Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Practitioners' Flesh Horrifically Gouged Out in Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-05The pain from this unthinkable torture made me scream uncontrollably. After ten minutes, the officer was sweating from the effort required to twist and bore the crude object into my flesh, so another officer replaced him. Afterwards, the person who had held my head said that my eyes were rolling backwards. They thought I was dead.
Belated Report: 63 Year Old Lady from Shandong Beaten to Death
2003-03-04This courageous 63 year old lady had so benefitted from practising Falun Gong that she felt it was crucial to go to Beijing, to exercise her rights according to the Constitution, to stand up for belief in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolearance. For this she was detained, and tragically passed away as a result of injuries sustained from the beatings she had received.
More Information on the Death of Dafa Practitioner Peng Fangjian
2003-03-04When the family members rushed to the crematorium, they found that Mr. Peng's originally strong body, had deteriorated as a result of over 10 days of torture. Peng Fangjian's body was emaciated, his bones were covered only by skin, his eyes were open wide and his facial expressions showed a feeling of great pain. His mouth was wide open as well;
Horrific Acts of Torture Against Dafa Practitioners in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-04Vicious policeman Zhang Xiaochu handcuffed female Dafa practitioners to a metal chair, took off their cotton-padded jackets, opened the windows and shouted, "I will freeze you to death. With the support of the government I don't really care if you want to sue me."
Jiangxi Province Police Murder Falun Dafa Practitioner Chen Jianning (Photo)
2003-03-03In order to cover up the facts of the murder, the cold-blooded police callously threw Chen Jianning off the 6th floor of the county police department. They wanted people to think that Chen jumped off the building. Afterwards, they changed Chen Jianning's bloody clothes. At that time Chen Jianning had 3,400 Yuan with him. Soon afterwards the police sent him to a funeral parlour for cremation.
Middle School Teacher Brutally Tortured to Death at the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Qinghai Province
2003-03-03Around April and May in 2001, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested and held at a detention centre in Tianjin City, where she was subjected to brutal torture. She was once stripped of all her clothes and tied to a metal bed [commonly known as the "death bed"]. The police then heaped ice cubes on her body, forcing her to disclose her name and address.
Woman Practitioner Force-Fed To Death by Manzhouli City Police
2003-03-03Meng Guiying firmly resisted the persecution and refused to give up "Truthfulness-Compassion- Tolerance." She also protested the illegal persecution with a hunger strike and continuously clarified the truth with great compassion and tolerance. The police force-fed her,with no regard for her life and the feeding tube ruptured her lung, causing a lung infection.
Nanchang City Jail Responsible for Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-03-03The news also said the jail official claims Lan Hu wrote an appeal letter in which he "accused the top person in the government." Lan Hu's mother asked to see this letter but the jail official refused. An official from Changlin District People's Prosecuting Office refused to provide answers to the question, "Why did Lan Hu suffer circulatory and respiratory function failure after only four days on a hunger strike?" He said, "Ask the jail."
Human Tragedy: Female Practitioner Completely Paralysed from Severe Torture at Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2003-03-02During the time Li was illegally detained and tortured in the labour camp, her life was endangered many times. Her health deteriorated to the extent that all of her vital systems began to shut down, yet the labour camp refused to release her.
Changchun City Third Detention Centre Ruins Practitioners Physically, Mentally and Financially
2003-03-01Demonic police in the detention centre also stapled Dafa practitioners' hands, stabbed their hands with toothpicks and then tore out the staples and toothpicks. They enjoyed torturing the practitioners and called it "acupuncture." We caution the perpetrators that justice will prevail for the crimes committed against Dafa practitioners; "what goes around, comes around."
Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death for Peacefully Distributing Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance Cards (Photo)
2003-02-28Ms. Liu was an employee of the Shuangcheng City Beer Factory in Heilongjiang Province. On February 6, 2003, while peacefully distributing a New Year greetings card with the characters "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" on it to a passenger in their own mini-van, she and her husband were reported to the police, who then unjustly took away the couple and their van. How could it be a crime to honour the values of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance?
Battered and Bruised: Female Dafa Practitioners Dead Body Is Proof of Vicious Torture In Brainwashing Class
2003-02-28It wasn't until the noon of October 14 that the perpetrators notified Xiong's family members that she was dead. In order to escape responsibility, they lied to Xiong's family, claiming that she suffered from a high fever due to influenza and that they were not able to resuscitate her in time. When Xiong's family saw her corpse, her teeth were clenched tightly, her whole body was covered with bruises and injuries and her wrists showed deep marks from being hung with iron-chains. The state of her body was the proof of the vicious treatment she had been subjected to.
Female Doctor from Tangshan City is Brutally Persecuted for Three Years Just for Wishing to Say, "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2003-02-28The next morning he dropped his disguise of a smiling face and revealed his vicious, real self. He continually slapped my face for the entire morning until it was all swollen. As he hit me, he snarled, "Will you be transformed or not?" I sternly replied, "I will not!" "If you are not transformed I'll hang you under the persimmon tree in the courtyard. In the past, they [he was referring to other Falun Gong practitioners] were all hung under that tree. Or I'll lock you up in a solitary room." When he saw that I was not intimidated, he sent for an electric baton and started to shock me with it.
Killing One Practitioner, Mengyin County Officials Then Kill the Only Witness: Story of the Gruesome Deaths (Photos)
2003-02-27Liu Shufen and Zhang Dezhen were being tortured together. Liu Shufen was the only witness to Zhang Dezhen's death. At that time, Liu Shufen was beaten until she lost consciousness. The guards deliberately sent her for brain surgery, saying that something must be wrong with her brain and forcibly carried her out of her cell. According to several Falun Dafa practitioners who witnessed the scene, she was breathing normally and her body temperature was also normal. She had just temporarily lost consciousness due to the beating. Liu Shufen died as a result of the surgery.
Atrocities at Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-26The evil guards pressed him onto the floor and cuffed his arms and legs to the table's legs. Three to four guards shocked him using electric batons. Soon the entire hallway was filled with the stench of burnt skin and thick smoke. Such frightening scenes occurred often. About 20 other practitioners were tortured in the same way.