Publications, Press Releases
EFGIC: Tanzania - Judge Gives Green Light to Criminal Trial of Chinese State Councillor
2004-08-05'LONDON [EFGIC] – The historic legal action against Chen Zhili, a Member of the Chinese State Council, has taken a major step forward. The preliminary judgement in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, on August 3 was in favour of the Falun Gong practitioners in Ethiopia, on whose behalf attorneys brought the case. With the judge’s decision, the civil action has been concluded, clearing the way for a criminal trial. The case is now in the process of being moved to the Chief State Prosecutor’s office.'
Fadu in Sweden (7): Positive Media Report in Valberg
2004-08-04On the 11th of June 2004, Sweden’s Hallands County newspaper published reports about Zhizhen Dai and little Fadu on the front and second page, together with two large pictures.Journalist Ms Martinsson reported in her article the intention of this mother and daughter coming to Scandinavia and the persecution they have suffered. The report said four years ago, her husband was persecuted to death for being a Falun Gong practitioner.
VOA: A Canadian Court Orders the Garnishment of a Chinese Diplomat's Assets
2004-08-03The report stated that in the case involving the Chinese Deputy Consul General in Toronto, Pan Xinchun, the Ontario Supreme Court last week issued a garnishee order against Pan Xinchun's personal assets in the amount of $11,000, to pay for damages and legal fees in a defamation case brought against him by Toronto resident Joel Chipkar.
Hungary: Hungarian News Agency Reports on Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to Protest Against the Jiang Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-08-02On the 20th of July 2004, the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) reported on an appeal held by Falun Gong practitioners outside the Chinese Embassy in Budapest. According to MTI Budapest daily summary, a group of Hungarian Falun Dafa practitioners held an appeal outside the Chinese Embassy today, protesting against the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
EFGIC: State Councillor and Former Chinese Education Minister Sued for Torture and Killing of Teachers and Students
2004-08-01'JOHANNESBURG (FDI) – A State Councillor and former Minister of Education who utilized the Chinese education system to indoctrinate teachers and students against Falun Gong – often inciting violence – has been sued for torture and extra judicial killing in a Tanzanian court. The civil suit was filed on July 19th as the former Minister of Education, Ms. Chen Zhili, was visiting several African nations.'
EFGIC: Canadian Court Directs Garnishment of Chinese Vice Consul General’s Bank Account
2004-07-30LONDON [EFGIC]– The Ontario Superior Court directed the Bank of China to seize applicable assets from the Vice Consul General of China, Pan Xinchun’s bank account for refusing to follow a court order to pay damages when he was found liable for defamation last February in an unprecedented case.
International Society for Human Rights Press Release: People’s Republic of China (PRC) Five Years Since the Crackdown and Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-07-27Mrs. Xu Youling is presently held at Beijing’s Daxing Forced Labour Camp. Her son, a student in Germany, announced, “Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners suffer from torture in the PRC and many have died from the most inhuman and cruelest of tortures. Even under the dictatorship, which scorns human rights, my mother had the courage to tell the truth of the Falun Gong persecution to the public. She deserves respect and under no circumstances torture. I will do everything in my power to save my mother’s life.”
July 20th Press Statement from the Belgian Falun Gong Association
2004-07-23"The whole of China is turned into a tool to implement Jiang's personal vicious will and exterminate belief in 'truth-compassion-tolerance', which are the main principles of Falun Gong. Inhumane brainwashing, torture, various ill-treatments, murder, hate propaganda, etc.; all evil deeds throughout history, are used against innocent Falun Gong practitioners, their families and friends. Millions of innocent people are victims."
EFGIC: Turning of the Tide?
2004-07-22'LONDON [EFGIC]– Five years ago today, men and women throughout China were taken from their homes in the middle of the night to face an indoctrination process consisting of scare tactics, brainwashing, and other forms of coercion meant to break their beliefs...Yet, after five years of violent suppression, there is something on the horizon rarely seen amidst such terror: Hope. This hope is ushered in and reaffirmed by three developments.'
EFGIC: Photos Reveal Electric Shock Torture Commonly Used on Falun Gong in China
2004-07-22LONDON [EFGIC]– Photos of 36-year-old Ms. Gao Rongrong, whose face was severely disfigured from seven hours of electric shock torture, were obtained from sources inside China last week. The photos offer a glimpse of the systematic beatings and torture of Falun Gong practitioners in police custody and inside labour camps throughout China.
Press Release: Dun Laoghaire Student Liu Feng Again Applies for an Irish Visa. Chinese Ambassador says he is Free to Return to Ireland.
2004-07-21Last week it was learned from the Irish Embassy in China that Liu Feng and his wife Qiaona Zhang are again in the process of returning to Ireland to continue their studies. Liu Feng is a Dun Laoghaire student who was detained when he returned to China for his Christmas break in 1999 and was not permitted to return to Ireland because he practiced Falun Dafa.
EFGIC: Confirmed Death Count of Falun Gong Practitioners in China Exceeds 1,000
2004-07-18LONDON (EFGIC) – The verified deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China, which began with 18-year-old Ms. Chen Ying on August 16 1999, surpassed the 1000 mark this past week. Based on statistics from Chinese Government sources, however, the actual death toll is at least 5,000, or even much higher.
EFGIC: The Motive Clear, The Means Chilling
2004-07-17LONDON (EFGIC) - Has it really come to this? Could it be that the Jiang protégé sitting aside the Chinese Communist throne as Vice President, Zeng Qinghong, hired gunmen in South Africa to do his bidding? Assassins, that is, to murder peaceful, unarmed demonstrators who might upstage his visit?
Article from the Irish Times: Chinese Man's Case 'Quite Remarkable'
2004-07-14Mr David Norris (Ind) said it was quite remarkable that a man who had been released from confinement in China was unable to gain re-admission to Ireland because of visa problems. He said Mr Feng Liu, who was a Falun Gong practitioner, had previously been a student here. He had subsequently been detained in a labour camp by the Chinese authorities. As a result of pressure, in which the Irish Government had played a part, he had been released. Mr Liu wished to return to Ireland, with his wife, to resume his life and his studies here.
EFGIC: The “Transformation” of Mr. Han
2004-07-09'LONDON (EFGIC) – Sources in China recently related to us the story of Mr. Han, a Falun Gong practitioner whose journey took him from being tortured to becoming the torturer, and finally back again, until he was ultimately killed by the very same system.'