Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Police in Anqiu, Shandong Province Mass-Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-01-12On the evening of November 2nd, 2007, mass arrests of Falun Gong practitioners took place in Anqui City. The police forced open the doors or windows of practitioners' homes, arrested people and seized private belongings. Arrested female practitioners are currently being held at the Anqiu City Detention Centre. A 15-square-metre cell holds 31 people, 21 of whom are practitioners. In the morning they are made to drink dirty dish water, at lunchtime they are given old vegetable leaves boiled in salt water and rancid pickles, and in the evening they have to crowd themselves together on the damp, cold floor. The space is so tight that they can barely turn over.
Persecution Suffered by Yang Guozheng in Qijiang County, Chongqing
2008-01-11Ms. Yang Guozheng, 58 years old, is a resident of Songnan Road in Qijiang County. Yang Guozheng suffered all kinds of persecution, including detention, extortion of money and having her house ransacked and property confiscated. Her younger daughter, Wang Jirong, was persecuted until she died. In March 2004, police ransacked her home, arrested her and detained her in the Country Detention Centre for 30 days.
Ms. Zhu Guoying from Heilongjiang Province, in Her Fifties, Arrested, Her Elderly Mother Has No Place to Appeal
2008-01-1051-year-old Ms. Zhu Guoying, a Falun Gong practitioner, was taken from her home by local police on December 2nd, 2007. Without showing any ID, they only claimed that someone had reported Ms. Zhu for speaking about the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong, and they said they had received orders from upper management to arrest her. In fact, this was just an excuse. The truth is that, with the year end approaching, they wanted to extort some money. Accompanied by relatives, her mother went to appeal but was threatened by official personnel.
Eight Practitioners from the Hecheng District in Huaihua City, Hunan Province, Were Sentenced
2008-01-09On September 15th, 2007, eleven Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested when they were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. The practitioners were all held in the Huitong County Detention Centre. Three older practitioners, 82-year-old Nie Yuanxin, 70-year-old Zuo Shuying, and 60-year-old Nie Guixiang, returned home after they had five to ten thousand yuan extorted from them. The other eight practitioners were sentenced to between three and seven years in prison by Huitong County Court.
Ms. Li Yumei and Ms. Zhang Yufeng Held in Luquan Prison, Hebei Province
2008-01-08Ms. Li Yumei has been arrested twice and detained three times because she believes in Falun Dafa. On June 28th, 2007, Ms. Li was arrested and brutally beaten by National Security Division officers. When her daughter, Ms. Zhao Yunfei, tried to stop the men from beating her mother, she was also arrested and detained for 15 days. Agents from the Wanquan County Political and Judiciary Committees, the police, and the procuratorate and court officials all colluded to sentence Ms. Li Yumei to six years in prison. On December 27th, she was taken to the Luquan Women's Prison in Shijiazhuang City.
Physician from Tangxia Town, Rui'an City, Arrested by 610 Office Police Again and His Home Ransacked
2008-01-08Mr. Zhou Xiaobo, 31 years old, was a physician at Tangxiao Town Hospital in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province. On November 7th, 2007, he was arrested by police from the local 610 Office and his home was ransacked. Two officers kept Dr. Zhou on the first floor in order to prevent him from intervening. They confiscated Falun Dafa books and a flash drive. The policemen took pictures of his home. After searching, they told Dr. Zhou to sign an arrest warrant attached to a search warrant. They recorded everything that they confiscated. There was no signature on the warrants, which could very well have been forged.
Older Practitioner Ms. Lu Xiuli Imprisoned and Persecuted at a Mental Hospital
2008-01-07After July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began forcing Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. The CCP imprisoned perfectly healthy and mentally stable practitioners in mental hospitals and drug rehabilitation centres. Most of the practitioners were injected and force-fed drugs and chemicals that damaged their nervous systems. Some of damage has resulted in blindness, deafness, palsy, amnesia, mental disorders, injury to the digestive system and death. Ms. Lu Xiuli, a 59-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested when she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in November 2007. She was sent to a mental hospital in Shanghai to undergo persecution and brainwashing.
Five Practitioners from Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia Unlawfully Sentenced to Forced Labour
2008-01-07From August 30th to September 6th, 2007, police officers arrested nine Falun Gong practitioners from Yakeshi City. Practitioner Min Daqing, a 26-year-old employee of the Yitie Electricity Department, was arrested at his workplace. The police confiscated the computer he was using at his workplace. The leaders at his workplace tried to stop the police from taking the computer, but the police forcibly took it away. After this incident, people at his workplace all said that this group of policemen were criminals. Later on, the police broke into Min Daqing's home to confiscate his private computer and Dafa books. Before leaving, they also took 1,300 yuan of his family's money. He has been sentenced to forced labour.
