Publications, Press Releases
Article from a Norwegian Newspaper: Support Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-07-24Falun Gong has five powerful and peaceful exercises that cultivate the body and the soul...The Chinese authorities banned Falun Gong in 1999, because the number of practitioners far outnumbered the number of members of the Communist Party. Since then, several thousand Falun Gong practitioners from China have been persecuted, illegally jailed, tortured or sent to forced labour camps. Several thousand have been killed.
Press Release: Complaint Filed Against Four Chinese Communist Party Leaders of the Gestapo-like 610 Office for Harassment of Belgian Citizens
2005-07-19Two Belgian citizens file a complaint against those responsible within the Chinese Communist regime for harassing them and attacking their way of life. Being Falun Gong practitioners, Nicolas Schols and Yuhong Shi practise meditation exercises and follow truth, compassion and tolerance in their daily lives. For 6 years now (since 20/07/1999) the Chinese Communist regime has relentlessly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners inside China through torture and killing. In addition, it has tried to extend this persecution outside China through defamation, blacklisting, espionage and harassment.
Finnish Newspaper Reports that Harassing Calls Defaming Falun Gong came from China
2005-07-08Violations of basic human rights and the persecution against good people in China violates laws and regulations, which most countries — China included — have ratified to secure the lives of their citizens. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has now extended its tentacles of persecution outside China. The latest example in Finland was the harassing phone calls in the spring, when contact persons for Falun Gong in several areas received disturbing and threatening phone calls repeating the evil propaganda from the CCP. The international community should help the investigations in order to have the culprits behind the act identified.
U.S. Newspaper La Opinión Interviews European Practitioner
2005-07-06Pia-Maria Sandas, a young Finnish lady based in New York and Madrid, has discovered a system of relaxation that improves physical wellbeing and that has, according to her, changed her life. Sandas is sure that Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) is what made her allergies and other physical and emotional problems that bothered her for years disappear. Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, is an ancient discipline that originated in China, and that consists of a series of exercises and relaxations of the body through meditation. According to its adherents, this system that is practised by over 100 million people in the world and is recommended for all ages and cultures.
Swedish Newspaper Östran: Pressing Charges Against the Head of State
2005-07-05Kalmar citizen Ulrik Dahlgren is pressing charges against China’s former head of state, Jiang Zemin, for crimes against the UN convention on torture. Three years ago Ulrik was imprisoned in conjunction with a demonstration in Tiananmen Square against China’s persecution of Falun Gong. For five days he was incarcerated, five days that left deep scars on Ulrik. Around the world there are now several lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, among others. Ulrik’s lawyer Peter Bergquist believes that putting pressure on China can lead to better human rights in the long run. Millions of people are today incarcerated in labour camps after the persecution against Falun Gong began and many thousands have lost their lives.
Slovakia: Persecution Against Falun Gong in Media Spotlight
2005-06-24On 20th June, a press conference was held with Ms. Xiong Wei to inform the public about her two years of suffering in a Chinese forced labour camp. Xiong Wei was imprisoned for handing out leaflets in Beijing exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. The Slovakia press conference was featured on two TV stations and in other media.
Ukrainian Newspaper "Texnopolis" Reported on Activities during the Kiev Falun Gong Conference
2005-06-21A local newspaper called Texnopolis published a feature article related to the events taking place during the conference, including a parade, Falun Gong exercise demonstrations, a concert and a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy. The report mentioned that the persecution of Falun Gong in China has already led to more than 2000 deaths.
German Falun Gong Information Centre: Sued in Karlsruhe for Genocide yet Courted by German Firms
2005-06-18Wang Yunkun is one of the defendants in a complex lawsuit that charges the defendants with committing genocide, crimes against humanity and torture. The lawsuit was filed November 21st 2003 in the Karlsruhe Federal Court and is still under litigation. Wang Yunkun, as the CCP Secretary, holds direct responsibility for the persecution of Falun Gong in Jilin Province, as the CCP province committees are in charge of the coordination and organization of this persecution.
Lawsuit Filed against Former Chinese Head of State Jiang Zemin for Wide-Scale Human Rights Crimes Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-06-16Human rights lawyer Peter Bergquist, representing the Swedish Falun Dafa Association, filed a lawsuit on Monday 13th June against the former Chinese head of state Jiang Zemin and leaders of the so called “6-10 Office”, Li Lanqing, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Ding Guangen and others, charging them with participation in crimes of murder and kidnapping of Falun Gong practitioners. The lawsuit was filed at the Kungsholmsgatan police station in Stockholm.
Agence France Presse: Swedish Falun Gong To Press Charges Against China's Jiang Zemin
2005-06-14Swedish members of the banned Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong said Friday they plan to press criminal charges against China's former president Jiang Zemin and other senior officials for murder, torture and kidnapping. "The persecution of Falun Gong is extensive and has been going on for several years. It is directly inspired by the Communist Party and is led by a special body that was created by Jiang Zemin," the group's Swedish lawyer, Peter Bergquist, said in a statement from Falun Gong.
Radio France Internationale: Chen Yonglin's Defection to Australia is due to his Opposition to China’s Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-06-14Radio France Internationale reported that Mr. Qin Jing, Chairman of the Alliance for Chinese Democracy in Australia, was interviewed by a reporter about the political asylum application made to the Australian Government by Chen Yonglin, First Secretary of the Chinese Consulate-General in Sydney. When interviewed, Mr. Qin Jing said that there were two reasons for Chen Yonglin’s defection. The first one was that he was against China’s high-pressure policy towards dissidents, which was a political matter. The other was that he was against China’s brutal persecution of the Falun Gong group, which has been consistently extended to foreign countries.
Czech Newspapers Report on Falun Gong Activities to Raise Awareness about the Genocide in China
2005-06-05Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance – these are the main principles of an ancient Chinese cultivation way called Falun Gong. There are about 100 million practitioners of this cultivation method worldwide, but in China they are persecuted, jailed and tortured by the Chinese Communist Regime.
Interview with a German Newspaper about Falun Gong Appeals and Cultivation
2005-05-29Because of its popularity in China and the exercises were practised by many people in the parks, the Chinese Ministry of Health surveyed it and found that at that time this practice was the most beneficial qigong practice in China. Gong is actually called cultivation energy. It affects positively the cultivation of one’s body. One also lives by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. The exercises are useless if one does not cultivate one’s heart at the same time.
German Newspaper Report: Deported to China from Wurzburg then Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp for Practising Falun Gong
2005-05-26This article is based on an April 12th report by German newspaper The Main Post. Phone calls from China said that Jiang Renzheng, who was deported to China from Wurzburg, was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. The only reason for his detention is that he participated in Falun Gong activities in Germany, which are forbidden in China.
Article from Islington Gazette (UK): Antique dealer's fears as Chinese 'daughter' jailed
2005-05-25An honest and kind businesswoman who stayed regularly in Islington has been jailed for two years in a Beijing labour camp for practising Falun Gong, a faith that is [banned and persecuted] in China. Friends are campaigning for the release of single mother Feng Yang (also known as Annie), 42, amid fears she may be suffering torture and ill treatment in the Tiantanghe labour camp.