Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
In Remembrance of Dafa Practitioner Ms Wang Fengwei
2003-02-24She was inhumanely tortured for a long time. A non-practitioner was locked up with her, and when this person came out, she told another Dafa practitioner how good Wang Fengwei was to her, and how Wang Fengwei cared about others. She saw with her own eyes how Wang Fengwei was severely tortured. Her body was extremely weak, and she could not manage to go to the toilet by herself. But the evil people did not care if she died or lived, and continued to shackle her for an extended period of time.
Police in Daqing City Jail Show No Mercy to Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-24In order to force Zhang Xingyan to wear the jail's uniform, the depraved police tore his clothes (including pants and vest) into pieces. He was naked and held down by two criminals, while others assaulted him. He also suffered the wind blowing in from the open window while the temperature was --20 degree Celsius [-4oF] for three consecutive days and nights. He fell unconscious from the cold.
Liaoyuan City Police Apply Vicious Torture Methods to Innocent Practitioners
2003-02-24The practitioners also told the police officers that those who persecute practitioners would not avoid the consequences of "what goes around, comes around". The policemen did not take the kind advice from Dafa practitioners; instead, they said the practitioners were cursing them. After the practitioners were arrested and taken to the police station, all were inhumanly tortured, without mercy.
Blood on Hands of Yantai City Police for Death of Innocent Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-02-23Wang Fengqin was tortured to death around January 28, 2003. However, the cold-hearted perpetrators notified her family only after the Spring Festival. Wang Fengqin's family members saw that her clothes were stuck to her dead body and could not be removed. Her wrists showed clear marks from handcuffs. What she must have endured is hard to imagine. After extorting 1,000 Yuan from her family, the authorities cremated her body.
Belated News: Practitioner Cruelly Force-Fed to Death at Changchun City's Third Detention Centre
2003-02-23While in detention, Wang Shouhui was subjected to inhumane torture. Mr. Wang firmly resisted the evildoers by going on a hunger strike. The detention centre cruelly force-fed him, with no regard for his life, which led to his untimely death.
Eminent 73-Year-Old Female Astronautics Scientist is Persecuted to Death for Upholding Her Belief in Falun Dafa
2003-02-23Afterwards, the vicious gang blocked the news. Li Guangya, Party Secretary of the China Academy of Launching Technology, and Wu Zhongren, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, boasted of their experience and achievements in "reforming" Falun Gong practitioners in a summing-up meeting at the academy. They even shifted the responsibility for Ren Yufen's death to Falun Gong. They have chosen to follow Jiang's regime to its dead end. It is despicable and doleful.
Further Information on Deceased Heilongjiang Female Falun Dafa Practitioner "D3"
2003-02-22When I was force-fed, I was pinned to the ground by four or five inmates. Such pressure on top of me made me feel like my internal organs were going to rupture. After the force-feeding, my whole body was usually covered with blood. From my own experience, I could imagine what kind of torment D3 must have endured.
Lingquansi Detention Centre Responsible for Shocking Death of Dafa Practitioner
2003-02-17The authorities hastily cremated his body in order to cover up their crime. According to his relatives at the crematorium, the deceased had his eyes and mouth wide open. Both arms were outstretched, and both hands were firmly clenched into fists. There was dried blood on the back of his skull. A once strong and healthy man became emaciated within merely 14 days.
Practitioner "Cuffed and Hung Up" for 7 Days and Nights in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-17They brutally tortured practitioner Mr. Yue Baoxue with a method called "Cuffed and Hung Up" for 7 consecutive days and nights: [This means both hands are cuffed behind the back, both feet off or only toes touching the ground, one is hung from a basketball support or house beam by the handcuffs. Both hands and arms will soon go numb from lack of blood circulation.]
Kailuan City Mine Instigate Ruthless Torture of Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-15With the instigation of the guards, several inmates wrapped him up with thick blankets and forced their weight down on him simultaneously. The inmates took turns beating him and used thick needles to stab his body because he refused to write the "repentance letter." He has more than one hundred excruciating needle punctures marks on his body from the torture. The prison guards didn't give him any food and didn't allow him to sleep for days.
Respectable Doctor Passed Away in Fuzhou City Due to Relentless Persecution (Photo)
2003-02-14Mr. Zhang Yunyi was formerly a medical doctor in the Beijing Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital. In summer 2000, he was wrongfully sentenced to one year of forced labour because he distributed Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He was imprisoned in Beijing's notorious Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp and suffered various tortures. After he was released, to avoid further persecution, he was forced to leave home
More information About the Death of Pregnant Practitioner Luo Zhixiang
2003-02-14There are so many tall buildings in the city, why did she not jump down to kill herself before, but commit the so-called "suicide" only after being kidnapped to the brainwashing centre? She was pregnant and told her mother-in-law that she wanted to give birth to the baby. How could she possibly to kill herself?
In Memory of Practitioner Ms. Yu Xiulan
2003-02-13A 60-year-old woman without the slightest bit of malice was deprived of her life just because she remained persistent in her belief and spoke the truth. Where is justice? People, please remember that there will indeed be a day when those who persecute Falun Dafa are punished by the heavenly principle that good is rewarded with good and evil is met with evil.
Female Dafa Practitioner Is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse in Wuhan City
2003-02-12After her worried family demanded to see her, the detention centre agreed that Li's father could see her. Li Yanlin had been tortured so severely that she sadly suffered a mental collapse, and did not even recognise her own father. The heartless head of the detention centre told him that this took place on December 26, 2002. Li's father pleaded for her release on bail so that she could get treatment.
Despicable Methods of Torture Used on Dafa Practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-11Some practitioners were tied up for 7 to 8 continuous hours, and fell unconscious. After one practitioner lost consciousness for a second time, the practitioner had to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. The doctor could not bear to watch and said, "This person really needs rest." However, when the practitioner was taken back to the forced labour camp, he was tortured the same way again.