Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Sadistic Authorities in Beijing Labour Camp Distribution Centre Shock Practitioners' Genitals Using 300,000-Volt Electric Batons
2003-02-10All of the detainees were terrified; their faces turned pale and their bodies were shaking, and even though the environment around them was noisy, people could still hear the sounds from the electric shocks and the screams from practitioners.
The Criminal Record of Brutal Torture Employed by Jilin City Prison Policemen
2003-02-10They set up a special torture device in the form of a stretching bed in small cells where they shackled the four limbs of the practitioner, pulling them tightly in an outstretched position on the bed. An average person would not be able to endure the hours of suffering caused by this kind of torture.
Gruelling Torture Led to Death of Female Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-02-09Her neck, armpit, arms and some other places showed obvious rope marks. She, no doubt, suffered gruelling torture. Moreover, one chief official from No. 1 Section of the city police department admitted responsibility for the death of Ms. Zhou...It is obvious that Zhou Wenjie was more than likely murdered.
Yet Another Practtioner Dies from Unwarranted Torture in Jilin Province
2003-02-09At the age of 30, in good health and with so much of his life ahead of him, Mr. Sui Futao died suddenly. The labour camp ridiculously claimed that Sui Futao died of a heart attack. However, did Sui Futao really die of a heart attack?
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Du Guilan from Hegang City Dies from Persecution
2003-02-09Before Du Guilan's death, police abducted her husband and son, and brutally tortured them in order to force them to reveal Du Guilan's whereabouts....Police said she jumped from the second floor and died, but we believe the second floor is not high enough to cause death. Yet another shameful act has most likely been committed by the police
Female Dafa Practitioner Dies from Prolonged Torture in Xinjiang Autonomous Region
2003-02-06Yurong's husband brought their 14-year-old son and rushed to the People's Hospital. In the ward, Yurong was monitored 24 hours a day. In order to avoid responsibility, the police even ordered Yurong's husband to carry her to the courtroom to be tried even though she was near death.
Three Dafa Practitioners Beaten to Death: Hu County Police Responsible
2003-02-05In early October 2002, Dafa practitioner Wang Dawei was taken away from his home by police. Five days later, he was beaten to death. Shortly afterwards, two other practitioners, a woman in her 60's and a man in his 30's, were also beaten to death by police in Hu County. Since the police have been blocking the news tightly, we did not learn of the news until recently.
Practitioner Mr Yu Tianyong Dies After Two Years Illegal Imprisonment
2003-02-05Mr Yu Tianyong, started practising Falun Gong in 1996. On January 1, 2001, police officers from the Taiping Police Branch illegally arrested him. He was sentanced for 10 years but became very sick while imprisoned and was released temporarily for medical treatment.ever, the police arrested him again and transferred him to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Hospital, where he died in January 2003.
Harbin City Practitioner Dies from Persecution
2003-02-05Ms Fu Guilan, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, started to practise Falun Gong in 1996. She was arrested and illegally detained for nine and half months after going to Beijing to appeal on July 20, 1999. The Nangang Station police arrested her in April of 2001. She was sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. On May 5th of 2002, she was again abducted by police. She continued her hunger strike until she died on December 29, 2002.
Changchun Practitioners Participating in Falun Dafa TV Broadcast Are Severely Tortured
2003-02-04These courageous practitioners broadcast on TV the truth of the persecution against Falun Gong, and exposed the lies and deception the Jiang regime propaganda machine has used to fool the Chinese nation. Their message was clear: Falun Gong is good. Restore the good name of Dafa. For this selfless act they have been subjected to terrible ordeals.
Medical University Professor Suffers Mental Collapse from Torture in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-03His psyche became extremely fragile. The sound of a door closing or a touch on his shoulder could frighten him. Liu often curled up on the edge of his bed. To further torment Liu, the mean police would intentionally scare him by screaming at him or slapping his shoulder and yelling his name at the same time. Finally, Liu had a mental collapse. This is the saddest condition for a once healthy, intelligent and sane person.
Dafa Practitioner Zhao Dexiu from Xinyang City, Henan Province Tortured to Death
2003-02-02Dafa practitioner Zhao Dexiu, a retired cadre of the post office in Xinyang City, Henan Province, was tortured to death in 2002. Because he firmly upheld his belief in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance," Mr. Zhao was arrested and subjected to inhumane torture by the city police department. As a result of the relentless torment, he became mentally retarded.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Liu Jinshan Tortured to Death in Heilongjiang Province
2003-02-02After five or six months of torture in the detention centre, Liu was merely skins and bones and was on the verge of death. In order to avoid responsibility, the police drove him home in a police car on January 14, 2003. Two police officers laid Liu on the bed. At that time, Liu Jinshan could not open his mouth to speak or swallow food. He died at 7 a.m. on January 19, 2003.
Father and Son Die from Torture Within Half a Year in the Wanjia Hospital in Harbin City
2003-02-02In a period of a few hours, he was tortured to the extent that his limbs were twitching uncontrollably and he was not in a clear state of mind. After examination, it was found that he had been repeatedly struck in the head with a heavy object. There were also internal injuries throughout his body. The hospital refused to continue treatment. He died on June 14, 2002.
Blood on the Hands of Heilongjiang Province Police
2003-02-01The police charged her with handing out Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials, and illegally sentenced her to 3 years in prison. Huang Ying asked her daughter to appeal on her behalf, but the police said that if she appeals they would add an additional year to Huang Ying's sentence. Her daughter (a non-practitioner) therefore decided not to appeal.