Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Three Years of Relentless Persecution Leads to Death of Hangshi City Practitioner
2002-12-17How could the police, which has the authority to protect its citizens from those that break laws and harm people, be given the authority to inflict the excruciating torture and painful death on a harmless 50 year-old lady who was following the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance?
Exposing the Crimes of Dalian City Police against Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-16She was hung her up in the window. The heartless police threw cold water and urine on her for 7 hours. To increase her suffering, they also opened the window to freeze her...two policewomen hit her with their fists and kicked her with their boots. This defenceless woman was injured all over her body and her face was black and blue.
Female Dafa Practitioner Tragically Dies from Torture at the Ping'antai Labour Camp in Gansu Province
2002-12-15Her ribs and pelvis were severely fractured; her internal organs were badly injured, and there was haemorrhaging inside her body..also, after her death, the police sent her body to be cremated. This is a clear example of Jiang's order to cremate practitioners locally to destroy any evidence of persecution.
The Unyielding Righteous Spirit of Falun Dafa Practitioner in a Prison in Daqing City
2002-12-13Practitioner Zhu Hongbing was unyielding to the evildoers and upheld his righteousness to the very end. Through him, the solemnity of Dafa was seen, and the unyielding righteous spirit manifested. Even his torturers admitted that Zhu was a real man.
Cruel Persecution Causes Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner and Tears Apart Her Family
2002-12-12My sister, Ms. Wang Jiqin, was beaten brutally by drug addicts at the camp. In the name of "treatment," camp officer Wang Ming let those drug addicts inject some unknown substances into her that caused her to faint. Later, to shake off their responsibility, they sent my half-dead sister home...after months of painful suffering, she passed away and left her 5-year-old son without a mother.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death at a Detention Centre in Guangdong Province
2002-12-11Shen Deming was arrested while distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in Shenzhen City. He was then detained for six months in the Jiujiechun Detention Centre. Due to the severity of the torture, he suffered a mental breakdown. On September 8, Shen Deming passed away.
Belated Report: Practitioner Tortured to Death in the Daqing Labour Camp
2002-12-10He suffered immensely while in detention from torture and forced labour. Niu was forbidden from practising the Falun Gong exercises or studying the teachings of Falun Dafa, and his health deteriorated quickly.
Mudanjiang City Police Torture to Death Female Dafa Practitioner
2002-12-09On the morning of September 16, 2002, she was kidnapped by the city police department. In the afternoon of the same day, she was beaten to death. In order to shirk responsibility, the police threw her corpse off from a building and then claimed that she committed suicide by jumping off the building.
Practitioner Killed by Inhumane Force-Feeding in Baoding City Labour Camp
2002-12-08In order to shirk responsibility, the labour camp claimed that Zhang Yiqin suffered from tuberculosis and ordered her family members to take her home. Tragically, Zhang Yiqin passed away in September 11, 2002, a few days after she was taken home.
Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Liaoyang City's Huazi Jail
2002-12-08In September 2002, he was unlawfully sentenced to a five-year jail term. After only 18 days of being transferred to Liaoyang City's Huazi Jail in Liaoning Province, he was tortured to death on September 21.
Liaoning Province Practitioners: We Wish to Sue the Head Criminal, Jiang Zemin
2002-12-08We tried to expose the conspiracy of a few thugs through the Appeals Office in Beijing...The results of our sincerity and trust in the government were beatings, arrest, detention, forced labour, and incarceration in mental institutions and prisons.
Shocking Cases of Deaths by Torture and Illegal Detention by Wuxue City Police
2002-12-06In the station, the police shocked Fan with multiple electric batons at the same time. They also used an electric chair to torture him, injected him with a psychotropic drug, and subjected him to other psychological torture. When Fan was beaten unconscious, they splashed cold water over him and then continued the torture.
Practitioner Yuan Zhongyu Tortured to Death; Wife Illegally Sent to Labour Camp to Hide the Facts
2002-12-05The vicious police didn't allow Yuan Zhongyu's family to see the body. They claimed they would have the body inspected by a provincial agency. After a long time, they notified Yuan's family to cremate the body but did not want them to see the body. When the guard was not looking, one family member saw scars on the body and the chest and stomach was black and blue.
In Memory of Practitioner Xun Ruilin
2002-12-03Xun Ruilin immediately started a hunger strike to protest his illegal arrest and to demand his immediate release. He refused to say anything during interrogations by the police. As a result, the police brutally tortured him. When the police in Linzhang County force-fed him for the second time, Xun Ruilin passed away from all of the torture that he had endured. Dozens of policemen in Linzhang County watched his remains to prevent them from being taken away by his family members and to keep the outside world from finding out the truth.
Female Dafa Practitioner Hu Hongyue from Sichuan Province Dies in Police Custody (Photo)
2002-11-28The policemen only showed a picture of Hu and told her family that she "died from starvation." On November 19, 2002, the police cremated her body without the consent of her family. In fact, neither her family members nor her coworkers were allowed to see her body for the last time.