Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Example of Illegal Detention and Persecution in Sichuan Province
2002-03-11 -
Over 60 Changchun Falun Gong Practitioners Kidnapped
2002-03-11 -
Chaos Ensues as Police Attempt To Kidnap Practitioner
2002-03-10 -
Young People Hired to Beat Practitioners
2002-03-07 -
Fired For Talking About Falun Gong On Trips Outside China
2002-03-07 -
Dafa Practitioners' Family Members Implicated in the Persecution
2002-03-05 -
Police Officer: Jiang said 'a few Falun Gong practitioners doesn't matter.'
2002-03-03 -
Police Kidnap Falun Gong Practitioners in Large Scale Operation for Three Days
2002-03-01 -
Barbaric Acts of Policewomen at Wanyaoshan Detention Centre
2002-02-28A policewoman saw one of the practitioners lying motionless on the ground ,after being beaten, so she kicked her brutally and said, "Get up! Don't play dead. If you don't get up now, I'll use the spiked baton to beat you to death."
Changchun City Police Behave Like Gangsters, Persecute People Nearly to Death, and Steal their Personal Property
2002-02-27 -
Kidnapping and Persecution
2002-02-24 -
Lawless Policemen Ransack Practitioner's Home and Kidnap Elderly Practitioner
2002-02-23I can't go against my conscience and say that Falun Dafa is bad, not to mention even slandering Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa is good. It not only cured my illnesses, but also taught me the fundamental principles to be a good person.
Public Security Bureau Uses Display Boards Defaming Falun Gong in Order to Arrest Practitioners
2002-02-23 -
Ridiculous Events: The Impact of Persecution on Non-Practitioners
2002-02-21 -
"Reward Notices" Reveal Lawlessness of Persecution
2002-02-21"...anyone who reported or captured Falun Dafa practitioners who posted or had truth-clarifying materials, would be rewarded anywhere from 200 to 1,000 yuan [500 yuan is the average monthly salary for a Chinese worker]. He or she just had to dial the hotline number "610."