Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Two Women Practitioners from Yuzhou City, Henan Province, Sentenced
2012-03-02Two Falun Gong practitioners from Yuzhou City, Henan Province, 49-year-old Ms. Li Qiaocun and 59-year-old Ms. Li Meirong, were sentenced to four years and five years of imprisonment, respectively. Both practitioners have appealed. Ms. Li Qiaocun and Ms. Li Meirong were arrested on the morning of July 26th, 2011, as they posted information about Falun Gong and the persecution on utility poles along the roadside in Yuzhou City. Police officers took them to the Yuzhou City Detention Centre.
Ms. Zhang Guifang Sentenced to Prison
2012-03-01Daqing City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guifang, in her 60s, was sentenced to three years in prison at the end of 2011. In February 2011, Ms. Zhang Guifang and Ms. Yang Zhanli were out walking when two cars drove up from behind and blocked their way. Six men jumped out of the cars, grabbed the two elderly women, and dragged them toward the cars and took them to the Ranghulu Police Sub-Bureau, where they claimed that someone had reported them. They searched the women and found Falun Gong DVDs and brochures. Ms. Zhang was taken to the Harbin Women's Prison on January 13th, 2012, and is currently in the prison hospital.
Farmer Ms. Liu Xiuqing Held in a Forced Labour Camp in Dagang, Tianjin
2012-02-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Xiuqing was arrested on January 11th, 2012, by local police as she distributed New Year's pictures bearing messages about Falun Gong in the neighbouring village. She was later sentenced to forced labour and taken to the Banqiao Forced Labour Camp. On the same day Ms. Liu was arrested, police officers ransacked her home without a warrant. They took brochures exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and other personal belongings. They also questioned her husband, demanding to know when she started practising Falun Gong, where the materials came from, and the names of the people she frequently had contact with, in an attempt to fabricate charges against her.
Ms. He Qiuling, 54, from Xian Arrested, Her Mother Kicked While Visiting Her
2012-02-26When Ms. He Qiuling went to a village to explain the facts about Falun Gong, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) staff member reported her to the police, and she was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre in June 2011. Ms. He's elderly mother, who is in her 70s, went to visit her daughter. A group of people surrounded her. The director searched her body, then kicked her to the ground. Ms. He’s mother was very distressed. Ms. He was subsequently sent to the Shaanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Outstanding Teacher Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison
2012-02-24Ms. Wu Jinling is an outstanding teacher from Taigu County No. 2 Middle School. She is also the director of the Mental Health Education Centre and a licensed psychologist. Her outstanding performance in her job won her numerous awards and excellent reviews from students and parents. However, because she practises Falun Gong the vice principle of the school held Ms. Wu until 2 a.m. on June 16th, 2010. She was suspended from teaching. On January 30th, 2011, police raided Ms. Wu's home and arrested her. Ms. Wu was sentenced to ten years and is being held in the Shanxi Woman's Prison.
Former Supervisor of Mongolian Fuhe Central School Arrested and Sentenced
2012-02-19Mr. Song Xuecheng started practising Falun Gong in August, 2005. Subsequently, the multiple diseases he was suffering from were cured, including lumber disc stenosis, which he'd endured for over twenty years. His family and friends witnessed the magnificence of Falun Gong from this experience. However, he was arrested in June, 2010 due to his belief in, and practice of Falun Gong, and was sentenced to three years in prison, which was then changed to a five-year probationary period. He has been monitored continuously, and harassed over the past year.
Ms. Zheng Muzhi from Helong City, Jilin Province, Sentenced to Four and a Half Years in Prison
2012-02-16On January 4th, 2011, police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Muzhi outside of the building where her elder brother lives. Later, she was sentenced by the Helong Court to four and a half years in prison. She is currently incarcerated in Changchun Prison. In 2006, Ms. Zheng was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and taken to the notorious Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp of Jilin Province. While in the labour camp, Ms. Zheng refused to cooperate with the officials, so they tied her to the death bed for eight days.
