Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Mr. Tang Deliang and His Wife Wang Hongmei Sentenced to Six and a Half Years in Prison
2005-04-30Mr. Tang Deliang and Ms. Wang Hongmei are farmers from a village near Chongqing City. The couple has been repeatedly arrested, detained, tortured and sent to forced labour camps because they practise Falun Dafa. In August 2003, Mr. Tang and his wife were arrested at a Falun Gong centre producing leaflets exposing the persecution. They were sentenced to six and a half years in prison. Their 11 year old son is living in poor conditions with his grandparents.
The "610 Office" and Guangzhou City Court Conduct an Unfair Trail of Ms. Xie Kunxiang
2005-04-26In August 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xie Kunxiang was reported to the police because she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. The police arrested her and took her to at detention centre. On January 24, 2005, the Haizhu District Court held Ms. Xie's trial. When the defence lawyer requested to examine the contents of the leaflets that Ms. Xie Kunxiang had handed out, instead of providing the leaflets to the court, the "610 Office" only provided a piece of paper which they said could not be made public. When she said a few words in defence of Falun Dafa the judge got angry and said, "Xie Kunxiang, it looks like if I don't sentence you to 3 years, you are not going to be compliant."
Practitioners Pursued and Arrested as CCP Launches Largest Nationwide Assault on Falun Gong Since July 20th 1999
2005-04-23The CCP has now launched its well-planned persecution of Dafa practitioners throughout the entire country. And their means will be exceedingly brutal. According to different news sources, the secret persecution is being mapped out nationwide. We are investigating the details in the regions that have already begun to act. Inside the police departments in different areas, there are some people who know the truth of Dafa and are sympathetic to Falun Gong. Through the various political movements in Chinese history, they have clearly seen the evil nature of the Communist Party. They hope Dafa practitioners will be careful, and not let the Party's treacherous plots succeed.
A Family Struggles for Justice After Shangzhi City Court Secretly Sentences Ms. Zhang Shuzhi to Prison
2005-04-16Since the Shangzhi City Court tried practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuzhi on February 4, 2005, her family have continued to ask the detention centre for information about her health and whereabouts. But to no avail. Her family have had no choice but to go to the Shangzhi City Court. The staff member Ma Yuyan told them that Zhang Shuzhi was sentenced to four years in prison. The family said, "Why didn't you inform us right away? On what did you base the four-year sentence?" Ma Yuyan said, "We did everything according to our laws. The family then went to the Court Appeals Office. Unexpectedly, Judge Zhang ferociously said, "Four years imprisonment is not severe enough for her. She should be sentenced to death."
Parents Illegally Detained in Forced Labour Camp, 10-Year-Old Son Left Unattended
2005-04-11Recently, Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Luo Yulin and Ms. Meng Qingwen, a married couple from Shandong Province, were detained in forced labour camps for the second time. The first time they were abducted by police, their son was only 6 years old. Last December police again arrested the couple, leaving their now 10 year old son in tears and once again deprived of his family.
Secret Trial for Six Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin Province
2005-04-03On March 16, 2005, the Jilin Province Yanji City Court held a secret court session trying Falun Gong practitioners. During the session, five of the practitioners requested their immediate, unconditional release while defending themselves in an upright way. The judge panicked, and feeling guilty, forced the practitioners to stop reading their defence documents. In the end, the court officials hurriedly ended the session without any verdict.
Ms. Gao Rongrong Is Arrested Again -- Many Practitioners Who Rescued Her Also Arrested
2005-03-30Ms. Gao Rongrong's face was severely disfigured from burns from electric baton shocks while she was held in a labour camp. In October 2004, many Falun Dafa practitioners who were involved in the successful rescue of Ms. Gao Rongrong were taken into custody.
Disabled Elderly Female Practitioner Faces Sham Trial in Shenyang City
2005-03-24On January 31, 2005, the Tiexi District Court of Shenyang City conducted a sham trial of 65 year old Ms. Shi Shengying. She attempted to explain how she had benefited from Falun Dafa and she was being inhumanly persecuted for her belief, when the judge interrupted her, "Do not talk about these things. Just say whether you spread propaganda about Falun Gong in the park." He quickly announced, "That is the end of the hearing. A sentence will be announced on a selected date after a court discussion."