How the National Security Division of the Daqing Police Department Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-01-06Usually, the National Security Team will not make an immediate arrest after they have identified a practitioner. They will follow the person for a while and then arrest him. They do not need any evidence to made an arrest. When arresting practitioners, they usually do not drive police cars. Rather, they drive private cars or cars with a private company licence plate. They dress in plainclothes and work in groups of four to five. They do not announce their names and will not give their names even if you ask. Even when they arrest elderly practitioners, they go in a group. They normally leave in the morning between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., since practitioners are usually home at this time. If the practitioner has a job, they go to his workplace. They search the practitioner for the key to his home and then take him to his home to ransack it.
Court in Jinzhou City Holds Trial of Practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaomin
2008-01-06"My name is Wang Xiaoping, Mr. Wang Xiaomin's wife. I am here today to defend my husband. At around 12 midnight on August 20th, policemen Liu Xu, Ma Hongtao, and Ge Bo from Xiaolingzi Police Station and Taihe Police Sub-department climbed over from my neighbour' fence and burst into our house by forcing open a window. My son woke up from the noise. The three policemen seized my husband without giving an explanation. My son shouted, "Don't take my father away!" However, the policemen even threatened my son with guns. That night many villagers came. They asked, "Do you have an arrest warrant?" Liu Xu replied, "No, we are going to release him after taking down some notes." Both parties refused to budge until early in the morning when forty more policemen came and took my husband away by force."
Falun Gong Practitioners Liu Hongwei and Mu Ping from Jilin City Secretly Put into Prisons
2008-01-04Jilin City police arrested practitioners Liu Hongwei and Mu Ping on October 24th, 2006. They arrested the practitioners without showing any warrants or identification and took the practitioners to the Jilin City Detention Centre on the following day, where the practitioners were interrogated and tortured. Liu Hongwei sustained a serious injury to his lower back and was rendered unable to walk. The practitioners were brought for trial to the Chuanying District People's Court in January or February 2007 after being subjected to inhuman mental torment and physical torture for several months. According to a witness, Liu Hongwei was brought to the court in a wheelchair. He was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment, and Mu Ping was sentenced to seven years.
610 Office Agents Arrest Highly Regarded Computer Teacher in his Classroom in Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province
2008-01-03On March 15th, 2007, 610 Office officials went to the Career Training College of Wanyuan City. They asked the school to cooperate with them to arrest one of their computer teachers, Mr. Xiong Zhengming, a Falun Gong practitioner. Esteemed by both his colleagues and the parents of his students, Mr. Xiong even used his own money to help the less fortunate students in his class. He was arrested while he was teaching a class. Both students and teachers adamantly protested Mr. Xiong's arrest but to no avail. The police then broke into his room and took away some of his belongings, including his computer. He was sentenced to a year and a half of forced labour and taken to the No. 2 Detention Centre of Wanyuan City. On December 3rd, he was transferred. Mr. Xiong's whereabouts are now unknown.
Members of Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province's "610 Office" Arbitrarily and Repeatedly Extend Practitioners' Terms
2008-01-03Ms. Yang Wenjie had been unlawfully sentenced to three years of forced labour for refusing to give up her beliefs. Her term in the forced labour camp ended in February 2005, but officials at the 610 Office took her directly to the brainwashing centre, where she was held for nine months. She was then sentenced to three more years of forced labour. One year later, officials from the labour camp notified her family that they could take her home, but members of the 610 Office took her to the brainwashing centre once again. At the centre, she was abused so brutally for six months that she almost died. Fearful that they would be held responsible for her death, officials from the brainwashing centre allowed her to be taken home in February 2007.
Mr. Xu Yongke Beaten Unconscious and Taken into Custody by Langfang City Police
2008-01-02Mr. Xu Yongke started practising Falun Dafa in 1998 and following the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance to be a good person. This has led to years of persecution from the Chinese Communist regime. On December 9th, 2007, Mr. Xu Keyong was visiting one of his family members in the hospital when over twenty police officers arrived. They came to arrest Mr. Xu on fabricated charges, claiming that Mr. Xu went to Beijing to appeal during the Communist Party's 17th National Congress, which was held in mid-September 2007. The officials hit Mr. Xu in the corridor of the hospital building, knocking him unconscious. Doctors had Mr. Xu hospitalised, and they started an intravenous infusion. However, the police came and forcibly removed Mr. Xu from the hospital.
Mr. Cui Jian, Detained in Fushun City's 2nd Prison, Recounts Brutal Arrest, Unlawful Sentencing and Torture
2008-01-02On June 20th, 2003, my wife (also a practitioner) and I were shopping in a supermarket when the police arrested us. The violent action drew attention from many people nearby. I shouted, "Falun Gong is good! It is not a crime to practise!" We were locked up in a small dark room in the Tiexi Police Branch of Shenyang City. They tortured me for the next 4 days around the clock. The torture included punching me, kicking me, threatening me with a dagger, burning my fingers with a lighter, piercing my finger nails and toe nails with needles, depriving me of sleep for 4 days straight, hanging me up with handcuffs which caused the cuffs to cut into my flesh and my hands became swollen and numb. They mocked me by saying, "We are bandits. We are robbers. So what are you going to do about it?"