Publications, Press Releases
Report from the French Falun Dafa Information Centre: The President of the Closing Ceremony of China-France Culture Year, Li Changchun, Sued in Paris
2004-07-09On July 2nd, a lawsuit filed against Mr. Li Changchun, accused of being an accessory to torture, was handed to the Inquisitor of the Superior Republic Court of Paris and was accepted. As a committee member of the Central Communist China Political Department, the former Guangdong Province's Committee Secretary Mr. Li Changchun has prepared for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners even before July 20th 1999 and has vigorously helped to sustain the execution of the persecution.
Article from The Times: Falun Gong Practitioner Shot in South Africa
2004-07-09A member of the Falun Gong movement has been shot in a drive-by attack in South Africa. David Liang sustained gunshot wounds to his feet after his car was sprayed with bullets near Johannesburg. He was in the country to protest at talks between the Chinese and South African governments. “After shooting at us they did not rob us and simply sped away,” Mr Liang said from his hospital bed. “We are sure the Chinese Government is involved.”
EFGIC: “Who Shot David Liang?”
2004-07-07LONDON (EFGIC) – Who shot Falun Gong practitioner David Liang last week in South Africa is a question drawing international attention, and one casting light on the notorious records of two Chinese officials who were visiting South Africa at the time. On June 28, nine Falun Gong practitioners from Australia, including David Liang, arrived in South Africa to assist locals in raising awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong, as well as the particular role of two visiting Chinese officials: Vice President Zeng Qinghong and Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai.
EFGIC: Pro-Communist Chinese Association Heads Served with Summons for Assault against Falun Gong
2004-07-06LONDON (EFGIC) – Six defendants, including two pro-Communist organisations, were served with a summons for a civil lawsuit yesterday for their roles in an assault against practitioners of Falun Gong last year in New York City. Mr. Guan Liang, the head of the Unified Federation of Chinese Associations, which has close ties to the Chinese consulate, was arrested last year for his leading role in the group assault. During the assault, which took place June 23, 2003, in Manhattan’s Chinatown, one victim sustained multiple injuries, including a black eye and bloody nose.
EFGIC: Falun Gong Practitioner Shot During Chinese Officials’ Visit to South Africa
2004-06-30'LONDON (EFGIC) – The drive-by shooting of a Falun Gong practitioner in South Africa on Monday marks a new level of violence and recklessness in former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin’s worldwide persecution of Falun Gong. David Liang was driving one of two cars en route from Johannesburg airport to Pretoria around 8:30 Monday evening when a white car with three occupants overtook them and fired at least five shots into the vehicle. Liang was hospitalized with bullet wounds and his car was disabled in the incident.'
Article from UK Newspaper Aberdeen Evening Express: 'Chinese Group Is Supported by Scots'
2004-06-30"Supporters of a spiritual movement outlawed by the Chinese authorities visited Aberdeen yesterday as part of a Scottish tour...Scots supporters are angry that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been invited to take part in the Edinburgh Tattoo this summer. Former president Jiang Zemin, who outlawed Falun Gong, is leader of the PLA and Scots practitioners feel this invitation sends out the wrong message about human rights."
Article from Danish Newspaper Politiken: Chinese Torture at City Hall Square
2004-06-28'The spiritual movement Falun Gong used International Day in Support of Victims of Torture to bring into focus the mistreatment of fellow practitioners in China. The eyes of the world have followed American soldiers’ treatment of Iraqi prisoners with disgust. But torture of people who think differently than the regime is a daily occurrence in China. This was the message that Falun Gong practitioners spread at City Hall Square yesterday on International Day in support of victims of torture.'
EFGIC: Torture Lawsuit Filed Against China’s Minister of Information During U.S. Visit
2004-06-27LONDON (EFGIC) – A Chinese minister was served with legal papers Friday charging him with torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The papers were served upon a guard outside Wang Xudong’s hotel room within hours after the Minister of the Information Industry delivered a speech at an internet technology trade summit in Chicago. “[The] defendant’s acts and omissions were deliberate, wilful, intentional, wanton, malicious and oppressive, and should be punished..."
Radio Free Asia Special Report: Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners from 17 Countries Jointly Publish Open Letter
2004-06-24Falun Gong practitioners of Chinese nationality who currently live in Canada, Japan and other 15 countries recently published an open letter calling on people to pay attention to the issue that their passports have been withheld or not renewed over the past few years. At the same time, travel certificates of more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners from Hong Kong have been either postponed or confiscated.
EFGIC: China’s Soothing Words on Torture: Come Back at Show Time
2004-06-21LONDON (EFGIC) – Three days ago, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture announced that officials in China had postponed his visit, and that inspections of China’s labour camps would not take place as originally agreed upon. After nearly ten years of preparatory talks, the Special Rapporteur is not going to see any labour camps or detention centres because, as the Chinese officials put it, they need more time “to prepare.”
Agence France Presse: Rights Groups Protest As China Calls Off Visit By UN Torture Expert
2004-06-19'Human rights groups accused China of failing in its commitment to abide by its international obligations after a visit by a UN human rights expert dealing with torture was called off. The Chinese government asked for more time to prepare for the two-week trip this month by UN special rapporteur Theo van Boven in view of the different authorities and regions involved, the United Nations said in a statement.'
EFGIC: Four-year-old Girl Travels to 37 Countries Speaking for Human Rights after Father Killed in China
2004-06-16LONDON (EFGIC) – 'Little Fadu is only 4 years old, but already she understands that her father, Chengyong Chen, was a very brave man. Chengyong was routinely harassed, arrested several times, and tortured by Chinese police for adhering to his practice of Falun Gong...For the past three years, Fadu – who was an infant when her father died – has travelled the world with her mother, calling for an end to the five-year campaign of systematic violence and brainwashing against Falun Gong in China.'
VOA: Hu Jintao Visits Warsaw, Bo Xilai Charged with Crimes
2004-06-14'The lawsuit alleges that Bo spent huge amount of taxpayers' money to build new prisons in which to detain and persecute Falun Gong practitioners when Bo was Mayor of Dalian City and Governor of Liaoning Province. Citing Chinese official media reports, the lawsuit said that Bo Xilai invested 1 billion yuan (~120 million US dollars) to upgrade provincial prisons.'
Poland: Freedom of Expression in Poland Challenged by Chinese Embassy Officials (Photos)
2004-06-13As Chinese and Polish leaders were having a summit inside the Polish Presidential palace, some Chinese who were welcoming the Chinese delegation harassed people conducting a peaceful appeal. The Polish newspaper Gazeta Wybocza published an article about this incident in its June 9th edition. The Polish Metropolitan reported that "A supporter of the Chinese government robbed human rights organisations and Falun Gong practitioners of their banners."
EFGIC: 62 Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Killed from Torture, Abuse Reported in April and May 2004
2004-06-11'LONDON (EFGIC) – The policy of China’s former leader to “eradicate Falun Gong” continues to increase the number of deaths by torture in China, as 62 more cases were reported in April and May, 2004. The 41 cases reported in April mark one of the highest tolls reported during the five-year campaign of violence and brainwashing against Falun Gong.'