
2003-03-09The guards forced the practitioners to sit for hours starting right after breakfast until 9 pm. On April 27, 2001 they elevated the degree of torture. Captain Xu Xuequan and guards Wang, Cui and Pan started to torture each practitioner. The guards started to play music to cover up the painful moans emanating from the torture room. They called in Chen Yongzhe during the evening and severely tortured him.
Exposing the Viciousness Against Dafa Practitioners Behind the Walls of Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-07The criminal inmates were told, "You can beat to death whoever does not write the guarantee statement. Beating practitioners to death is no big deal -- we'll just call it suicide." They would instruct inmates who were drug addicts to poke practitioners with needles and pinch them in places that would not be easily noticed.
Disturbing Accounts of Brutal Acts Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Liaoning Province
2003-03-07Wang Yan's daughter Zhu Yiqian, a middle school student, was also illegally detained after returning from appealing for Falun Dafa in Beijing. Police chief Wang Lixian ordered his subordinates to tie Zhu Yiqian, a defenceless child, to a long bench by her wrists! They shocked her face, eyes, and ears with electric batons, and did not allow her to use the toilet. Several policemen tortured her for an entire day, and she lost control of her bladder.
Dafa Practitioner Dies After MercilessTorture by Beijing Police: Drugged, Ribs Broken, Feet Charred by Red-hot Iron
2003-03-06While on the hunger strike, he suffered extremely brutal torture, as he had not revealed his identity. During the torture, three of his ribs were broken, and his feet were burned with a red-hot iron until they were blackened and couldn't be moved. All of his toe nails were burnt, split, and eventually fell off.
Relentless Beatings Leave Woman Practitioner with Broken Lumbar Vertebra in Yangmahe Women's Prison
2003-03-06She frequently clarified the truth to people about the persecution. As a result, she was unjustly arrested again and illegally sentenced to eight years in prison. While she was incarcerated at Yangmahe Women's Prison in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province, she was subjected to brutal torture. Due to the relentless beatings, her lumbar vertebra was broken, leaving her in unimaginable pain and torment.