Publications, Press Releases
Media Report: Practitioner from Germany Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp for Three Years after being Deported to China
2005-05-18Being suspected of wanting to stay in Germany by using the name of Falun Gong, Wuerzburg Administrative Court refused Mr. Jiang and his family’s application, which was submitted with Falun Gong practitioners’ verification of their identity. The German Falun Dafa Association reminded the German Government of the persecution situation against Falun Gong practitioners in China before the repatriation decision was made known. At present, the association is doing its utmost to rescue Jiang and his family back to Germany.
Swiss and Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Win Appeal: Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Revokes Conviction
2005-05-17On May 5th 2005, the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal made a ruling on the accusation against Swiss and Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners for obstructing and assaulting the police three years ago. The court ruling overturns the conviction made by a lower court. The summary of the verdict said peaceful demonstration is a constitutional right. Since peaceful demonstration and appeals are protected by the law, the arrest becomes illegal.
Article from Czech Newspaper: Falun Gong on the Streets of Karvina
2005-05-12During the activities, passers-by could learn about the torture methods and other Chinese Government atrocities used against Falun Gong practitioners and they could also sign a petition condemning the persecution. “The petition will be presented to the Czech Parliament Petition Committee and a copy will be given to the UN office,” added the organiser, who said that people can also sign the petition on the Falun Gong website.
German Falun Gong Information Centre: Deported to China then Imprisoned in a Slave Labour Camp
2005-05-05On March 7th 2005, a young married Chinese couple and their two infants were deported to their homeland, China. On Saturday, the husband was taken to a slave labour camp. They had applied for asylum, because they practised Falun Gong. Regrettably, the authorities believed it to be an invalid application. They believed that the young couple wanted to stay in Germany.
Ukraine Newspaper Reports on the “Journey of Compassion” Painting Exhibition Tour
2005-05-04Based on the report, from April 15th to 17th 2005, practitioners held the “Journey of Compassion” painting exhibition in the Краматорск city History Museum. Traditional Chinese paintings by the Australia-based artist Zhang Cuiying were put on display. The famous painter was imprisoned in China for six months just because of her belief in Falun Gong.
The Italian Asia News Agency Discloses the CCP's New Wave of Persecution Against Falun Gong
2005-05-03According to a report by the Italian Asia News Agency of the 26th of April, the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) has adopted the largest-scale police action since 1999 to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The CPP has arrested many Falun Gong practitioners in Shandong, Jiangxi, Xichuan provinces and inner Mongolia. According to the report, Amnesty International revealed the situation to the outside world while supporting Falun Gong.
The International Society for Human Rights (IGFM): Deportation from Germany followed by three years in a labour camp
2005-05-01On Saturday April 9th 2005, Mr. Jiang Renzheng, who was deported from Germany on March 7th, was taken to a forced labour camp in Benxi, which is located close to the large urban centre of Shenyang. He had been sentenced to three years of re-education by forced labour because of “endangering public security”. This happened without a trial or legal counsel. The International Society for Human Rights reports that even in today’s People’s Republic of China, people are still being imprisoned in the Laogai labour camp system without the benefit of a proper legal system.
German Newspaper Report: “The Citizens of Bueran Show Their Understanding”
2005-04-30Steinau, who is from Bochum, and Kea, who is from Gelsenkirchen, are practising Falun Gong, an ancient Chinese meditation and cultivation practice. However, although Falun Gong originated in China, the country has lost its internal balance. “Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted”, says Steinau.
The Epoch Times: April 25th - Falun Gong Practitioners Begin to Appeal
2005-04-25The Beijing police had never seen a crowd like this. They remained quiet, orderly and in good humour the whole day. They kept the sidewalks clear so that pedestrians could move along. At the end of the day they cleaned up all litter, including the cigarette butts of the policemen.
EFGIC: Largest Nationwide Arrest Campaign Since July 1999 Taking Place throughout China
2005-04-24LONDON (EFGIC) — The Chinese Communist Party has been carrying out massive secret arrests across the country, spanning several provinces and many cities, according to numerous sources in China. The arrests are targeting anyone believed to have an affiliation with Falun Gong, and witnesses say that some cities are being controlled under martial law conditions. These mass arrests constitute the largest campaign since July 1999 when the Chinese authorities rounded up tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in makeshift detention centres and stadiums. Many were taken from their homes in the middle of the night.
Article from Swiss Newspaper Genève Home Informations: “Beyond suffering …”
2005-04-19The Maison du Grütli is hosting a remarkable exhibition until 22nd April exposing the many forms of abuse that Falun Gong practitioners in China are subjected to by the Chinese authorities. This exhibition is organized by Falun Gong members, who have seized the opportunity of the sixty first session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission now being held in Geneva as a reminder of their struggle against crimes to which they are victim – parents and children alike – in China.
EFGIC: China Genocide Suit on U.S. Supreme Court Steps
2005-04-13“The defendant will go down in history as one of the most unscrupulous men of the twentieth century, a man who tortured and murdered thousands upon thousands of adherents of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice based on the moral and spiritual principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance,” Dr. Marsh says. Apart from the fact that Jiang was never legitimately elected to office, as is required in China by the Constitution, Dr. Marsh argues that such “least wanted” as Jiang Zemin, Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler and the Khmer Rouge are per se not legitimate heads of state due to the magnitude of their crimes against humanity.
Agence Télégraphique Suisse (ATS): Human Rights - Falun Gong Denounces Torture in China
2005-04-12The Falun Gong movement demonstrated last Wednesday in front of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, outside the Commission on Human Rights, forms of torture to which its practitioners are victim in China. “Every day, thousands of people in China undergo torture, because they practise Falun Gong”, said Lee Kye Ja, organizer of the demonstration. In presenting the methods used and displaying photographs of the victims, the association wished to draw attention to the fate of its Chinese adherents.
Ukrainian Media Reports on Zhang Cuiying’s Painting Exhibition: "Falun Gong enables me to continue painting"
2005-04-06A newspaper from Slavyansk city in Ukraine reported on Ms. Zhang Cuiying and her Chinese Painting Exhibition. Ms. Zhang preserved Chinese classical art and hopes to share her work and her love for China with people all over the world. This March, Chinese art master Ms. Zhang Cuiying’s work has indeed brought people in Slavyansk and its nearby cities great enlightenment.
Media Report: MEP Published an Article to Express her Objection to China Weapon Sales
2005-03-27The Epoch Times quoted a report made by the Central News Agency that Ms. Erika Mann, a Member of the European Parliament, published an article in the Wall Street Journal on March 17th, arguing that the European Union should not lift the arms embargo to China. In the article, she stressed that many legislators on both sides of the Atlantic firmly oppose the EU’s intention to lift the embargo.