Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Duan Shibao in Shaanxi Province
2006-03-09Police arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Duan Shibao on October 25th, 2004. He was savagely tortured. The police searched him and handcuffed him behind his back. They tied his feet with a belt and put him in a vehicle. They drove him to the police station where they immediately beat and tortured him. During the past few years of persecution, Duan Shibao was sent to brainwashing centres and detention centres three times. He was held in a custody centre once, and in a labour camp for two years. This time he was sentenced to eight years in prison.
United Nations Refugee Ms. Zhang Xinyi Illegally Imprisoned in Hunan Provincial Women's Prison
2006-03-08Ms. Zhang Xinyi is a Falun Gong practitioner and United Nations refugee. On April 28th, 2005, she was arrested by the Tianxin District Public Security Sub-Bureau in Changsha City. At the same time, her family home was ransacked and personal property was confiscated. In August, soon after a secret trial and without her family members being informed, Ms. Zhang was sentenced to a three-year term of imprisonment by the Tianxin District Court. The fact that United Nations refugee Ms. Zhang is being persecuted again reveals the Chinese Communist Party's true nature. It blatantly ignores international law and international human rights treaties.
Nie Chunling's Open Letter to Demand the Release of Her Husband
2006-03-08"My family were able to learn Falun Dafa, and ever since, we have walked on a path of cultivation. Our family relationship improved tremendously and we lived happily together. Our business improved, as well. However, once the persecution started our house was broken into countless times. I was arrested 18 times, and my husband was in and out of labour camps. All of our savings was taken away by the Public Security Bureau through illegal fines and various fees. Our restaurant was forced to close down, which resulted in another huge loss."
38 Practitioners Detained After Appeal in Hebei Province
2006-03-07Thirty-eight Falun Dafa practitioners from Dachang County, Langfang City, Hebei Province, were detained after appealing for the release of fellow practitioners. Mr. Li Dejun and Ms. Liu Shuying's two daughters ages 12 and 15 are detained in the Dachang County Detention Centre. To protest this illegal persecution, several practitioners began a hunger strike February 5th, 2006. In the detention centre, practitioners were brutally assaulted to the extent that some nearly had their teeth knocked out. One practitioner was stripped of his winter clothing, tied to a wall, and forced to endure the harsh winter night with all the windows open.
68-Year-Old Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Suying from Huainan City Secretly Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2006-03-04To avoid continued persecution, three years ago 68-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Suying from Huainan City was compelled to escape from home and wander around. Then she was again arrested and secretly sentenced to five years in prison. She is now incarcerated in the Suzhou Women's Prison in Anhui Province.
Panjin City National Security Police Use Perjury to Heavily Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-03-02On September 12th, 2005, Panjin City's Xinglongtai Court held a secret hearing to levy criminal charges against Mr. Xin Minduo and his wife for their belief in Falun Gong. Three days later, on the afternoon of September 15th, the court handed 13 year and 12 year prison terms to Mr. Xin and his wife, respectively. Their family members did not find out about this until September 20th, 2005, from a private source. There is no evidence of their "crime." The evil Communist regime's practice prevailed, as usual: arrest first, then fabricate "evidence."
74-Year-Old Ms. Fan Defang Prosecuted in Chongqing City
2006-03-01Police arrested Ms. Fan Defang, a 74-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Chongqing City, and practitioner Ms. Yuan Suxian on January 28th, 2005. Ms. Yuan Suxian was tortured to death, and Ms. Fan Defang was illegally prosecuted. Ms. Fan Defang and Ms. Yuan had picked up several Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution off the ground and gave them to passers-by. They were arrested. Ms. Fan was bedridden the entire time she remained in the detention centre. Police were worried that Ms. Fan would die in the detention centre, so they told her family to take her home with the caveat that she would be tried later.
Baoding City Party Members Persecute Dafa Practitioners Over TV Interception Incident in Tianjin
2006-02-28Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities in Baoding City, Hebei Province plotted to hold an illegal trial of Dafa practitioners Wei Haiwu, Liu Yongwang, Zhang Rongjie and Zhi Zhanmin at the Baoding City Xinshi District's Court at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, February 17th. These Dafa practitioners were arrested last August on the grounds of the TV interception incident in Tianjin. Amongst these practitioners, Liu Yongwang has been persecuted most brutally and is currently on the brink of death.
