Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Two Chongqing City Female Dafa Practitioners Tragically Tortured to Death
2003-01-11The death toll rises again, with the unjust and barbaric persecution claiming two more innocent lives. Two ladies from Chongqing City area, who only tried to be virtuous and kind, and to think of others before themselves, would not bow to the unreasonable pressure of the Jiang regime to attempt to force them to give up Falun Dafa.
Grieving 13 Year-Old Son of Practitioners Left Alone, as Father Tortured to Death and Mother Incarcerated Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-10How can a so-called civilised society, employ thugs in positions of power to tear apart a normal, stable family, and torture to death a father, send a mother to a forced labour camp, break a 13 year-old sons heart, leaving him alone at home to look after himself, and to bear the weight of unbearable grief on his own?
Practitioner Song Xingguo Dies From Torture and Force-feeding
2003-01-09During his illegal detention Song Xingguo had the courage and determination to go on hunger strike for a whole year to protest. Why did he deny himself his basic human needs? Because the Jiang regime had denied him every possible human right that he should have been entitled to, and wanted total control over his body, mind and spirit. So he used his hunger strike as a means to show the evil authorities that they could never control his heart or mind. Yet, for this, the enraged abusers murdered him.
One Practitioner's Story of Abuse and Torture in Harbin Prison
2003-01-09They beat on my forehead with their palms and called it "confusing me" which left me unable to remember the things that had happened before They relished the unbearable pain they were causing me! They said the government (police) instructed them to do so. They told me, "If you die, the government said all we have to do is to provide a death certificate."
Cruelty of Beijing Police Leaves a Dafa Practitioner Paralyzed
2003-01-09The policemen there used a form of water torture and poured large quantities of ice-cold water on him over a long period of time, causing him to incur serious disabilities. His muscles atrophied, he had nerve damage, he became incontinent, and he lost his voice due to vocal cord strain. After even more torture, he lost his memory, became paralyzed, and couldn't take care of himself.
Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death by Yushu City Public Security Bureau
2003-01-07Mr. Huang Baochen suffered various kinds of demeaning and painful torture in the labour camp. He was beaten by the criminal inmates and was not even allowed to drink water. He was also forced to sit on a very tiny stool for days. In early November 2002..Mr. Huang was brought into the room on a stretcher. He was unable to recognise anyone and his whole body was swollen. His health was in a desperate condition
Harbin City Women's Prison Kill Yet Another Dafa Practitioner
2003-01-06Yet another innocent lady who was only trying to be a good person and follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance has been senselessly and brutally murdered by Jiang's regime. Despite thier attempts to try to cover up their shameful acts, the facts of their wicked deeds are being exposed more and more
Falun Gong Practitioner Dies at the Hands of the Harbin City Police Department
2003-01-06Falun Gong practitioner Wang Hong'gang was cruelly tortured to death during an interrogation at the Harbin City Police Department's Detention Centre Province on June 18, 2002. The police department blocked this information and has not yet notified Wang Hong'gang's family of his death.
Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner in the Feng'nan City Detention Centre
2003-01-06Practitioners were forced to stand outside for long periods of time under the scorching sun. They were also forced to run, squat, and hold the same position for long periods of time, in addition to being verbally abused and humiliated by the guards. The practitioners were often beaten until they were on the verge of death.
Frenzied Beating Leads to Death of 50 Year-Old Practitioner
2003-01-06A policeman named Li Jianmin brutally beat her with a rubber nightstick. Sun Xiucai held firmly to her righteous thoughts. She did not speak one word. The police were at their wits' end, so they sent her to a detention centre.
Urgent! Please Help Rescue Falun Dafa Practitioner, Mr. Song Xu (Photos and Phone Numbers)
2003-01-05Mr Song Xu has been suffering unimaginable ruthless torture after undergoing a hunger strike for more than 50 days. His hunger strike is the only method available to him to stand up against the brutal and unjust incarceration that he is enduring. We call upon the people of the world who believe in human rights and justice to help free Song Xu!
Tragic Death of Practitioner at the Hands of the Police in Heilongjiang Province
2003-01-04Huang Xiaoguo was furious and viciously kicked Yang's wife down to the ground. He threatened that all of his family members, including the 1-year-old grandson, would be in trouble if he couldn't find Yang Wenhua. With no way out, Yang's whole family had to go to the hills and hide for two days and nights..
Tortured in the Pigsty - Another Inhuman Scene at the Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2003-01-02The temperature in the small cells was as cold as outside. Practitioners detained in these cells were fed with two bowls of watery corn soup a day, more water than corn. As for those who went on a hunger strike, a device was forced onto their mouths to keep them from closing, day and night.
Thirteenth Practitioner Tortured to Death in Daqing City!
2003-01-02The boy went to the labour camp and was shocked to find that his father was dead. The son saw that He Huajiang had bare-feet and there were traces of rope-tying on his body. It was obvious that He had been tortured. What a disgrace to make a 15 year-old boy orphaned, fatherless and alone!
Horrific Torture Leads to Death of Senior Engineer Practitioner (Photos)
2003-01-01Wei Zaixin was a highly respected senior engineer at the School of Advanced Technological Studies. Through putting into practice the principles of Falun Dafa he worked hard and was a kind and fair man to all people. How could the evil authorities be allowed to get away with killing an innocent man who was making a valuable contribution to his country?