Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
To Cover Up the Rape and Persecution of Ms. Wei Xingyan, Chongqing City's "610 Office" Illegally Abducts 40 More Dafa Practitioners
2003-07-04Those who persecuted Ms. Wei were terribly fearful of their crimes being discovered and tried hard to cover up the facts. Meanwhile, the guilty parties became even more evil and escalated their persecution of other practitioners and truth-clarifying materials sites. Recently more and more practitioners have been abducted.
Inner Mongolia Police Wantonly Ransack Falun Dafa Practitioners Homes Forcing Them to Become Homeless
2003-07-02Policemen Song Xiaoyun and Gao, along with the Neighbourhood Committee Director, broke into the home of Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Hanxiang (inside the Zhongfa Cereal and Oil Store) on the afternoon of June 12, 2003, without a search warrant. They searched her body and ransacked her home. Two other practitioners managed to escape. Practitioner Lü Hengyou and his child were arrested while shopping at the store, and have not been heard from since.
Bogus Confessions Extorted Through Torture and Imprisonment by Police
2003-06-24He was tortured until he lost consciousness and his life was in danger. Han confessed under this horrific persecution and at the edge of unconsciousness. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He is currently jailed at Dengta Prison. In addition, when Han was arrested in Beijing, he had 1,700 Yuan cash and a mobile phone on him which were taken by the police. The car Han had purchased with a fellow practitioner Han Kai, with an estimated value of 70,000 Yuan, was unjustly confiscated by Sun Lizhong (Head of Political Security Office) and Yang Dongsheng (clerk).
Xiangcheng City Police Use A Tragic Murder to Slander Falun Gong
2003-06-24After looking at the scene a police officer asked: "Did your eldest son practise Falun Gong?" Liu Zhixin replied: "My eldest son has never practised any Qigong". The police said: "Just claim that he did practise, otherwise we won't take care of your family's case". Liu Zhixin said: "Regardless of whether you take care of it or not, I just cannot tell lies to mislead people". But in order to deceive people and slander Falun Gong, police still spread the lie that "Liu Zhixin's eldest son became psychotic and killed people because of practising Falun Gong".
In Memory of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yin Ling
2003-06-23Whenever I heard the guards turn on a loudspeaker to the unbearable maximum volume, I knew they were persecuting her by force-feeding. For quite a long time it had been impossible to put a tube to force-feed her because of the injuries in her nose, oesophagus and stomach, so the thugs cuffed her on a bed and let some people pull her hair and pinch her nose and cheek so that they could pour highly salted rice soup into her mouth. Every time they "fed" her that way for more than an hour.
Whilst Visiting Parents in China On Leave from Irish University, Dafa Practitioner Wrongfully Abducted and Incarcerated in Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-20Mr. Liu had a very good attitude and appeared to be mature beyond his young age. Acting as an elder person would, he cared for practitioners newly detained there and other detainees. Mr. Liu was righteous, noble and open; he explained the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution to non-practitioners in the jail. He validated Falun Dafa through his own behaviour and the impression he made on others. Mr. Liu was respected and much-loved by his fellow inmates.
Jinan Police Use Deceitful Excuse of SARS to Illegally Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-06-20Police in Jinan City were making use of the people's fear of SARS to find Zhang Mengcheng. This treacherous means of arousing panic in the populace in order to achieve its own purpose is no different from what Jiang did. If some SARS patients really did escape from the hospital, I am sure that the public would not have been told. This is because what Jiang and his regime are interested in is not people's safety, but their own power and position.
Enormous Expenditure on Video Cameras by Tonghua City Police To Monitor Innocent Dafa Practitioners
2003-06-14At the beginning of 2002, the Tonghua City Police Department purchased a batch of sophisticated video cameras. Later they bought steel boxes to protect the cameras and 15 police vans. They also hired over 30 unemployed ex-prisoners who had just been released from jail, and asked them to help the police monitor Dafa practitioners and the truth-clarifying material printing sites.
Zhengzhou Police Kidnap Practitioner Couple
2003-06-09There is news of a document issued by the Central Henan Provincial Party Committee to the City and other regions that is laying out plans for another round of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. Zhengzhou City Council has forwarded this document to other departments together with its own memorandum.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Abducted and Held Illegally at Detention Centre in Dalian City
2003-06-07Several policemen went to her home and banged on her door on the evening of May 11, 2002. Zhang refused to open the door. The policemen continued to pound on the door and kept shouting, so her daughter had no choice but to open the door. The whole group of policemen rushed in and searched her home.Though they found nothing, they forced Zhang into the police car and fooled her family by telling them that they would just ask her a few questions at the police station and send her back after a while.
Family Broken Up and Impoverished Due to Unlawful Persecution
2003-06-06Beginning in October 2001, I went to the district police department, the "610 Office," prosecutor and national security team to ask for my husband's release. Why didn't they release him? What crime had he committed? They blamed each other and gave me the run-around, taking over one month of negotiating back and forth. After several twists and turns the problem had not been resolved. On November 19, my father-in-law and I went to enquire about my husband's status at the National Security Team. The police even detained my father-in-law and me for one day just because of our enquiries.
Female Practitioner Teacher Abducted by Police in Shandong Province
2003-06-05The police from the "610 Office" tried to brainwash her, forcing her to watch videos that slander Falun Gong and to listen to the nonsense of practitioners who have been brainwashed by the continual propaganda. The officials from the "610 Office" said, "Except transformation, you have no other ways but death," "You will never be able to go home if you refuse transformation," and "If this place cannot transform you, you will be sent to the labour camp. If the labour camp cannot transform you, you will be sent to prison."
Jixi City Dafa Practitioners Illegally Arrested and Brutally Tortured
2003-06-03On April 28th, Meng Xiangli started a hunger strike to protest the inhuman treatment. On April 30th, Zhao Chunying started a hunger strike. On May 1st, all of the practitioners started a hunger strike. The detention centre started to brutally force-feeding the practitioners. In the middle of May, practitioner Zhao Chunying died from the torture. The details are to be investigated. Later Meng Xiangli was sent to the hospital for emergency care.
Handan City Court Breaks Up a Happy Family
2003-06-02Simply because I practise Falun Gong, I was illegally detained and abused by the police. My job was taken away and my family members and friends were all affected. I had to leave home and lead a vagrant life to avoid further persecution. In the past year, the police frequently broke into my home and harassed my family, and they also harassed my husband in his workplace many times. As a result, my husband's job and salary have been suspended for a long time.
Dr. Lin Yanqing, Sentenced to 3 Years of Forced Labour by Police in Fujian Province
2003-06-02Falun Dafa practitioner Dr. Lin Yanqing, PhD, worked at the Harbin Industrial Institute. He was illegally detained in 2000 and was tortured so much that both of his hands have been crippled. He was also dismissed from his job. Lin has also been put on a Wanted List and police have also openly declared that they "want to implicate all of [his]relatives!"