Disabled Woman Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison, Family Condemns Judge for Abuse of the Law
2012-02-14Ms. Wang Yuluan, a disabled woman and resident was arrested by police on October 15th, 2010, because she insisted on practising Falun Gong. Judge Zhu Huiqing at the Anping County Court sentenced her to seven years in prison in June 2011. Wang's family did not receive any legal documents or written notices from the court, nor any oral notification of requesting a defence attorney. Wang Yuluan's family decided to sue Zhu Huiqing.
Ms. Qi Yaru Arrested for Fifth Time--Her Family has Suffered Long-Term Separation During Past Few Years
2012-02-12More than two dozen police officers broke into Ms. Qi Yaru's home at about 5:00 a.m. on December 31st, 2011. Ms. Qi was not at home at the time. They took away her husband and her son, then ransacked her home, and confiscated many belongings. Later, the police went to Ms. Qi's sister's home and arrested Ms. Qi and her ten-year-old daughter, Miss Wang Shiyuan. On the same day, the police arrested more than 30 other practitioners. This was the fifth time that Ms. Qi had been arrested. During the past 12 years, her family had suffered long-term separation. Her daughter Shiyuan was recently released, however she has suffered a huge emotional blow after experiencing her mother's arrest.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Huairou District, Beijing Arrested and Taken to Forced Labour Camps
2012-02-12On the evening of November 17th, 2011, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wen Yuhong, who is in her 50s and a resident of Huairou District, Beijing, was arrested together with her three-year-old granddaughter by police officers. She was then sentenced to two years imprisonment. Practitioners arrested on the same day were Ms. Jia Cuihuan, Ms. Wang Baohua (46 years old) and Ms. Sun Guiqing (60 years old). They were also sentenced and detained at forced labour camps.
Robbery Victim Arrested
2012-02-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Xiuju's home was robbed at the beginning of August 2011, and 600 yuan in cash and a Walkman were taken. Several police officers suddenly entered Ms. Sun Xiuju’s house on August 13th and asked if her home had been robbed. She told them the truth. Then the officers said, “The thief reported you because your cash had messages with information about Falun Gong on it, and your Walkman had Falun Gong content.” Then the police began searching her home for any materials related to Falun Gong, such as materials leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. The officers took Ms. Sun to Tengzhuang Town Police Station.
Visiting an Sentenced Relative, Three Innocent People Are Detained
2012-02-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Hongying was arrested on September 6th, 2011, and on November 18th she was put on trial in Qingyuan County Court. Chinese Communist Party members were plotting to put her in prison. On November 25th, more than a dozen of Ms. Zheng's relatives, including her distant relatives, Wang Nanfang and Guan Yan, went to Qingyuan County Courthouse to inquire about Ms. Zheng. The result was that Wang Nanfang and Guan Yan have now also been detained. Ms. Zheng Hongying didn't look at all good in court. She was dizzy and had unbearable chest pain caused by the terrible beating she had been given by two officers with the Nankouqian police station.
Xiangtan Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yao Jianping Arrested and Facing Trial
2012-02-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yao Jianping, 54, was arrested from her home and has been detained in Qilipu Detention Centre for over three months. Her health has deteriorated due to the mistreatment she is suffering in the detention centre. Her family have asked to visit her several times but have yet to be allowed to see her. There is a rumour that Ms. Yao will be put on trial, so her family has hired a lawyer to defend her innocence.
Ms. Zheng Muzhi from Helong City, Jilin Province, Sentenced to Four and a Half Years in Prison
2012-02-06On January 4th, 2011, police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Muzhi outside of the building where her elder brother lives. Later, she was sentenced by the Helong Court to four and a half years in prison. She is currently incarcerated in Changchun Prison. Previously, while in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Zheng refused to cooperate with the officials, so they tied her to the "death bed" for eight days.
Yan Yuhua from Nanjing Arrested Again and Her Whereabouts Unknown
2012-02-01Ms. Yan Yuhua was arrested by police and persecuted in detention centres, labour camps, and prisons due to her refusal to give up her belief in Falun Gong. On November 20th, 2011, she was arrested and sent to the Nanjing Women's Prison. This happened less than one month after she returned home. Her current whereabouts are unknown.