Publications, Press Releases
"Radio France Internationale": Falun Gong practitioners sued Jiang Zemin in Spain
2003-10-19'On the 15th of October in Madrid, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit against the former Chinese president Jiang Zemin at a Spanish court, accusing him of persecuting Falun Gong.'
Article from Bulgarian Newspaper Dnevnik: Chinese Embassy Forbids an Exhibition at Parliament
2003-10-17'The exhibition of Zhang Cuiying, an Australian artist of Chinese origin, should have opened at the MPs café in Parliament. Invitations were sent out about 10 days ago. However, according to the organiser of the exhibition Ms. Kremena Krumova, it was not opened after personal interference from the Chinese ambassador...One of the initiators of this cultural event is an MP of the National Movement Simeon II, Mrs. Snezhina Chipeva.'
A Letter to the Editor of Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende: Hate Propaganda against Falun Gong in China
2003-10-16'Many westerners have long been wondering why so many Chinese were involved in irrational and fanatic movements, like the Cultural Revolution for instance. The answer may be found in present day China by studying how peoples opinions about Falun Gong have been manipulated by Jiang Zemin´s regime.'
Article from Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet: His Drummer Demonstrates in Copenhagen
2003-10-15'Sterling Campbell is a dedicated practitioner of the Chinese-inspired meditation method called Falun Gong, whose millions of adherents in China are brutally persecuted by the authorities. "The hatred is unfathomable since Falun Gong has nothing to do with politics, money or religion. This persecution can only be explained by the Chinese authoritys need to control everything about each citizen, says Sterling Campbell.'
Press Release from the Belgian Falun Dafa Association
2003-10-13'The Federal Public Procurator does not deny the existence of genocide toward Falun Gong practitioners. This is typical genocide, which has been verified many times by human rights organisations and western governments in recent years. Falun Gong practitioners in Belgium will continue to protest and clarify the facts to people about the treatment of Falun Gong in China and throughout the world.'
A Report on Falun Gong from the Finnish Newspaper Länsi-Suomi
2003-10-13'Falun Gong was banned in China by former president Jiang Zemin in 1999. Practising or spreading information about Falun Gong is forbidden...Numerous governments and human rights organisations from different countries have appealed to the Chinese government to end this persecution. Hundreds of people are known to have been killed. Thousands have been arrested and tortured.'
Report from the Finnish Magazine Vioma: The Main Criminal in the Persecution of Falun Gong is currently Visiting
2003-10-12Luo Gan did not receive a warm welcome. Instead, he experienced a large-scale protest against him by Amnesty International, Falun Gong practitioners and Icelandic citizens. The people knew about Luo Gans role as one of the heads of the 610 Office, an organisation specially set up in June 1999 to systematically persecute Falun Gong under the orders of former President of China, Jiang Zemin.
Article from Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende: Embassy Accused of Persecution
2003-10-11'A Chinese businessman who is also a resident of Denmark has accused the Chinese embassy of destroying his business enterprise because he is a practitioner of Falun Gong...The Danish Peoples Party spokesman on foreign policy, Peter Skaarup, is outraged at the case and is now requesting the Foreign Minister Stig Møller to investigate whether China and their embassy in Denmark have persecuted the Chinese businessman.'
Moldova: The Presidents Friend is accused of Committing Genocide
2003-10-09'AP Flux ran a story about how Luo Gan, the head of the 610 office, did everything possible to implement and supervise cruel and violent terrorist activities against Falun Gong and practitioners in an attempt to eliminate the practice. Good people have been tortured, murdered, and raped during this persecution...Luos crimes include crimes against humanity and genocide, and the victims are Falun Gong practitioners.'
Article from Moldovan Newspaper Flux Daily News during Luo Gan's Visit: Voronin's Friends Hands are Soaked with Blood
2003-10-08On September the 17th, the Centre for Improvement of Health and Morality in St. Petersburg sent a letter to President Vladimir Voronin to draw his attention to something: The man who is currently paying an official visit to the Republic of Moldova has been prosecuted in several countries on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and cruel torture, and this man is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPA Central Committee. He is also the head of the so-called 610 Office, which was specially established to implement the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
The Establishment of the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice" receives Intensive Interest
2003-10-07According to a report by Radio Free Asia, dated October the 3rd, the coalition has received support from European societies ever since its establishment, because its objective is to expose crimes committed by Jiang, bring him to the court of conscience and justice, and have him stand before the law to receive judgement.
Article from "The Epoch Times": Human Rights Watchdog Finds No Improvement in China
2003-10-07'Noting that "Chinese citizens are detained and imprisoned for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, association, and belief," the report criticizes the Chinese government, because it "continues to violate China's constitution and laws and international norms and standards protecting human rights."'
Swedish Journalist: The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs should let the Chinese consular officials pick up their luggage and go back to Beijing immediately!
2003-10-06'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden expressed their discontent to the Chinese consulate this time, which is a first. Is this enough? No, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs ought to let the Chinese consulates realise that they are unpopular. Sweden is a small country indeed and China is a big one. Just because we are small, we should actively boycott interventions from China on the basis of human rights and freedom.'
EFGIC: Brutal Murder of 56-Year-Old Woman Illustrates Regimes Extreme Form of Censorship Regarding Falun Gong
2003-10-03Less than a month after being arrested, Ms. Zhao was dead. Photographs taken by her family on May 10th indicate her death was horrifyingly brutal. Ms. Zhaos face and body were covered with dark purple and blue bruises, there was a large open wound in the back of her head, her clothes were covered in blood and four of her ribs were fractured.
Letter to the Editor of Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende - The Criminal Jiang Zemin
2003-10-02"Jiang Zemins crimes are not just violations against Falun Gong. His persecution of Falun Gong is just a sign just like miners carrying a canary into the mine shaft to warn them about the lack of oxygen. Jiang Zemins crimes are a threat to all Chinese people, because they destroy the moral standards that are the base of a stable society."