Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Five Falun Dafa Practitioners from Heilongjiang Province Arrested and Unjustly Sentenced to Prison for Telling the Facts of Falun Dafa
2005-10-08Five practitioners from Jixi City were sentenced to prison for telling people the truth about Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution. It is known that Ms. Pan Xihua and others have been transferred to the Heilongjiang Women's Prison. Pan Xihua said: " I was sentenced to five years in prison for practising Falun Gong. I witnessed the police from the Mashan District and the Didao District Police Sub-bureaus use torture to extort confessions from people."
Practitioners Ms. Wang Caiqin and Ms. Cao Airong from Gansu Province Unjustly Sentenced to Prison
2005-10-0844-year-old Ms. Wang Caiqin was arrested and detained several times for practising Falun Gong. In October 2004, more than 20 officers climbed the walls and got into a house to arrest practitioners. A police officer grabbed a manure shovel and brutally beat practitioners with it. The entire courtyard was enveloped with dust due to the severe beating. The beating caused a large tear in the back of Ms. Wang Caiqin's jacket. At the police station police kicked at Ms. Wang's face until her face became frighteningly swollen and covered with nicks and cuts, because she refused to betray any fellow practitioner. Her body was also full of injuries and bruises. The court sentenced Ms Wang to four years in prison.
Recent Large Scale Abduction of Dafa Practitioners in Liaoning Province
2005-10-07Between the afternoon of August 23rd 2005 and the morning of August 24th 2005, the Public Security Bureau along with other departments, illegally arrested eleven Falun Gong practitioners. In this arrest operation, policemen brutally assaulted Falun Gong practitioners with punches and kicks, and many policemen forcibly threw practitioners onto their cars without showing any credentials. Moreover, they broke into and ransacked practitioners' housing, confiscating their possessions for themselves, and even took the money that some practitioners carried on themselves and put it in their own pockets. No forms, paper work, or lawful procedures were carried out.
Exposing Evil Deeds of Vicious Policemen from the Qianerdao Township Police Station of Jilin City
2005-09-30Qianerdao Township police arrested practitioners with a pre-planned scheme. They had already gathered information on these practitioners after long-term monitoring of local practitioners who are persistent in practising Falun Gong. The police waited for opportunities to persecute them. When a police officer found that a practitioner's wife had disappeared, he told the other officer, "It does not matter if we lose one since we have already reached our arrest quota."
Married Couple Sentenced to Forced Labour
2005-09-28Mr. Li Xiaodun and Ms. Li Qiuxiang, husband and wife, are villagers from Hebei Province. The local police have been constantly harassing them for years with detention, brainwashing attempts and extortionate fines, simply because they are Falun Gong practitioners. In late August 2005, she was sentenced to two years of forced labour at the Baiding Forced Labour Camp.
Ms. Wang Li Detained for Five and a Half Years
2005-09-22During the past 6 years, practitioner Ms. Wang Li has only been able to live at home for nine months. She is still in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison and is currently locked in a small cell in isolation. Every time the family talks about Wang, they cry a lot. Wang's mother-in-law repeatedly said, "My daughter is very capable and devoted to her parents. Now see how much she is suffering in there!" Wang's mother-in-law not only misses Wang, but also has to take care of her young granddaughter as well as support a broken home that used to be happy and blessed.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Ma Xueqing from Dalian City Arrested for the Seventh Time
2005-09-19On the morning of July 28th 2005, the police followed 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Xueqing and arrested her once again on her way to work. Later, they searched her home. Currently Ms. Ma is being detained at the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. This is the seventh time that Ms. Ma has been arrested and the fourth time her home has been ransacked. Because she has been practising "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" for the past six years, Ma Xueqing has been repeatedly persecuted. The authorities have detained her for a total of 137 days. They searched her office twice and they extorted 7,000 yuan from her.
