Publications, Press Releases
Redherring: Special Report: China - When Fools Rush In
2002-11-14Technology companies are dashing to China in search of salvation and sales. Many will return broken and beaten.
Southern Weekend (China): International Criminal Court to begin Trying Cases on Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity
2002-11-13This court has the right to try cases on genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, among others. However, it only holds the persons charged accountable and only exercises its judiciary power under the circumstances that the court of the country involved cannot try the case independently.
National Review (New York): Open-Web Policy
2002-11-13"Today, the Internet is perhaps the most powerful pro-democracy broadcasting tool. But, just as Communist governments during the Cold War sought to keep uncensored news from their people by jamming Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the government of China today retains strict control over the information Chinese citizens can access on the Internet."
Associated Press: ANALYSIS: False face on China's Communist congress
2002-11-12"At least one foreign reporter has been detained by police. Overseas television broadcasters have had outgoing stories cut by censors. And the world has been denied any real glimpse into the inner workings of the weeklong meeting, expected to produce the next leaders of the world's most populous country."
Red Herring Online Magazine: Up Against the Firewall
2002-11-12"Why are American corporations, which have labored hard to present positive global images, providing censorship and surveillance technologies to what many see as China's Big Brother Internet?"
Politiken (Danish Newspaper): Let Falun Gong dance
2002-11-11"DISGRACEFUL. Nothing else can be said about the decision to exclude the Chinese meditation movement Falun Gongs prized dance performance from the festival Asian Comments that started yesterday in Copenhagen...the crux of the matter is that they have allowed considerations for a oppressive dictatorship to decide, who can perform in Copenhagen."
AP: China partially blacks out CNN, BBC
2002-11-11Authorities blocked CNN file footage of an interview with dissident Fang Jue and a brief mention of Falun Gong, banned by the government in 1999 [...] during a feature about the search among Chinese for spiritual solace amid the country's mad rush for material wealth, said CNN's Beijing bureau chief, Jai FlorCruz.
AP: Hong Kong lawyers call proposed subversion law throwback to 18th century
2002-11-11Many have questioned whether the law could be used against Falun Gong, the meditation [exercise] which is outlawed in mainland China [...], but frequently [appeal] in Hong Kong against Beijing's often deadly crackdown on its followers in the mainland.
FDI: Fourth Family Member Gains Early Release During the Global "Rescue Our Family Members" Campaign
2002-11-10"Overseas pressure is crucial for improving Falun Gong practitioners' situation in China...We hope all governments step forward to help stop this persecution and urge Jiang's regime to release our family members and millions of other innocent Falun Gong practitioners from torture in China. There are so many without family ties overseas who are suffering brutal persecution."
VOA: US Concerned About China's Internet Censorship
2002-11-09"The reason people do this is to prohibit the spread of knowledge and ideas and information, which is one of the greatest weapons against oppression and intolerance." [Carol Guthrie, spokeswoman for Democratic Senator Ron Wyden]
AP: Opponents Say Proposed HK Subversion Law Goes Too Far
2002-11-08Many have questioned whether the law could be used against Falun Gong, the meditation [practice] which is outlawed in mainland China [..] but frequently protests in Hong Kong against Beijing's often deadly crackdown on its followers in the mainland.
Reuters: HK rights group lobbies world against subversion law
2002-11-08"These proposals represent the end of Hong Kong as a free society and the creation of a repressive state where people are punished for their beliefs," Human Rights Monitor director Law Yuk-kai told Reuters. "These proposals are shameful and should be withdrawn."
Reuters: Finance industry starts to fear HK anti-subversion law
2002-11-08"What happens when we issue a recommendation or express a view about a China policy that turns out to be bad for the investing community? Will that be subversive?" said a fund manager of a major Hong Kong bank. If we exercise a judgement or a view and that ends up bringing the markets down in Hong Kong and China, that will bring immense instability both economically and socially. They can take a literal approach and say we have caused instability, they can just lock me away!"
Oracle Corporation Challenged in Shareholder Resolution on Human Rights in China
2002-11-08Is Oracles software being used to identify, jail, torture and execute advocates of democracy in China?
FDI: Jiang Zemins Legacy Claims More Lives - Thirteen Falun Gong Practitioners Reported Dead After Abuse Under Jiangs Regime
2002-11-07to torture Liao without leaving marks, the policemen beat her chest, causing broken ribs and serious internal injuries, injected drugs to poison her, and caused her gums to fester by force-feeding her. Finally, on the night of October 3rd, Liaos body began to suffer from shock and she was sent to the hospital where she died shortly afterwards.