Imprisoned for Not Swearing
2006-02-26Mr. Z, a non-practitioner, was thrown into jail because he did not want to swear - isn't that hard to believe? However, this really happened under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutal regime. A Falun Dafa practitioner had given Mr Z some information explaining the facts of Falun Dafa and the police caught him with them. The police questioned him repetitively, "Are you a Falun Gong practitioner or not?" Mr. Z said he was not. The police said, "If you are not a practitioner, swear at Li Hongzhi a hundred times, and we will let you go home. If you refuse to swear, you will be sentenced to one year in a forced labour camp." Mr. Z responded, "I never had problems with him, why should I swear at him?
75-Year-Old Woman Practitioner Facing Unlawful Sentence
2006-02-22A 75 year old Falun Dafa practitioner, Zhu Yuezhen, from Jinan City, Shandong Province was once again arrested, and faces an imminent sentence. Ms. Zhu was arrested on December 1st, 2005, while she was walking along a road, and was held in a detention centre in Jinan City. Previously, the lawless officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened that they would demand her husband to divorce her and that they would withhold her pension, and expel her from the Retirement Centre where she lived. She has been beaten, cursed, and arrested many times.
Practitioners Xin Minduo and His Wife Secretly Sentenced to Thirteen Years in Prison Prior to the Trial
2006-02-10On December 12, 2005 Xin Minduo and his wife Bao Juncen were put on trial before the court for the second time. But after the hearing, the court adjourned with no verdict announced. In fact, twenty days before the court session, the sentence had already been passed secretly. The couple was to be given thirteen years of imprisonment. At the entrance to the court, one police officer was overheard whispering to another, "It's no use trying to defend the accused. The sentence was passed secretly twenty days ago."
Police Officers in Hebei Province Attempt to Extort Money from Falun Gong Practitioners and Confiscate a Practitioner's Car
2006-01-22On July 13th, 2005, Liu Wenming, deputy head of the Houcun Town Police Department, gathered up several other officers. In violation of the Chinese Constitution, they arrested practitioner Mr. Ma Junkai. They took him to the Houcun Town Police Department and sent him to a detention centre. Three days later Liu Wenming attempted to extort money from practitioner Mr. Ma Junkai but didn't succeed. Seven days later, Mr. Ma Junkai was sent to the Handan Forced Labour Camp to be held for three years.
Practitioner in Her Seventies Given Four Year Sentence in Sichuan Province
2006-01-11Since April 2005, 610 Office agents in Rong County have arrested 11 Falun Dafa Practitioners. The 610 office agents also ransacked over 20 homes. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lu Guifang, in her seventies, was sentenced to four years of incarceration. The officers arrested the elderly Ms. Lu Guifang, detained her and tortured her. During the trial, she made a simple statement: "I did not do anything wrong. Our Falun Gong is to improve people; we did not do anything bad." She was given a four-year sentence.
A Review of the Inhuman Persecution in Guangdong Province (Part 1)
2005-12-29Because she is firm in her belief in Falun Gong, police arrested 40-year-old Ms. Han Yuejuan in June 2001. She was held in a detention centre for two years. She was not allowed family visits nor given representation by a lawyer. Han Yuejuan was then sentenced to six years in prison. During the court proceedings, Ms. Han was asked about her understanding of Falun Dafa. Ms. Han said, "Falun Dafa is good," firmly and with a strong voice three times. Therefore, the judge from Guangzhou court extended her prison term another three years above the original three-year sentence.
Husband and Wife, Sentenced to Heavy Prison Terms after Serving More Than One Year in Detention
2005-12-27Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Jiang Xiaoming and his wife Guo Changwei have been incarcerated at the Jiangmen Detention Centre for more than one year, because they told the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda and exposed the persecution. Recently the Pengjiang District Court in Jiangmen City sentenced them to ten and seven years in prison, respectively. Although they appealed to the Jiangmen City Intermediate People's Court, the 610 Office ordered the court to uphold the original verdict.