Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
The Persecution of My Family Since 1999
2002-03-31 -
The Persecution of a Family of Practitioners
2002-03-28 -
Thirteen Falun Dafa Practitioners Display Their Righteousness at the Changchun Nanguan District Court Whilst Lawless Policemen Beat Practitioners in the Courtroom
2002-03-24Those "affidavits" had been obtained under torture, and the practitioners were forced to sign them without even knowing what had been written on the paper. Practitioner Yang Guang was tortured by being forced to sit in an electric chair and on top of broken beer bottles. Currently he is unable to walk without another person's help. Wang Juncheng was forced to sit in an electric chair and still has some signs of injury on his body.
Vicious Officials Beat Up Falun Gong Practitioner' Family Members, Arousing Resentment among the Local People
2002-03-22 -
Public Opinion in Changchun Becomes an "Ethics Tribunal" - The People Judge the Truth about the Persecution
2002-03-21People were so touched by the footage that heated debates began all over town, with many people speaking up for Falun Gong and for the Chinese people who had been deceived by the regime' propaganda. Jiang and his gang were thus escorted onto the witness stand of the general public' "ethics tribunal."
Bride and Groom are Sentenced to 18 Months in a Forced Labour Camp for Clarifying the Truth at their Wedding
2002-03-21 -
Officials Who Persecute Falun Gong are Corrupt and Degenerate
2002-03-19 -
Jiansanjiang Operations Office: Three Cases of Persecution
2002-03-19 -
Mistreatment Inside and Outside of the Nanguan Court in Changchun City
2002-03-18 -
Labour Camp Ruins School Girl's Kind Heart
2002-03-16 -
To Keep Their Jobs, Police Knowingly Persecute Good People
2002-03-16 -
Jiang's Regime Broke Up Our Happy and Peaceful Family
2002-03-16 -
Lawless Officials Extort Money from Practitioners
2002-03-15A vicious police officer named Qiu threw him to the ground, slammed an iron chair on his legs, and beat his feet with a heavy plastic tube. After Qiu had beaten Mr. Sun for a while, he still could not get what he wanted from Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun's feet turned black and blue from the beating and were severely swollen. He was detained for two days and was extorted of 5,000 Yuan before he was released.
Chinese Police Exhibit Behaviour of Robbers and Thieves
2002-03-12People are always looking forward to being reunited with family and friends and having a warm, festive holiday. However, before the New Year, Yan Shan Police ransacked the few belongings practitioners owned, forced them to leave their homes and harassed their families. How would practitioners and their families spend the New Year? What do the days after the New Year hold for them?
Tears and Blood in Laodongyue Detention Centre