Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Neighbours Call for the Release of Elderly Mr. Tang Jianguo from Wuhan City
2005-12-24Mr. Tang Jianguo, an elderly gentleman from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, was arrested by District State Security Agents because he was passing out copies of the book, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Partyto persuade people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). His son was also arrested, and no one knows his whereabouts. Their neighbours have all gone to the local police station to request his release.
Lawyer Mr. Liu Ruping in Jinan City Arrested, His 84-year-old Father Dies in Distress
2005-12-20Mr. Liu Ruping, a 41-year-old lawyer and also a Falun Gong practitioner was arrested and put in a brainwashing centre on October 17th, 2005, because he had posted up a notice from the Falun Dafa Association. His 84-year-old father heard the news that the Changqing District Police Department was going to send Mr. Liu to a forced labour camp if he did not renounce his spiritual beliefs within a week. The old man was so upset and worried that he subsequently died of a sudden stroke on November 15th, 2005.
Twenty-nine Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested While Attending an Experience-Sharing Conference in Shandong Province
2005-12-18The Linyi City brainwashing centre is an evil place that has tortured countless Falun Dafa practitioners. On June 20th, 2002, Ms. Zhou Xiangmei (a practitioner, employee of Nanfang Credit Union) was surrounded at her office by police who were trying to send her to this brainwashing centre. In order to escape, she was climbing down from a fifth floor window with a rope that she made with bed sheets, when she fell and died.
Practitioner Ms Yang Hong Arrested for Viewing the Minghui Website
2005-12-18On November 18th, 2005, the Lianshan District National Security Division police broke into 49-year-old Yang Hong's home and arrested her and her daughter on the grounds that Yang Hong and her daughter used a computer to log on to the Minghui (Chinese Version of website. The police also confiscated their computer that is worth over 5,000 Yuan, as well as their Falun Gong books. Yang Hong's daughter was later released.
Four Practitioners Arrested in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia
2005-12-18Practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong, 29 years old, went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa and was sentenced to one year of forced labour. He persisted in his belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, and his sentence was extended four times for a total of ten months. During the detention, Wang Xiaodong held a hunger strike and was force-fed. His term was extended by three months. During the time he was held at Tumuji Labour Camp, Wang Xiaodong was shocked with electric batons, and his term was extended another three times for seven additional months. He had lost his job by the time he went home and the local authorities constantly harassed him.
Over Thirty Local and National Security Officers Break into a Practitioner's Home for an Illegal Search and Seizure in Hebei Province
2005-12-17At 3:00 p.m. on November 22nd, 2005, over 30 people and ten police vehicles broke into Dafa practitioner Yan Aizhi's home and arrested her again. They searched the whole house and the courtyard, stole money, and took away her mobile phone, Walkman, Falun Dafa books and other personal possessions. Her family's valuables were also taken. At present, Ms. Yan is being imprisoned in the Kongjiazhuang Town Local Police Station.This police station's personnel have been known to use violence against practitioners.
Belated News: Mr. Liu Zhirong From Gansu Province Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Disseminating the Truth
2005-12-08Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher. He was arrested and held in detention several times since 1999, because he went out to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. In July 2002, Liu Zhirong left the detention centre. The police searched for him and lived at his home for several days straight. They intimidated his wife to turn him over to the police, but she refused. The police followed and monitored his family. During the time Liu Zhirong lived away from home, he broadcast videos telling the facts of Falun Dafa in Gansu Province. On October 25th, 2002, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison at the Chengguan Court in Lanzhou City.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Caixia from Gansu Province Lost Her Home and Family due to Persecution
2005-12-04In April 2001, Ms. Wang was arrested and taken to a detention centre, where she was subjected to inhumane torture. She went on a hunger strike to protest. Police held her on the ground, pinched her cheeks, and pried her teeth open with chopsticks or an iron spoon before violently force-feeding her. They continued to hit her until her face was swollen and she nearly chocked to death. The prison doctor even inserted a tube into her stomach and filled it with highly concentrated salt water, which caused her to vomit and suffer greatly. Ms. Wang nearly died several times.