American Citizen in Hong Kong Hires an Attorney to Rescue Her Mother, Who Has Been Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp in China
2005-09-16The police detained 62-year-old Ms. Yuan Yuju and sentenced her to one year in Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp. As soon as her daughter, US citizen, Ms. Liang Zhen received the news, she expressed her intent to hire a lawyer on her mother's behalf. She will also try everything she can to have her mother and older brother released.
Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005
2005-09-14Li Jun, head of the National Security Division at the Huanan County Police Station in Heilongjiang Province, and his subordinates have been constantly and illegally arresting and sending Falun Gong practitioners to prisons and forced labour camps for several years. Between January and August 2005, eleven Dafa practitioners and their family members were arrested and subjected to extortion.
Tianjin Dafa Practitioner Mr Ma Yongyue Unjustly Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2005-09-13In June 2005 Ma Yongyue was arrested at the local market and given no reason for his arrest. Police took him to a detention centre, where he was physically abused. On July 10th 2005, Ma Yongyue was unjustly sentenced to three years in prison by a local court and his family didn't receive any notification regarding the trial.. Ma Yongyue didn't accept the verdict of the court and filed an appeal to a higher court to request unconditional release.
The Persecution in Nanchang City: Chen Meili Loses Her Eyesight Due to Persecution
2005-09-10Practitioner Ms. Chen Meili is in her sixties. She is the chief physician at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University. The Xihu District Court of Nanchang City sentenced her last year to 8 years in prison because she practises Falun Gong. Those responsible ignored the fact that Ms. Chen suffered from high blood pressure, and put her in the forced labour camp hospital. Now, due to the persecution, she has lost the sight in both of her eyes.
Sixteen-year-old High School Student Sun Yanpei Held by Shandong Province "610 Office" for Over Two Weeks
2005-09-0916-year-old Ms. Sun Yanpei, a student from the No. 1 High School of Zhaoyuan City has been held by the "610 Office" for more than two weeks. She is currently being detained in an isolated building of the Nanling Southern Gold Mine in Taishang Village, Linglong Town. In order to conceal their illegal activities, the authorities have labelled the building as the "Legal Education and Training Centre," but it is actually a brainwashing centre where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted.
Ms Sun Dongxia and Mr Ge Mingyu from Qingdao City Given Heavy Jail Sentences for Exposing the Truth About the Persecution
2005-09-02Ms. Sun Dongxia and Mr. Ge Mingyu, two Falun Dafa practitioners from Qingdao City, were detained by the police for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Recently the Magistrate Courts of the Sibei and Lichang Districts unlawfully sentenced Ms. Sun and Mr. Ge to five and eight years in jail, respectively. The Qingdao Daily and the Bandao Metropolis newspapers widely reported this illegal trial. Ms. Sun Dongxia's daughter is now living with her grandparents. She is not able to pay her school fees and her living expenses for the next term.
Ms. Yang Lijuan Disappears After Being Arrested by Jilin Provincial National Security Police
2005-09-02Ms. Yang Lijuan is 50 years old. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and held in a detention centre, where she experienced horrific torture because she refused to identify herself. She was exposed to the freezing winter temperatures without a coat, and a police officer tortured her, using an electric baton to shock her all over her body. Fortunately, she was able to walk out of the detention centre. At about 7:00 a.m. on August 24th 2005, four Jilin City police officers broke into Ms. Yang Lijuan's home, confiscated her personal belongings, and took her away. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
The Unlawful Arrest and Mistreatment of a 16-year-old Girl
2005-09-01Ms Sun Yanpei,16 years of age, is an outstanding school student and a Falun Gong practitioner. On August 11th 2005, policemen from the 610 Office arrested Sun Yanpei at her school. Sun Yanpei's family has suffered terrible hardships one after another. Mr. Sun, who refused to give up his practise of Falun Gong, has been persecuted for the past six years. He was arrested, detained and tortured. He was also fired from his job. He is still detained at a detention centre since his arrest in 2003. Ms. Sun Yanpei's mother has become homeless, as she cannot return home or she will be arrested. As a result, Sun Yanpei was left at home without parents. She was constantly interrogated and her life as a student was affected dramatically.