Judge Hou Peng from Court in Shanxi Province Tramples the Law to Frame the Innocent
2005-02-19Hou Peng, Presiding Judge of the Linfen City Court has held numerous trials against Falun Gong practitioners since the persecution against Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999. As a law enforcement official, Hou has framed Falun Dafa practitioners without adhering to the facts or following the laws and regulations. As a result, many Falun Dafa practitioners have been sent to prison and lost their jobs.
Family Seeks Justice When a 74-year-old Practitioner Is Disabled by Torture; Court Refuses to Accept the Case
2005-02-13Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ning Bo, 74, is a resident of a village near Panjin City. In May 2004, while he was clarifying the facts about Falun Gong, police seized him and forced him to walk over 10 miles with them. They fiercely beat him the entire way, and severely injured and eventually disabled him. He was then thrown into jail. Ning Bo proclaimed his innocence and requested that the court investigate the police officers' criminal acts. However the court refused twice to formally hear the case.
Jilin Province Falun Gong Practitioner Yang Xiaohai Put on Trial
2005-02-10On January 19, 2005, the Jiaohe City People's Court put Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Xiaohai on trial. During the trial, the security in the courthouse was extremely tight. The gatekeepers were on duty outside the entrance, and from courtroom eight to the lobby. Outside the courtroom, police officers served as guards. Family members were kept away from the building. Also, Mr. Yang Xiaohai was not allowed to hire a defence lawyer.
Tai'an City Police Inject Three Female Practitioners with Nerve-Damaging Drugs
2005-01-25Tai'an City police abducted Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Song Furong, Ms. Song Qi'ai, and Ms. Qu Beibei. On September 23 2004, the Court sentenced Song Qi'ai to a 9-year term of imprisonment while Song Furong and Qu Beibei were sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment. The practitioners appealed, but the Court maintained the original unlawful verdict. Before the practitioners were sent to the Jinan Women Prison, they were injected with nerve-damaging drugs. After that, their tongues were stiff and numb, and they drooled constantly. They wanted to speak, but were unable to say even one word clearly.
Chongqing City District Court Officials Break into Falun Gong Practitioner Mr Zhang Peijin's House to "Conduct a Trial" and Announce a Severe Sentence
2005-01-14On the morning of December 10, 2004, officials from the Beipei District court and the district police bureau of Chongqing City broke into Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Peijin's house after his family went to work. Without notifying his lawyer, they announced a sentence of eight years in prison, abducted Mr. Zhang from his bed, detained him in a detention centre, and did not allow his family to visit him.
After Recovering from a Fatal Illness, A Handicapped Practitioner is Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Dafa
2005-01-08Ms. Yang Suhong, 23, is physically handicapped, only 2' 6" tall and weighs 50 pounds. Through the practice of Falun Dafa she was cured of an incurable disease. Officials found Falun Dafa books on her and interrogated her. She replied, "Aren't you forcing me to again live a life plagued by illness when you ask me to give up practising Falun Gong? I had enough of that kind of life. Now the illness has disappeared because of the practice." However, she was sent to a forced labour camp in Kunming City.
Ms. Lu Xuesheng Detained for Writing to Shandong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Requesting Her Son's Release
2005-01-02Shandong Province Falun Dafa practitioner Lu Xuesheng from Zouping County Taizi Town, is over 60 years old. She has been illegally arrested, detained and sent to labour camps many times. Her most recent detention resulted from writing the Shandong provincial party committee secretary Zhang Gaoli a letter to explain the truth about Falun Gong and to request the release of her son, Wang Zikang, also a practitioner. Since July the 20th 1999, Lu, her daughter Wang Xin, and her son Wang Zikang have all been arrested, detained and sent to labour camps, but they have never given in to the pressure to renounce Falun Dafa.