Our Child Needs a Father's Love, We Need a Complete Family - a letter to the Police Chief in Guangzhou
2005-11-26"On November 22nd, 2004 at around 10:30 p.m., police barged into my shop and arrested my husband and mother-in-law, who was reading a Falun Dafa book. I heard no news of my husband and mother-in-law. I was left all alone with a two-month-old baby in the freezing winter. My shop was also forced to close and I had difficulty making ends meet. It was only later, when I received a letter from my husband, that I found out that both he and his mother were being unlawfully held and were sent to forced labour camps. Our family's finances are in bad shape. When the baby is sick, there is no one to help me."
Persecution Escalates in Guangdong Province
2005-11-25On September 12th, a dozen officers from the Meihua Street Police Station in Guangzhou City broke into practitioner Shi Lei's home and took him away, saying they wanted to "summon [Shi Lei] and obtain some information." When Shi Lei's wife asked them to present the arrest warrant, the police only flashed a slip of paper that read, "Using x cult to disrupt implementation of the law." When Shi Lei was taken downstairs people heard Shi Lei shouting, "Help! The police are abducting and beating me!"
Fan Yongcheng and His Wife from Gansu Province Were Persecuted and Are Now Apart (Photo)
2005-11-23Fan Yongcheng and his wife Lei Zhanxiang lived in Jinchang City, Gansu Province, and started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. Since July 20th, 1999, they have been persecuted again and again because they have persisted in practising Falun Gong. In January 2000, the couple went to Beijing to appeal to the authorities on behalf of Dafa. After returning home, they were detained. In the detention centre, Mr. Fan couldn't eat. He vomited whatever he ate. Fifteen days later, when he had lost the ability to walk, he was released and sent home supported by two people. On September 9th Mr. Fan was sentenced to 12 years in prison and Ms. Lei has been homeless for the last five years.
First-hand Accounts of the September 23rd Large-scale Arrests of Practitioners in Daqing City (Photos) Part 2
2005-11-22When Mr. Zheng Hongjun was arrested, he was pushed into the police car barefoot in only his underwear. His sister and brother tried to stop the arrest, but were attacked by the police. His father, in his 60s, was so scared he fell onto a bed, pale faced with terror. Mr. Zheng's 65-year-old mother, who had never had heart problems, developed an irregular heartbeat due to the arrest. Zheng Hongjun's daughter, who has been disabled and bedridden for ten years and cannot speak clearly, was threatened to the point of crying and almost fell onto the floor from her bed. Now Mr. Zheng has been detained at the Longfeng Detention Centre for over 20 days.
Repeated Arrest of Luo Jiabin and His Wife Jiang Yulian from Hunan Province
2005-11-22Recently, Dafa practitioners Luo Jiabin, a former air force pilot, and his wife Jiang Yulian, a nurse, were arrested. Participating in the arrest were agents from the 610 Office and officers from the Hongjiang City Police Department. The police arrested Ms. Jiang Yulian on the street. The child cried loudly and sadly and was later sent back home by some kind hearted people. The grandmother looks after the child now.
First-hand Accounts of the September 23 Large-scale Arrests of Practitioners in Daqing City (Part 1)
2005-11-21Twenty-seven practitioners were arrested and their homes searched. After more than a month, the local media has not said one word about the incident. Arrested practitioners, however, are still detained. Except for a few relatives of practitioners and a few witnesses, most citizens, and even some relatives of the arrested practitioners, do not know of these arrests. Practitioners risk much spreading flyers to expose the illegal persecution, but flyers posted in public places have been quickly damaged by people hired by the government.
Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Ziyang City
2005-11-20In mid-September of 2005, many government branches and police departments worked together and created a new wave of terror through TV, radios and newspapers. The public is encouraged to "report to authorities." Friends and relatives getting together may be called an "illegal gathering." The street committees, work units and village offices are forced to hang up a black sign reading, "Cracking Down on False Religion Office." On the night of September 28th, the whole police force in the city were assembled, and they started large-scale arrests.