Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Jixi City Dafa Practitioner Murdered by Harbin City Rehabilitation Centre
2003-01-01Jiang Rongzhen's body was covered with cuts and bruises, and also marks left by electric shock sticks; there were holes on her forehead and bumps on the back of her head.
Practitioner Wu Bao Dies From Force-feeding
2003-01-01Wu Bao was force-fed with a highly dangerous concentrated salt solution. Several minutes later, he vomited up a lot of blood.His voice became weaker and weaker. He said that he wanted to have a bowel movement. But several minutes later, his eyeballs started to turn upward.
The Truth About the Death of My Wife at the Baimalong Labour Camp
2003-01-01Today, with a broken heart, I am writing to let you know how my wife Chen Ouxiang lost her life...When I went to take a final heart-breaking look at her, I saw 6 shocking bruises on her body! I wanted to further examine her body, but the police forcibly stopped me.
Falun Dafa Practitioners are Cruelly Tortured in the Anshan City Forced Labour Camp
2002-12-31Several policemen viciously force-fed the practitioners in the First Brigade as a means to escalate the persecution. After being force-fed, the practitioners' faces and nails turned pale. Their entire bodies ached and their internal organs were extremely painful. They could not turn their bodies while resting in bed or walk without help.
Police Officers in Hebei Province Violently Beat and Murder Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-30After torturing a practitioner to death, the brainwashing centre rigorously blocked the news of his death to prevent others from knowing about their criminal acts. They even threatened his family members with the criminal charges of being a "reactionary family" or being "against the government" if they appealed to a higher court.
Two More Death in Police Custody Death Toll Rises Again
2002-12-28When abducted by the police on January 14, 2002, Wang Fengwei was hanging up a banner that read, "Falun Dafa is Good." She was beaten to the brink of death, and then sent to Shen County Detention Centre. Police in the Detention Centre said; "We will not release her even if she dies here."
How the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Institute Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-27A group of savage guards pulled him out, and beat and kicked him, pulled his hair, and slammed his head against a wall in a terrifying frenzy. Then they locked him up in an iron cage, tied him to an iron chair..The person who was in charge of the labour camp said, "You can go ahead and appeal, but it won't help you at all no matter where you appeal."
Dafa Practitioner in Coma from Beating by Police
2002-12-24The vicious policemen injured Shen's eyes. Instead of stopping the torture, the policemen escalated it by hanging the practitioners with handcuffs 24 hours a day while torturing them with various gruesome instruments. Realizing that all the torture methods failed to work, the policemen locked a few Falun Dafa practitioners in a freezer.
Two Sisters Killed by the Evil Persecution
2002-12-23Force-feeding is done with no concern for the long-lasting harm it does to practitioners. It is truly a vile torture! Many Falun Dafa practitioners had strong reactions from the force-feedings. Their symptoms included purple marks on their finger and toe nails, their faces turning purple-blue, pains in their internal organs, not being able to turn over on the bed, and needing help to get up or walk.
61 Year old Lady Hung to Death for Practising Falun Dafa
2002-12-22Because she refused to give up her belief in Dafa, she was handcuffed to a tree for three days and nights. Afterwards, she was hung for half a month, and as a result, she became paralysed in her lower body. How can one imagine the pain and suffering this 61 year old lady endured for two weeks of solidly being hung?
Frenzy of Beatings and High-Voltage Shocks Cause Death of Dafa Practitioner
2002-12-22Alarmingly, they found his back was black, with scars caused by large-scale electric shock torture. The ears were also black and had traces of blood inside. ..When a family member tried to take photos of Li's dead body, the police beat him, injuring his arms, and then locked him to the steam pipe for twenty-four hours.
Information Blockade on Death By Torture of Jilin Province Practitioner
2002-12-22Jilin Provincial Female Prison has murdered a lady who tried to be good and kind to those she met, worked hard, followed a high moral standard and harmed no-one. A society is in grave danger when those in authority become lawless and kill good people without restraint.
Please Help Rescue Wang Kemin from Agonising Captivity
2002-12-20When his mother met him, she could not believe the shocking sight: his upper body was naked and his eyes were swollen from the beating. His mother tried to put his clothes on him, but he said it was too excruciatingly painful for him to be touched due to the wounds that covered his body.
Miyi County Detention Centre Responsible for Killing Elderly Practitioner (Photo)
2002-12-19In this dark and evil place, her only recourse to stand up against this illegal and unjustified detention was to go on hunger strike. The response from the cold-hearted authorities? She was brutally force-fed for a month, causing her unimaginable pain and internal rupturing.
Lawless Police Beat Practitioner to Death
2002-12-18The vicious police used this as an excuse to vent their own anger and brutally torture Shi in order to force him to reveal the origin of the materials. However, despite tremendous pain and unendurable suffering, Shi Hongjie firmly resisted the thugs demands throughout